My Art

The later the number on the backrounds page, the newer the graphics.
Graphics Sets
Fantasy Set
Pink Set
Sweater Set
I started thinking that other people might like the backgrounds and other graphics that I use. I make them myself and am quite proud of them. They are free for the taking. I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know if you use them so I can go see them. If you're really feeling generous, please link to my site. Please be patient while they load.
These are thumbnails. Please click on each to see normal size.
I really enjoy making graphics. Unfortunately, I tend to run out of ideas after a while. I'd appreciate any ideas you may want to suggest. (ie: specific colors, patterns, shapes, words) NOTE: Any graphic made from an idea submitted here will be posted on this page as "public domain." I will not do personal requests that are submitted here. If you have a personal request, email me and we can discuss it privately.
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