This pony was found at a Goodwill® Store in the San Francisco Bay Area. He was lucky enough to be brought in to The Pony's Salon for a new look. Take a look at his file:

Name: Chief
Type: Earth
Breed: Big Brother
Condition: Poor
Problem: Extensive surface dirt, gummy residue, ink marks, tangled, greasy, and uneven hair, damage to blush, and an overall dinge.
Solutions: The Basic Bath was used to freshen up, wash the hair, and remove the surface dirt and some minor stains. The Deep Cleaning was applied to remove all stains and dinge. Next, we Cut and Styled his hair to even up the ends. Finally, The Basic Perm was used to give his hair that store bought freshness.

Chief is now in mint condition ready to be displayed, showed, or sold! This is just one of many examples showing what The Pony's Salon can do for your pony! Please see our Services page for complete details.
