Seibertron Excellent source for news. Also has information on the shows, toy reviews and lots of Transformers: Universe profiles.
Tformers.com The most complete news site I've found.
Transfandom Oft updated news section.
BWTF.com Ben Yee's page that has news and info on all generations of Transformers. I especially like his toy reviews.
Transformers.com Check on Hasbro's latest shenanigans.
The Toys
Super Toy Archive THE PLACE for info on the toys; they sell stuff, too.
Jeroen'sTransformer Page Has some pics of rare foreign Transformers.
Transformers Collector This site has great info on the Transformers toys. Plenty of pictures, fan memories; A trip to the past!

Individual Characters
Masterforce: Minerva Shrine This page includes cartoon stills of Minerva, who was released in America repainted and with a sex change as Nightbeat.

alt.toys.transformers.fanfic The place for posting and critiquing fan-fiction.
Lexicon Huge, updated database of Transformers fiction. It's interactive (You can submit your stuff and write reviews.) and quite pretty, to boot. :-) Similar to fanfiction.net, but focused on our big bots.
Fanfiction.net Huge fan fiction database; includes many genres and subjects, with you-know-what, of course.
Sour December My friend Kristina's page. She's a great writer.
Killashandra's & Rhowell's Hideout! Kill's fiction.
Suz's Fanfic Page A very good directory.
Tranficbase A large Transformers Fanfic Database, run by Vulcana.
Electronic Transcendence Productions Stormcloud's awesome site, with fan-fiction and more!
Transformers Addendum Continuing where the official series left off!
Transformers`Xover`Page !!!! Do you yearn to see Dinobot match his wits with Xena, the Warrior Princess? Or do you prefer Galvatron chilling with the Smurfs? If crossovers like these sound bizarre enough to check out, then visit this page! Aklira, webmaster of the Xover site, was kind enough to ask if my Godzilla fic could be included on her page. I was honored. :-)

Discussion Groups
alt.toys.transformers The newsgroup for Transfandom. Be nice!
alt.toys.transformers.classic.moderated For discussing Generation 1. If your news server doesn't carry the group, request it!
Electric Escape You can keep yourself busy for hours looking at the stuff on Rob Jung's page. Oh, if you see anything you like on my page, please vote for it in The Trannies. :-)
X-Entertainment A vault of 80s memories; updated on a regualr basis.
THE SERPENT'S LAIR Raksha is a well-known defender of the Decepticons and she expresses her points well in the many sections of her page. Also included is a thorough examination of Soundwave, among other topics. Highly recommended!
Brian's Transformers Cards An old part of this site.
The Survivors Club Home Page The Survivors are no more. Overlord II, that club's fanzine, was my only source of Transformers information before I got internet access and before Beast Wars began. Liane Elliot will always be appreciated for the hard work she put into the club. Here's to good memories.
Places To Buy Transformers Items
e-Bay Duh.
alt.toys.transformers.marketplace The newsgroup for buying, selling and trading Transformers. Just be careful and check for references and that sort of thing.
Comic Lair A comic book store in New Jersey that also specializes in gaming. They have a selection of Japanese Transformers and carry the comic books. You can e-mail the store with your requests. I've shopped there for years.
Digital Toys Great place to shop for your transforming needs. I've ordered stuff from them many times and have never had any problems.
Robozone Reliable store; I've dealt with them many times.
Jangar's page This guy makes (and sells) great Transformers reproduction parts.
Transrepro.com More reproduction parts.
Reprolabels.com Replace your old, tattered decals!