Boca Raton High School Guard Official Web-Site


Check back for further updates!!!


Welcome to Boca Raton HS's official web-site!!!

Our '99 winterguard season ended with a score of 84.5 in "b" class, and we are at the highest we've ever been. I have links set up here that go to information areas. Be sure to visit all the links!

Who to mail for information:

***To send your own links, so they can be added to this site,email me, Maria Reimann. Guard Captain 1998-1999
***To write to the current guard captains, write to, Audrey Albano; or,Julie Purdham.


BRHS 1998-1999 Field Season "A tribute to Fantasy/Adventure Films"
Some of my guard friends and I being goofy over the course of the past few years
A site of various links to other guards and bands...


The 1999-2000 year is here! Gavin Miller is our choreographer. We are a little behind as of right now, but will be practicing to try to get back up where we need to be to do well at Tampa. The weapons work is pretty cool, as is the flag work. The skill level of the entire group is much better than last years, and we are in "A" class! Practices are as follows, to any who would like to visit and watch: Mondays 3-6 pm Wednesdays 5-8 pm, Thursdays 3-4:30 pm, and the occasional Friday and Saturday practices. We are all working well together this year (no extreme member hatred, thank mom!) Some of the team members are listed below (the ones who were on the 99-00 field guard). There are links to click on so that you can e-mail the person (click their name) and also, there is a link to a place you can go to learn about the person (click the name the second time it appears)
(next to the persons name indicates what line they're on, F-flag only, W-weapons and flag):

Senior Members

*(W)Audrey Albano - Rifle Lieutenant 1998-1999 - Guard Captain 1999-2000 - Audrey has been in guard for 6 total seasons.

*(W)Maria Reimann - Guard Captain 1998-1999 - Maria has been in guard for 6 total seasons.

*(W)Michelle Smith - Tech Lieutenant 1998-1999 - Michelle has been in guard for 6 total seasons.

*(W)Jessica Toth - Damn Cool Member (hello, Jerry ;)) - Jessica has lived up to her title since her entrance to the guard world 4 seasons ago.

Junior Members

*(F)Rick Edgeworth - Rick has been in guard for 1 season.

*(W)Julie Purdham - Dance/Sabre Liuetenant 1998-1999 - Guard Captain 1999-2000 - Julie has been in guard for 4 seasons.

Sophomore Members

Freshman Members



Page Created Completely by : Maria Reimann.