The Dragon's FlameBregan D'AerthThe Dragon's Flame

~~And there shall be much bloodshead, caused by the hands of the drow who shall rule and gain profit, and slaughter those who are foolish enough to get in their way~~

Beware the Drow The drow of Bregan D'Aerth are just as treacherous and as brutal as their kin, yet they have managed to form a bond and a trust for one another, that will never be broken by their evil ways. There are many aspects to this sect of the mighty Bregan D'Aerth, and there are many different drow who make up the ranks, from lowly Sargtlin, to the Officers, to the Jabbress or Jabbuk.
Many have gone up against the drow of Bregan D'Aerth, all have perished, and will never be seen again. In your travels, should you decide to locate the drow of Bregan D'Aerth, be wise, for they are not tolerant of fools. They are indeed a deadly and strong willed guild, and will not back down from any threat to their way of life, or from any threat that get's in the way of their business or cause.


The Members of Bregan D'Aerth
The PvP Ladder of the BDA