My name is Sabrina, but my friends call me Sabi or Sabs. I'm 25 years old now. I have darkbrown hair and light brown eyes. I'm 171 cm tall and I weigh about 57 kg... I guess that's kind of underweight, but I can eat as much as I want, I don't seem to get fat. *bigsmile* I'm from Germany, I live in a small village near Hannover, but in a different Federal state, NRW (Nord Rhinewestfalia).
Hanging around with my friends is one of my favourite pasttimes (Greetings to: Han, Moira, Moni, Jackie, Alexandra, Alex, Tim,...alle die mich kennen und meine Klasse).
Going to discos and having loads of fun there. Or just going to Coffeeshop and sit around and talk with friends. Even going to the cinema, just love going to the original versions, which means I am able to watch films in English than in German. The films sound wierd in German sometimes. I mean really wierd. But can't really help that. :)
Well, I found a new really time consuming hobby. Namely playing World of Warcraft. A very addictive online roleplay. But a lot of fun. :)
I also like just relaxing at home, reading and listening to music. Or I am found on the Computer chatting and playing solitaire. :) I am getting addicted to that. Sometimes I do some handworking, like crossstich or making those friendshipbracelets..:) I enjoy watching candle flames (or fire in anyway, maybe becos I am a leo I like fire that much...who knows..:)) )...and I try to meditate by doing so...which sometimes can be very irritating since my thoughts always begin to drift then I think about what happend that day or something like that. What I also like are those incense sticks...or oil burner, they are relaxing in a really nice way...:)) Another thing I really like is snooping around on those wiccapages in the net. I am really interested in them. One never knows...does one? I also read books regarding wicca, but rather solitary wicca then for covens.
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