
Our page has not been updated in more than a month. I know any of you would like to know what's going on and I don't want to lose any readers. Well for starters, X-Men and BatWing are ready to go, but the other title isn't, and I am going to wait until next week to see if the title can make this month's release. If not then the other titles will continue without it until the writer decides to give it his free time. I, on the other hand, have enough free time to do it, and I don't blame him...he's got a job! So to recap as of today, there will be two titles coming out in August...X-Men and BatWing...both #1 issues. I was informed yesterday by the writer that he should be able to make this month's deadline. Thanks for continuing to read our stuff! Please visit the Update Date, linked above. I'm still looking for other writers.

October 6, 1999
Sorry for not releasing those titles last month. I will have them out soon. And since I didn't for last month, providing they are finished in time, I will release the next issue near the end of this month. And can you believe this is all getting done by one person? Starting November I will have release dates for the issues I write. Have a question? Suffestion? Link for your Fan Fic? E-Mail me at darkhawklinger@msn.com Thanks for your support....I'm sure eventually this page will take off and be up there with the Ghostworks, and others.

October 25th, 1999
The Long Wait is Over! Shatter #5 is upon us. What happens to Shatter in the aftermath of Onslaught? Go check it now! X-Men #1 will be released next followed by the Return to the Savage Land in BatWing #1! We're finally back up & running! Wahoo!

We tripped!!!! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! And now a comment from Slammer... Owww! Owww! Owww! Owww! I fell down the steps! Owww! Owww! Owww! Wham! OWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Ok, the date we're not lying is like November 26, 1999...we're serious, we will have something soon!!!

Wait! Wait, seriously now...DON'T GO! Uhm like life threw us major interruptions...and Slammer's talking out loud while I type this and I can't type what I'm thinking, so I am typing whatever comes into my head. UHm what is Britney Spear's address? Why the hell hasn't Kane won the World Title?? OH sorry, wrong rants... Let me get a drink.....damn generic cola and half assed pizza. You don't even want to ask....and now Slammer keeps correcting me every mistake I make. No, I'm not editing this!!! OK, he left, now I can type. OK, we do have much of next stories done, but have not been typed yet. Such as? Well Shatter #6, X-Men #1 and 2 are finished!!! Hooray! But a problem? Yes, it seems I haven't done a thing for Batwing lately...remind me next time I plan a Twisted meeting to bring some Sprite...anyways...I just pulled a skids. Skids is something we came up with to call a break in action. Also, there is a character called Skids...her name is Sally Blevins. The reason why we call it "Skids" is because one time we took MAJOR time trying to think up her name, so when we finally figured it out, we thought we'd call it that to remind us not to pull something that stupid again. Skids usually starts with Slammer playing with his pen....uhm if that "offends" anyone just remember you're the one with the sick mind. OK, BACK to Batwing.....is THERE ANYBODY out there reading this? If so, do you even read Batwing? OK, anyway I plan to start writing it soon. As for the website releases for Shatter and X-Men, look for them soon. I'll be telling Brett to stop whatever he is doing once I am done typing. Uhm....some sound with a pen in his mouth...ok think football football football no wait this is a comic book page. Uhm soon we will reward you with something. And hey if you ever see Slammer online, ask him to take the pen out of his mouth!!!
- Darkhawk
August 23, 2000 like 3:36 am.

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