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Music links


You just have to see this band before you die, they are a daft combination of surfing fashion, funk rock and silly hair.
They havent made it yet, but what the hell do the sub 16 year old, single buying public know about good music!

Ultimate band list

A very splendid site from where you can find webpages on even the most obscure bands.


This is an archive of chords and tab, well organised, and nicely set out.


Same as above but with lyrics instead.

All Music Guide.

Similar to the UBL, but more direct and includes details on discography, and reviews.

Dansm's guitar chord theory

Every conceivable theory and truth about playing the guitar.


Battle of the planets

yes, its that stack old cartoon you used to like as a kid. Bet when you played G-force with your friends you used to wanna be Mark or Jason, and always ended up being the one with the speech impediment..

Free email

Ah you say you dont need free email now, coz you're at university and its all sorted out. But what happens when you leave?, go to one of these sites and sort it out!

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