My Thoughts

A warning-- this page contains any random thoughts or explanations involving's not exactly an interesting page for many, but feel free to mail me and criticize or compliment anything you wish to :) Enjoy!

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Life is a passage of time. When spent in love; it is rewarding. When spent in sorrow; it is mortal...when spent in is the core of wisdom. To be a good person nowadays tends to be thought of as an impossible feat...a feeling amongst humans which I strongly disagree with. There is not enough emphasis on the amounts of information and wisdom that you can gain just by looking into one's eyes for a long moment. The world seems as if it is rotating on an axis of moral depravity and lack of pride in the worth of our souls. So much dishonesty and pain, just because we cannot seem to pull ourselves far away enough from a corrupted society for a desperately needed moment of control.

There is far to much faith put into time...time doesn't exist if you can train yourself not to believe in seems like only yesterday I was learning to tie a double knot in my it also tends to feel like yesterday I had just gotten asked out for the first time at age 12...the whole basis of time is to put stability in our lives I suppose...why, then, does everything seem like "it was just yesterday" that it had occured? The truth of yesterday was I went to school, drew a couple of pictures of elves and dragons and such...then after a while, went online and wrote some mails...Time is more important when there is a definate experience involved in a certain day...which is why everything seems "like it had just happened yesterday". We tend to remember only the absolute best and worst points where we've gained knowledge and wisdom..and since there are so few for so many people, the time in between these experiences is practically non-existant.

I believe that the percentage (if measurable) of our brains that we do not currently used, are where our innate mind powers are stored. These powers being mind control, fixed mind-over-matter, telekinetics, and so on. We all live here, and learn here, until we are either done learning, have gained all possible knowledge, or are needed elsewhere. In a way, we are all immortal. Not being that we live on as characters of glory, but more that our human minds and souls and hearts can't die. They can appear to stop, but they still exist, until they too, move on.

Currently ailing my mind, is the reason for our existance, and how our existance came about. These are the questions that have gone unanswered for ages. I sit up at night and do what seems to be eternal run downs of my dreams and thoughts, trying to come up with possible explanations as to why we exist. Some comclusions I've come up with are that we are possibly here for love. Kind of saying that we are all here to find true love, and that in the event someone cannot find that for whatever reason, they die. Babies, therefore, die if they hold no hope of finding it ever. Spouses die if they figure out they haven't found what is their's truly...but this is a rather hazy and unexplanatory explanation. Another theory of mine is that we are here to try to gain as much knowledge as possible before we "die" and move on to a more philosophical realm. That, above all my other theories, seems most suitable for my tastes, at least :) I have many other philosophies, but as any deep thinker knows, typing them onto a web page is merely a way of venting...talking with others in a deep conversation proves much more useful in situations as these...


*Complete Devotion is obtainable with that which you feel is absolutley right*

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