Astrological Consultancy Services


The following services are available. To know about an individual Birth Chart casting and prediction of future events. Before Marriage/Partner for a prospective Business Matching of Charts to know the Computability with that Partner, may be spouse for happy marital life, for business to yield better profits. Muhurthams are the auspicious timings for starting of any important events such as entering first time into new owned flat, new car driving, marriage, joining a new job, etc. where you want better results without any mental tension.

Lastly Vasthu, it is an Indian relative term aims at right type of architect for residential house or office building where to sit, where to dine, sleep etc. as per the directions of North, West, South & East. For fixing the correct direction of facing, high and slope of the building direction of doors, etc. the building scanned plan is required to advice alterations.




Details required are Name, Date of Birth, Time of Birth, Place of Birth, (give Latitude and Longitude, Standard Time Zone include daylight saving, if any)


Give the details as above but you have to give both Bride & Bridegroom, to see whether they can sustain a long and happy married life and good progeny.


Give the details as mentioned first above and the purpose for which you need, here the details of the owner who inaugurates the new house or the person who joins new job, if it is a Marriage then you give as per the second item both bride and bridegroom, in order to arrive at two/three alternative timings which can be adhered as per the convenience.

Scanned drawing plan of the construction including directions of the Road, doors windows, slope, etc. for offering adjustments to the Plan.





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