A few things that I enjoy...
(in no particular order)
last updated 03/20/05

~ Laughing and smiling

~ My renewed interest in playing piano (even if my piano is in storage!)

~ Belting out the tunes with the radio in my car

~ Caring about & taking care of other people

~ N.C. State!

~ Cooking and eating good food

~ When people do cute things for me

~ Being overwhelming happy...as I sometimes find myself

~ Hugs!

~ Hiking in the Wasatch Mountains...although I haven't re-adjusted to the altitude yet!

~ Being warm in the sun

~ Meeting new people

~ Dancing--any kind

~ Music that fits my mood...the soundtrack of my life

~ Knowing I am loved and appreciated

~ My uncle Ashley

~ When I have time to spend with my friends

~ When people come to me for advice

~ SHOPPING, having fun with my wardrobe, and unserstanding the importance of having plenty of purses, jackets, and shoes.

~ Planning parties and an occasional night on the town

~ Orange juice, raspberry lemonade, strawberry daiquiris & Stephen's hot chocolate (in any flavor but white chocolate)

~ Brownies, pies, cookies, chips, cheesecake...Mmmm

~ The little extra weight that came with the brownies, pies, cookies, chips, cheesecake...

~ Children...especially my three beautiful, crazy neices

~ Optimism. Life is how you see it, and it's absolutely beautiful.

~ Acting crazy, having fun, doing things on a whim...I don't do that nearly enough

~ Coloring--or otherwise changing--my hair

~ When people say cheesey things to make me smile :-)

~ Ice cream--almost every flavor (but not mocha or burnt almond fudge Yuck!)

~ Lindt chocolate truffles (milk choclate, please) & chocolate covered strawberries

~ Those days when everything goes "perfectly," and then a butterfly flies by, and I just smile.

~ driving under a street light as it goes out

~ Being the center of attention

~ When I'm nervous about something new I've tried, and then someone compliments me on it.

~ My news internship (I miss it!)

~ Being a creative and independent woman

~ Driving through puddles

~ Walking/dancing in the rain on a warm day

~ When others appreciate my subtle, sometimes snide humor

~ Being anywhere near a camera!

~ The few choice friend who are always there for me

~ Television & video production

~ My amazing husband

~ College graduation behind me...looking to start my career (I'm gonna be on TV)

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