Profile--Wanda's measurements... er, statistics!
History by Costume--Clothes do make the Avenger!
Friends--Getting by with a little help from these guys!
Enemies--With great power comes a truck-load of bad guys!
Group Affiliations--Avengers, Force Works, and... the Lady Liberators!?
Alternate Realities--See the Witch from the AoA, Heroes Reborn (ugh), and more!
Picture Gallery--Contains pics of Wanda from lots of sources plus fan art!
Fan Fiction--Some great stories about Wanda!
Scarlet Features--Top Ten List, Survey, Trivia!
Cool Links--Avengers stuff, Marvel sights, and more!!
What's New?--Updates and SW News
Feedback time. I'm not updating or adding anything to this site any longer, but please feel free to write and leave comments. I promise I'll try to respond. You know how to reach me.
© 1997
A special thanks to all of those who have provided me with a great deal of help and support: David Welsh, Tomas Hawke, The Grim Reaper, Van Plexico, Robby Lloyd, Michael Wright, T-Man, the Hornet, Mark Navy, Hubert Woodrow, Sultan Singory, Jorge S., Blundering Man, Neil Gow, Hermes Coelho, Mike Noel, Kirk Furlotte, Yo, Pegasus, Firestar Artemis, Lord Thanos, Erik Elzenaar, Fin Fang Foom, and everyone at the Avengers Message Board!
You're visitor numero since March 1, 1998.
These pages were last updated June 19, 1999.
The Scarlet Witch and all pictures and characters within these pages are property of Marvel Comics. This site is intended and used only for entertainment purposes.
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