Thank you for visiting Rico's webpage!

No, seriously, thanks. It's not like I'm a published author, and I don't claim to be the next Shakespeare, Dickens, or Asimov. I do, however, claim to be a hell of a bloody lot better than some of the hacks out there. Anyway, most of my work is science fiction, but you can check the notes for each piece first to make sure. Oh yeah, the notes!

Each piece is accompanied by notes from me, the author. These are comments on genre, content, circumstances of creation, and, now and then, apologies for quality. I'd also better come our right now and say that I can't find a way to indent a single line in html. If anyone is finding these seriously hard to read, e-mail me, and I'll send you a copy in Word format or something. The address for such requests, as well as any comments, suggestions, etc. is , or you can sign my Guestbook. Enjoy!

Each work is copyrighted to me, the author, so don't even bother trying to reprint any of it withour permission, or I'll sue your ass. Have a nice day.

Please click on one of the links below.


Myopia (notes)
But Is It Art? (notes)
Dreams Fulfilled (notes)
Scientific Method (notes)
Faux Pas (notes)
Jump (notes)


Untitled (notes)
What If TV Chefs Went Mad? (notes)

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