Noir - Volume 5 - Terminal Velocity - Terminal Velocity (2001)
Front Cover Actor Back Cover
Movie Details
Genre Animation
Director Koichi Mashimo
Studio A. D. Vision
Language English
Audience Rating NR
Running Time 75 mins
Country USA
Color Color
A Rage Of Angels

As the secrets of Mireille's past are unearthed from their graves in Corsika, Kirika's own grim history slowly begins to reveal itself. The revelations bring no conclusions or happiness however, only murder and death. As Chloe and Altena wait in the shadows, the malevolent intent of the Soldats finally becomes clear. The darkness begins to consume the light as the four horsewomen of the Apocalypse prepare for battle. The lines in the sand have been drawn in the fifth electrifying volume of Noir!
Personal Details
Seen It Yes
Index 42
In Collection Yes
Product Details
Format DVD-R
Region Region 1
Screen Ratio Widescreen 1.85:1 Color (Anamorphic)
Layers Single side, Single layer
UPC 702727027529
Release Date 8/5/2003
Subtitles English
Packaging Keep Case
Audio Tracks ENGLISH: Dolby Digital 5.1 [CC]
JAPANESE: Dolby Digital 5.1
Nr of Disks/Tapes 1
Extra Features
Animated Color