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September 15th, 2003

You can now vote on each story again, thanks to Lexicon.tf. For the older stories, the voting box is at the end of each story, including those with multiple parts. Starting with Prime Traitor, you can vote on each part of the story.

- Note as of May, 2004 - People have asked me about this story and I'll get back to it sooner or later.

September 14th, 2003

Part 2 of Prime Traitor is up in the archive.

May 18th, 2003

This page hasn't been updated in three years and there's a good reason; I don't write much fan-fiction anymore. However, I was inspired to write a story about the Micromaster Trainbots the other day and that's in the fiction archive. I also tidied up the page a little bit, updating the links page and getting rid of some features that had ceased to function. The biggest change was the fiction archive, which I finally finished converting to frames. Almost every story there now has a toy diorama photo to go with it and these were taken by my good friend Tym Karasko a few years back. Check it out.

I doubt that I'll update this page very often. I still love Transformers, but life, work, fun and my original fiction takes up much of my time now. For all that have read my stories and given me feedback, I have really appreciated it. (I might put the feedback page back up at some point because many of the comments were very good and interesting.) It always bothered me that my stuff wasn't as popular as stories by some of the better-known posters in the Transformers newsgroup, but I guess that's how it works. Even if I didn't get a lot of notice in The Trannies Awards, the comments I did (and still) get are very cool.

People look at you funny if you still have an interest in giant robots from your childhood, but the Transformers mythos has affected me as long as I can remember and I don't see it stopping. Watching the first episode is one of my earliest memories and I was drawn to the idea ever since. I will always give credit to Hasbro and Marvel for electrifying my imagination. Without Transformers, I'm not sure I would be as interested in writing as I am now. Therefore, you might see a Transformers story pop up here from time to time. I know I'm not the only one who likes to return to "a world transformed" now and then.

Take care and thanks,


February 4th, 2000

I've taken down Turbo Hunt until I can revise it.

Although some people liked the first two parts, a few told me that the plot was weak and that the characterization was way off. Sadly, I agree.

When I can rewrite the story so that I feel the elements work, then I'll repost it in full.

This goes deeper, though. While I feel my non-Transformers stories about original characters have improved, I sense a decline in my quality of TF fan-fiction.

It's been quite a while since I've seen any G1 Transformers episodes, and this might be part of the reason. My sense of the characters is getting farther from reality (and how others know those characters). Relying on the TF Universe comics may not be enough.

I'll continue writing my original stories, of course. As for TF fan-fiction, though, it might be some time before I have the urge to write more.



December 5th, 1999

Part 2 of Turbo Hunt is up in the archive. The story was going to be 2 parts but I expanded it to 3.

It takes places in the Generation I cartoon universe of the first season and features the original group of Autobots. If you've read my previous stories, you know that I try to fit them nicely into established continuity and use official characters. Ironhide and Hound star in this one, as they chase after a mysterious craft and get into more trouble than they imagined. (Don't they always?)

There are some elements in this story relating to a certain character's tech spec that I've never seen utilized before. (Doesn't mean it hasn't, of course ;-) Also appearing is a character only released as a mail-away...and it's not one of the Omnibots or Reflector.

Part 3 will be posted soon, so if you like Parts 1 and 2, stay tuned. Please let me know your thoughts about what I have so far. Any comments are appreciated.

August 6th, 1999

In the tradition of The Transformers Dating Game, I've posted a new comedy skit in the Fiction Archive called Transformers Jeopardy! I spun the idea about 4 in the morning, so you can imagine how warped it turned out to be.

After a long wait, Carnappers! is now available in the Fiction Archive.

This is a landmark for the page, since when it first started in 1997 (back on Simplenet) there were only two stories present and three more promised. The former were Electrum's Secret and Turbulence, while the latter were Moriah, Flesh Suppressed and Carnappers! Although it took me a couple of years to write down those three promised stories, many others popped up in between.

With the completion of Carnappers!, though, the stories left to come are completely in uncharted territory (meaning I haven't thought of them yet). I thank everyone who has read my work over the last couple years and especially those who have commented on it. My goal is to be a professional writer and your advice has helped me to improve.

The next step, bar any stories I just have to write, is to complete the new, less ungainly Fiction Archive. I haven't done much recent work on this time-consuming project but it will appear whenever I've had enough time to complete it. Cheers and thanks again. Transformers fan kick bottom. :-)

The 1998 Trannies awards results are in and "Moriah" received a vote each in the categories "Best Fanfic Story Of The Year," "The Gold Cross Award, for the best Transformers crossover fanfic (with the Bible!)" and "Best Portrayal of an Official Transformers Character in a Fanfic (for Rumble, although I think the voter meant to put Frenzy)." I thank whoever voted for "Moriah" and hope that whatever I write this year will be worthy of the Trannies.