Welcome to my Guestbook!

Kjell Sigurdsson - 05/19/00 20:47:57
My Email:chris@varhran.math.umn.edu
Field of study: Applied quantum gravity

Merchandise. We want merchandise. Specifically, where can alumni of MU (or UC Sunnydale) get transparent window stickers like all the other U's get? Great site. Needs a bit more stygian content perhaps. More adjectives ...

- 03/28/00 18:43:56
My Email:Giog_Soggoth@hotmail.com


Professor Cain - 11/07/99 04:36:56
My Email:Cthulhu1928@aol.com
Field of study: Bibliographic Studies

I regret to hear of the passing of Professor Armitage. I understand this leaves a vacancy in the librian position. I am a qualified bibliographic scholar with considerable knowledge about blasphemous texts. should the branch or main campus conduct a job search, I wish to be contacted. Than

Graalknght - 11/06/99 23:25:57
Field of study: ASTRAL PHYSICS


John Bradley - 08/20/99 01:12:58
My Email:unca_cthulhu@yahoo.com
Field of study: computer science

How logical. And how evil! A Cthulhu-Buffy crossover. Why didn't I think of it? I'm putting a link to you on my web page. It's too good not to.

Dayana Domenos - 05/12/99 05:28:53
My Email:maxx2@globalserve.net
Field of study: appocoliptic monetarian supervisor

Kickn' site! Its very hollistic. Well done keep up the fight fellow night warriors.

Adm. J.L. Ahad (ret'd) - 01/16/99 05:41:47
My URL:http://<>
My Email:commandercavazo@yahoo.com
Field of study: Ph.d.-- Alchemy (SUNYBrkpt) & Dipl (Algon.) Aquaculture

While engaged in my habitual late night search for nude pictures of Allyssa Milano on the internet, I came across your "web-page". Simply delightful!

- 01/12/99 06:10:22


Douglas O'Donnell - 01/12/99 06:07:14
Field of study: Big Game Hunter

I will catch your Cthulhu and even skin him for free.

The Baron Valdes - 11/18/98 10:36:27
My Email:bigfightgod@hotmail.com
Field of study: Heritable Paranormal Disphoria

I was thoroughly impressed with the course offerings, but alas I cannot register due to the fact that my molecules spend Monday and Thursday mornings in july 1989. However, I would like know if a home-study couse is offered for Carpathian Studies. Do t ey serve calamari in your cafeteria....?

Emeric M. Belasco - 10/22/98 05:01:09
My Email:emeric_belasco@hotmail.com
Field of study: metaphysic & reality

Fine website. Keep up the good work. Where is Auger? E.B.

10/15/98 10:12:52
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Emeric Belasco - 10/13/98 18:55:57
My Email:PKalway@yahoo.com
Field of study: diabolics etc.

Just on line here at York, borrowing PK's terminal. Great site. I'll forward you some of my latest psychic researches.

Alexander V. Aldarow - 10/11/98 23:47:17
My URL:/Area51/Dungeon/3636/
My Email:aldarow@aquanet.co.il
Field of study: Everything

Buffy meets the mighty Cthulhu -- what a great idea, ancient mythos versus post-modern mythos! I've bookmarked this campus, and will visit it later. Slayer fhtagn!

Cindy - 09/23/98 06:52:16
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Terry - 08/12/98 15:02:09

Great page dude! Keep working on it!

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