Lilith was created from the dust and the earth at the same time as Adam, according to Jewish folklore. Because of this she rightfully believed herself Adam's equal and thought that they should lie side by side while making love. Adam would have none of it and forced her to the ground. Lilith flew from the garden in a rage. God sent three angels, Semangelaf, Sanvi, and Sansavi to fetch her and return her to Eden. The angels found her by the Red Sea, consorting with the demons there. When asked to return home, Lilith refused. The angels threatened to kill her but she only laughed in their faces, saying that they could not destroy her because God had put her in charge of boys up until the 8th (circumsision) day and girls the 20th day. Defeated the three angels left and Lilith was free to copulate with the demons of the Red Sea. God, taking pity on Adam, created him a new wife, fashioned from his rib, Eve. Because she was from Adam, she would be his underling and subservient. Lilith, outraged by her sudden replacemnt, entered Eden in the guise of a serpent and it was she who tempted Eve into eating the Forbidden Fruit. Lilith is often identified with Queen of Sheba, and indeed they could be one and the same. But long before the bible, in Sumerian texts, there is talk of Lillu demons:

In the midst of the huluppu tree, the vampire, Lilith, built her house...Gilgamesh slew the snake at the base of the tree and Lilith tore down her house in the middle of the tree and fled to her desolate haunts (Gilgamesh and the Huluppu Trees, Sumer c.2500 B.C.)

There are several like demons in "The Necronomicon". Lilith is said to murder children because God kills 100 of her demon children each day. Amulets bearing the images of Semengelef, Sanvi, and Sansavi were kept near women who were expecting. Sometimes the words Adam and Eve Out Lilith were written above a newborn's crib to keep Lilith away. The term "lullaby" is a corruption of the incantation "Lilla-bi Lilith be gone!". Placing a finger to the lips of a child to make them hush was also said to ward her off. Even a Chinese legend speaks of an owl who looms over sick/dying children and mothers of stillborns. She is often identified as a screech owl, and there is a possible reference to her in the bible.

Isahiah 34:14-The wild creatures of the desert shall meet with the jackals , the goat demon shall call to his fellow, the lilith shall also repose there and find for herself a place of rest.

In the book "The Golden Ass Of Apuleius" there is mention of a woman who changes herself into an owl. One myth states that she is a vampire and can travel through mirrors.

Lilith has many demon children, the most notable, however would be The Lilim, The Succubi and The Incubi. Only one daughter is ever mentioned by name, Nahameh, who is now supposedly running a nightclub in New Jersey.

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