Here There Be DRAGONS!
(And Wyverns, Lindorms, Shirussim, Longs, Amphipteres, and all other members of the Order of Draconids)

Our deepest gratitude to Our Lord, Our Lady, to St. Jude, St. Rita, St. Joseph, St. Anthony, our guardian angels, and to all the saints for their continuing mercy and intercession.
The rainbow is the recurring theme of this webpage because all true dragons world-wide love diversity, and are dedicated to the pursuit of the arts, sciences, and greater peace and understanding between all living beings.
{And besides, I like rainbows. :-)}
If you encounter any broken images on my page, just re-load the page (click on "Reload" if you have Netscape) and they usually come in okay.

(If you COUNT CAREFULLY, you will realize that the year 2000 is the end of this millenium, not the beginning of the next one! That will be the year 2001!!!)

You can call me Amethyst. Welcome to my Weyr!
Current Contents of the Weyr:
Defining Dragons & friends. For all of those who are asking, so what ARE Dragons, anyway? New Images! Animation! International Dragon Names!
Aramis the Dragonet. Visit my very own Dragonet, Aramis Valor!
Scrapbook and Diary. Visit here to learn Aramis' whole story, illustrated! Now in 3 parts, other parts accessible from the first page.
Fictional Dragon Books 1.List of Dragon Books, with short reviews; Part I is devoted to picture books and young children's books. Now, with images!
Fictional Dragon Books 2.List of Dragon Books, with short reviews; Part II focuses on more mature dragon fiction. Now, with images!: Four new fantasy reviews!!!
Non-Fiction Dragon Books.List of Non-Fiction Dragon Books, with short reviews. Now, with images!
The Art Gallery Menu. ALL the galleries are open! My own works (on three pages) and eight pages of the works of some of my favorite dragon artists (including Real Musgrave, Claire Wharmby, and many others) can be accessed from this menu. I am offering the Art Gallery Menu in an effort to streamline the listings on my main page and make viewing more convenient and enjoyable for all loyal dragon fans!
The Photo Album is where to go if you'd like to see pictures of my dragon friends.
Dragons and More. Links to other Dragon Sites and places of interest.
The Poetry Scrolls . Open this door to unroll the Poetry Scrolls. Please be kind! POEMS IN SPANISH
My Dragon Hoard Feel free to look (but keep your fingers to yourself!) Please feel free to enjoy antique dolls, Beanie Babies, and my other treasured hoard items.
The Dragon's Kitchen. If you can't stand to eat, stay out of my kitchen!!!
Dragon's Auctions. Every so often, I dispose of a few of my still-great things for which I no longer have room in my hoard! My loss can be your gain!
frequently; new auctions every few days, at least once a week.
Dragon Humor! At last, a place to enjoy the lighter side of dragondom! If you have any jokes or amusing images (in good taste) to add to this page, please feel free to submit them!
Click on any of the above dark blue words--or the opening door--to "open the door" to that part of my webpage.
This page will change often as I continue to scan my works into the Dragon Art Gallery, and add book reviews, poems or links. And of course, Aramis Valor, my adopted baby dragon, would always love for you to visit his very own room on my webpage, which changes monthly. Click on his link--Dragonet--to visit him.

If you see anything you like on these pages, feel free to ASK me for it--do NOT feel free just to take it! Also, Aramis is to be removed from this page. If you would like to have your very own dragon, there are several wonderful adoption services listed in the Dragons and More section of my page.
You are the
being to visit this page this week. Isn't that neat?
Oh Happy Day! My counter is working again! Thank you, Boingdragon!

Other Interests
My many, many non-dragon interests include reading (any topic, but my favorites are sci-fi/fantasy and mystery); writing (along the same lines but also poetry in english and spanish); art (drawing, painting, pastels--almost any medium, really, even beads and embroidery); t'ai chi; anthropology/archaeology; medieval stuff; antiques (esp. japanese antiques and dolls); early 20th century & turn-of-the-century American technology & art; and Beanie Babies.
This list isn't comprehensive--not by any means. Let's just say my interests are diverse!

If you would like to say hi, talk about dragons (or any of my other interests), or if you have any ideas on how to make this webpage better, please e-mail me at
I know nothing genuiniely substantive about computers, as I am a dip-pen and ink sort of dragon myself. And I am most definitely a dragon, if only by the year I was born. (sigh.)
By the way, if you send a chain letter to a dragon, it WILL be burned unopened--and you will automatically earn the eternal enmity of all dragonkind. Do you want to do that???

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