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September 16, 2006
I am still here on my endless quest still seem to be running into brick walls that we call our glorious bureacracy. I either get we do not know or we cannot tell you that. I have added a couple of pages to this website as I am moving to new servers this month. The first is where you can order blank books and parchment paper which is located here. The second page is laptops that I have available from my supplier, and it can be found here. Kindly make an order if you would.
March 19, 2005
I am a father who is desperate. I have recently found out that my daughter was adopted out, without my knowledge. I was told by letter when I tried to get my daughters birth certificate, that she was legally adopted, therefore I could not get her birth certificate. I do believe my rights have been violated and I need help.
I setup this webpage in hopes of finding my daughter, and funding my cause. Now I need to find out who adopted my Daughter, and who adopted my daughter out. I also know that I need National Media coverage to get the help I need.
I tried submitting this as a news tip, that my daughter was illegally adopted out, but it will probably come to naught.
March 21, 2005
I wrote several letters one to the President, one to Tom Osborne(my U.S. Rep), and Senators Hagel and Nelson. I also wrote to the Wyoming DFS to see if they had information. I also have used two Key Resources they can be downloaded here and here.
I also have put on the website to the School that I wrote too.
What can you do? Well, I believe that fundemental rights for divorced parents MUST be Spelled out and required of all Agencies. Thus I say write your Congress, write to television stations, write letters to the editor, do everything in your power to help my cause. the following is an excerpt from the letters to the President, and My Congressmen.
"I propose that a National law be brought in that reiterates the rights of a divorced parent, and that ALL government Agencies, whether they be federal, state, or local, cannot abridge those rights by any means. The current laws have too many loopholes, as I personally experienced. For example, Wyoming does not require the courts to actively notify the parents of an impending adoption, or even if their rights are being terminated. There are currently several systems of finding out where a parent is, like the NCIC, which is used to find missing persons and criminals.
The law I propose is not perfect, but it would be a beginning. I want to ensure that if DFS takes a child that they try their best and are required to place the child of the divorced parents with one or the other even if the parent does not live within that state, and that if they terminate the rights of the one parent, that they do not inadvertently terminate the rights of the other. I notice that there is usually just a blanket petitions filed to terminate the parents rights. I also know that the children of divorced parents are not abandoned by their parents, but are rather stolen by one parent to be only taken by DFS and then entered into the welfare system. The various laws in place are not good enough if even though that it does spell out certain rights, if the state and local agencies can circumvent those laws, like not allowing a father file a missing persons report, then what is the use of having those laws?
There also must be a section that reiterates the non-custodial rights of parents that can be enforced with criminal action, more than just contempt of court. The problem is that we do not have a federal standard for the various laws though the Missing Persons Act, and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act are good starts, but what keeps State Agencies from stealing children? In my opinion nothing, as it seems that the State can do whatever it wants and the Citizens of the United States are hurt and lose their God-Given rights to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Freedom, and the very right to be a Parent. That right to be a parent is also a duty, the duty to raise your child to become a productive citizen, and to love that child with all your heart, which is what I personally call the Dream of America.
Every time a child is taken away unjustly, the Dream of America is chipped away little by little, until we become no better than the Terrorists that we fight, the ignoble tyrants that we take down. In essence, we are becoming the tyrannical Marxist socialist society that all American Citizens fear.
There is a common bumper sticker that sells rather well, that says “I love my Country, but Fear my Government.” Is this what we have become, citizens whose country we love, but a government that we fear. In truth, I can see that, when some individual rights have been circumvented, especially when an agency does it for a money incentive.
Thus, Sir, I plead to you, don’t let the Stealing of our children by the State continue, allow the non-custodial parent a chance, a choice, and allow me a small part of our country, to believe in my country once again. I thank you, Sir, for your time in reading my letter. Help me to find the truth that the system does work most of the time, and that as a Veteran, did not bleed for my country for nothing."
-Frank W. Urban, March 21st, 2005