Dragon Links
These are links to Dragon pages and other pages that are interesting to me. I have finally made good on my threat to drop the non-operational links, and I have replaced them with some other goodies I hope you will enjoy. Open the door and go on in, but please be polite when visiting the weyrs of my friends!
Dragon Pages
- The Dancing Dragon Catalog.
Go there to visit the best Dragon Catalog I know! (in fact, it's the only dragon catalog I know.)
- The Pocket Dragon Webpage.
This is an information page, club page, and catalog for some of the cutest creatures on earth--Real Musgrave's Pocket Dragons.
- Donivin the Dragon's Lair.
Open the door to visit Donivin the Dwarf Dragon. Go here if you think you could give one of Aramis' brothers or sisters a good home.
- BoingDragon's Webpage.
Click here to visit BoingDragon's very cool webpage. Please don't make fun of mine after you go see this one! (After all, I'm not a professional!) This is where you can get a Dragon Counter for you webpage, now that it seems to be operational again. (Or one of several other animated counters.)
- Look out!Here be Dragons.
Visit HBD for incredibly extenisive dragon imformation (including an interesting page on physiology--note that this does not apply to all dragon species), images, links, etc.
- Mommyhippoo's Dragon Adoptions.
Formerly, this was a site for adopting wyvern-like creatures, and has changed several times since then. Currently, it claims to offer "smalldragons" and other odd creatures--since they don't offer a glance without a formal adoption, I can't give an idea of what any of them are like.
- Malathar the Dragon--Animation.
Visit Malathar for more dragon adoptions. There are many more dragons here than at Donivin's, and they are of different species. Perhaps if you do not feel you can look after a tiny dwarf dragon, you could adopt from here. There is also some neat stuff on animation, including how to do it yourself.
- The Dragon Lover's Campaign.
Go there today to support other folks who love dragons--or who _are_ dragons!--and want to see them around for a long, long time. :)
Non-Dragon pages
Personal Stuff
- Monthly News Webpage.
This is my brother's Train and Transit News webpage, the online adjunct to his printed monthly newsletter. It has photos, collectibles, and (coming soon) articles on various rail and mass transit topics.
The American Association of University Women, Huntington Park-Rio Hondo Branch. The AAUW is an organization of which I am a member, which provides scholarship and career assistance to young women seeking college educations, and a forum for social activism and other activities for college graduates of all persuasions. Never fear--for those living outside the greater Los Angeles area, there are links to AAUW's national page. (Like this page, AAUW-HP-RH is courtesy of my own AmethystDdraig Designs and Geocities.)
Newman Hall, Holy Spirit Parish. Go to Newman Hall to visit my home church while I was living in Berkeley. If you are ever in the neighborhood, stop by--visitors are always welcome.
The Maryknoll Missions. Visit Maryknoll to learn about the oldest Catholic American missionary society. I have been interested in Maryknoll since 6th grade and have supported them on and off over the years. They are a wonderful, brave lot of folks.
Ray Tang's Webpage. Visit my friend Ray's webpage for stuff on jpop, computers, and links to other goodies. If stuff on my page works, it's partly his fault. :-)
Tony Muro's (USAF) "La Mera" Page.Tony has been a friend of mine since before preschool.
Neat Things
University of California at Berkeley. Click on GO BEARS!! to see the smartest site on the net!
The Daily Californian. (Newspaper). The "Daily Cal" has been U.C. Berkeley's (more or less) daily campus newpaper for about a century. Visit their site to see genuinely mediocre writing and photography!
- Beanies!
TY's Official Webpage. Visit this page to see what all the fuss is about. I may be about to perpretrate a minor crime against humanity by recommending this page, but darn it, Beanie Babies are just so CUTE! (especially Magic and Scroch the Dragons, of course!)
Cool, Free, Webpage Backgrounds! Go to Imagine for all the interesting backgrounds I use on my pages, and many, many others! PLUS, links to other sites that offer free backgrounds and interesting GIFs!
Find a Book! If you are looking for any book that just can't be found, especially if it is old or out of print, head over to Bookfinders--they will happily compare prices of matching books from several major booksearch sites and display the results for you, free of charge.
Of Cultural Interest
Society for Creative Anachornism. Visit the S.C.A. if you are interested in dressing, talking, acting, and having a good time like a person of the Renaissance or Middle Ages but don't have access to a time machine!
Chivalry Sports Renaissance Catalog. If you are into living history, medieval to renaissance, or if you are interested in Fantasy recrestion along the same lines, this is the place for you. Garb, patterns, tableware, and books are only the beginning.
The Pillaged Village. This an extremely cool source of medieval recreationist books, garb, and generally useful equipment. If you get involved with the SCA you will want to visit these folks.
Kasuri Dyeworks. This is where to go for everything you wanted to know about Japanese textile arts but didn't know who to ask. The on-line catalog is now up.

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