Give yourself 5 points for each question you answer "yes" to.
Please note that this is not to offend or insult Giger or his
fans. It's for fun. Besides, I got a score of 220 myself :-)

Section One: ALIEN (15 questions):

#1. Have you seen "Alien"?
#2. Solely because Giger did the designs?
#3. Seen "Alien" more than five times?
#4. Solely because Giger did the designs?
#5. Own a copy of "Alien"?
#6. Seen "Aliens", "Alien3" and "Alien Resurrection"?
#7. Solely because Giger did the designs?
#8. Seen "Alien", "Alien3" or "Alien Resurrection" more than five times?
#9. Each?
#10. Own all 4 "Alien" movies?
#11. Despite the "Alien Insurrection" scandal?
#12. Know what the "Insurrection" scandal is?
#13. And written to Fox about it?
#14. Read the "Alien" comics?
#15. Despite the fact that Giger didn't do the artwork?

Section Two: B-MOVIES (10 questions)

#16. Have you seen "Future Kill"?
#17. Simply because Giger did the artwork on the box?
#18. Seen "Poltergeist II"?
#19. And like it?
#20. Simply because Giger did the designs?
#21. Seen "Species"?
#22. Seen "Species II"?
#23. Own "Species"?
#24. And "Species II"?
#25. Simply because Giger did the designs?

Section Three: TATTOOS (5 questions)

#26. Do you have a tattoo derived from a Giger painting?
#27. That pretty much takes up your whole back?
#28. Have a tattoo of Giger himself?
#29. That pretty much takes up your whole back?
#30. Skim tattoo magazines looking for designs derived from Giger paintings?

Section Four: BOOKS (5 questions)

#31. Do you own any Giger art books?
#32. Including the "Necronomicon"?
#33. Bought a copy of the real "Necronomicon" to better understand Giger's?
#34. Own all of Giger's books?
#35. Including the Limited Editions?

Section Five: ART (10 questions)

#36. Do you own a Giger lithograph?
#37. That you proudly display in the Family Room?
#38. And received compliments on it?
#39. Own a Giger original?
#40. And went without food/clothing/etc for weeks in order to afford it?
#41. Own Giger Furniture?
#42. And use it?
#43. Got a job specifically to be able to afford Giger paintings?
#44. Even though your true calling is art?
#45. And got fired because of a Giger related incident? (I did)

Section Six: THE COMPUTER (20 questions)

#46. Ever been to
#47. Been to
#48. On a regular basis?
#49. On a daily basis?
#50. As a starting page?
#51. Made an Giger shrine on the web?
#52. Despite his contempt for doing so?
#53. Have a Giger screen saver?
#54. Have a Giger background?
#55. A really obscene one?
#56. Printed out copies of his paintings because you couldn't afford the real thing?
#57. Have an internet nickname pertaining to Giger or one of his works?
#58. Claimed you were Giger on the web?
#59. And got someone to believe you?
#60. Played "Darkseed"?
#61. And "Darkseed II"?
#62. Simply because Giger did the designs?
#63. And felt bad about destroying his creatures while playing it?
#64. Built a shrine on the web to "Darkseed"?
#65. Simply because Giger did the designs?

Section Seven: SEX, DRUGS AND GIGER (10 questions)

#66. Have you ever been turned on by a Giger painting?
#67. Masturbated to a Giger painting?
#68. To orgasm?
#69. Masturbated while thinking about Giger?
#70. Attempted an "Erotomechanic" position with someone?
#71. Studied a Giger painting while under the influence of alcohol?
#72. Dope?
#73. Acid?
#74. Ecstasy?
#75. And felt that you understood the meaning of the painting?

Section Eight: MISCELLANEOUS (25 questions)

#76. Have you ever been to the Giger museum?
#77. More than twice?
#78. Practically live there?
#79. Been to the Giger bar in Tokyo?
#80. More than twice?
#81. Vacationed there?
#82. Visited Chur Switzerland?
#83. Solely for the reason that he was born there?
#84. Declared February 5th a national holiday?
#85. And refused to go to work/school?
#86. And either got fired or missed an exam because of it?
#87. Learned German?
#88. Solely for the reason of translating "The Mystery of San Gottardo"?
#89. Own a "Swatch"? (I was born 1982, year of the Swatch!)
#90. Own several "Swatches"?
#91. Exactly the same model as Giger's?
#92. And never take it off?
#93. Despite the fact that the battery has corroded and is eating away at your wrist?
#94. Are a member The Official Giger Fan Club?
#95. Since it first began?
#96. Are the president of it?
#97. Gotten angry at someone who misspelled/mispronounced Giger's name?
#98. Threatened someone who misspelled/mispronounced Giger's name?
#99. Killed someone who misspelled/mispronounced Giger's name?
#100. And used that as your defense in court?

Section Nine: OBSESSION (10 questions)

#101. Have you moved to Switzerland to be closer to Giger?
#102. Changed your name to Hans Ruedi?
#103. Legally?
#104. Named your pet after Giger or one of his works?
#105. Named your first born Hans Ruedi?
#106. Even though it was a girl?
#107. Written a fan letter to Giger? (Not in the guestbook)
#108. And received a reply?
#109. Met Giger?
#110. And considered it the highlight of your life?


540-555 points:
Get professional help! Stalkers, psychopaths and schizophrenics tend to fall in this category

500-545 points:
A true Gigerholic! Even a 12-step program couldn't help you! Even flakier Artists, Poets, and Goths tend to fall into this category

400-495 points:
You're a true Giger fan! Professional artists and Art Critics tend to fall into this category

100-395 points:
You really hate society don't you? You're a Giger fan. Aspiring artists, Poets and Goths tend to fall into this category.

50-100 points:
Ho-hum, so you've heard of Giger have you? That's a start...Net nerds in search of fantasy art and cool computer games like "Darkseed"and people addicted to sci-fi/horror flicks tend to fall into this category

under 50 points:
You have no taste in art! Begone from my sight!

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