From this page you will be able to view all the history of our family. Just remember that this is still a work in progress and as we get more information we will get on here as soon as possible. To access the information just click on one of the "T" next to the description. |
The Story So Far. Click on the "T" to find out information on our ancestors, Thomas Tozer and Anne Thomas. |
Genealogy Links. Click on the "T" to view a list of other Geneaolgy sites that we have gotten information from or have found useful in our search. |
List of Surnames. STILL IN THE PLANNING PHASE. This page will have a list of all the surnames associated with our family and the name Tozer. So watch this space. |
The Family Tree. UPDATED. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. This little project has begun and it is going to take a while, so please be patient. Eventually everyone will be on here from John Tozer and Elizabeth Babb (or earlier generations when we find them) to the newest member of the family, who was born just a few weeks ago. |
If you have any questions, suggestions or information to add please email us. Click on the "e" below to send us an email.
We are also looking for old photos of Thomas and Ann's sons. We have a photo on here of John Thomas Tozer and Hannah (Anna) Scanes. If you have any photos of Thomas, George, Joseph, William or Albert please let us know.
Also, any of you would like to do a biography on one of the above sons then send to us in an email and we'll put it on here. |
mtyto@yahoo.com |