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New Lobo Appearance

Lobo appears in 2-3 pages of of DC Infinite Halloween Special #1. Like most of his recent appearances, it's nothing special.

I don't feel like updating the FAFQ right now, but here's the info for the completists out there.

5 Nov 2007

New Lobo Stuff

Batman/Lobo #1 and Blue Beetle #18 showed up at the comic book store last week. Neither was very good, but there they are for my fellow completists. The FAFQ is way behind, but I haven't felt like working on it. I'll get to it when I get to it.

03 Sep 2007

New Lobo Appearance

For those of you not reading DC's 52, a shot of Lobo's head appears in the "Next" box at the end of Week Sixteen. It also looks like he's going to be on the cover (and most likely in the story) of Week Seventeen, available August 30 (in the U.S. anyway).

I probably won't add 52 to the FAFQ until his run in the series is complete, so I only have to update the FAFQ once.

25 Aug 2006

ComicBookDB.com Up & Running

ComicBookDB.com is online. It aims to be an IMDb for the comic book industry. Lobo's entry is here.

21 Jun 2006

DC's Top 50 — Can We Get Lobo In?

Tom Bondurant is running a 50 Best DC Characters poll through Tuesday, May 23. Now, I don't have any delusions that we can get Lobo into the #1 position, but I would like to see him make the list.

Please read the instructions on the poll page, and be respectful when you e-mail in your list. If you send in stuff like "LOBO RULZ, FRAGGER! MAEK HIM #1 OR ELSE!!!" your request will probably be ignored. You probably shouldn't send in a list with Lobo in all fifty spots, either. Just send in a full list, putting Lobo in #1, or at least the top ten.

Granted, this poll doesn't really mean anything in the overall scheme of the industry, but maybe someone at DC will see it and consider a few more Lobo books each year.

I also updated the Links page.

19 May 2006