Malta, page 2

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Old hand tinted picture postcard

The old Kingsway. Now Republic Street

Mqabba village, ready for Festa

One of the many bases on Malta. Early evening, hence light sneaking in top right.

Please visit Canadian Military WebLink. Addition of URL's and email free to serving
or ex-members of the Canadian Armed forces, including Militia, Cadets, DND employee's

One of the friendliest places I know. Beautiful islands and beautiful people


Maltese Ring


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This Maltese Ring site is owned by Danton Adams.

Thumbnail pictures of Malta.


Malta 3

Malta & the Middle-East

To return to Novels

"The Leighton Report"
Military action/adventure

Regency/Historical Romance

"Memoirs of an Archaeologist"
Gothic Horror

For weather up date on Malta click below

Air transportation.

Welcomes You On Board