emily - 12/03/00 10:53:16 My Email:mikes_girl51@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: ice cream | Comments: none |
Jessie - 11/23/00 21:46:40 | Comments: |
Erika - 11/20/00 11:57:36 My Email:mika_26@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Yes Your favorite pony: Parasol | Comments: I love my little ponies and I have about 113 of them. I am from sweden by the way. |
Ronja - 11/17/00 23:36:20 My Email:RonjiF@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes | Comments: I really enjoy visiting this page. It's very very nice and has a lot of great links. I used to play with my over 100 ponies till I was 13 years old. I am happy that the MLP-fever goes on and on. |
emme - 11/16/00 13:06:22 My Email:cassandra99@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure Your favorite pony: fire fly | Comments: hey there, its good to find so much about the old school ponies from the 80s i loved them while i was growing up,but hey i still am growing up and still love them!i had the biggest collection,i really wish i could see the 1st episode again tho its hard to find it in australia! ne way this is a glorious stie love em |
Laural Rose - 11/12/00 06:13:51 My Email:lauralrose@excite.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: cotton candy and blossom | Comments: I really like your website. I have liked ponies for about 17 years. I have 20+ ponies that I have bought at thrift stores for about .50 cents each. Seeing your web site inspired me to go clean my ponies. Where is a good place to buy ponies? thank you |
Linda - 10/29/00 21:41:53 My Email:Findlebee2@cs.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no, thanks Your favorite pony: Minty or Butterscotch | Comments: Your web site is wonderful! I played with MLP's as a child, and I had quite a few of them. I have no idea where all of my MYP's went to, but I am looking for Minty or Butterscotch, 2 of the originals. Does anyone have them? Your site is amazing. Thanks! :-) |
Moonjumper - 09/20/00 09:00:01 My URL:http://members.fortunecity.com/moonjumper My Email:TaintedWurx@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: nawh.... thank you, though Your favorite pony: ALL of them! =) | Comments: I just wanted to say hi! and annouce that i past through. ~Moonjumper |
Wendy - 09/06/00 04:19:27 My Email:R7354@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no thanks Your favorite pony: Paradise | Comments: |
- 09/06/00 04:18:27 | Comments: |
violetkitty - 08/31/00 20:22:27 My URL:http://twinkleofstarlight.homestead.com My Email:violetkitty@bolt.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no thank you Your favorite pony: not sure of name ~ has carmel apples as symbol | Comments: I would just like to thank you very much for providing me with cleaning tips as I am about to be auctioning off my collection :) |
Chelsea - 08/24/00 11:56:25 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: Fizzy | Comments: Thank you! I love your site. My ponies can get a real clean-up now. |
- 08/24/00 11:52:23 | Comments: |
Angela - 08/18/00 17:58:18 My Email:cowgirlaa@excite.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: lickity split and many others | Comments: I love My Little Ponies. I wasn't a rich child so I only had one or two. I had lickity split but don't any more. I am now collecting them and have nine ponies, a lunch box, and a stand-up puzzle. |
lydia buesseler - 08/02/00 22:31:32 My Email:lid_lid@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: I don't know the name | Comments: Your sight is really cool. It gave me a lot of tips on how to take better care of my ponies. |
Lilith - 08/02/00 20:26:47 My Email:Lilithdrff@aol.com Your favorite pony: moondancer | Comments: Hi, I just wanted to say that you have a great site here, keep up the good work. |
Glory - 07/17/00 01:10:35 My URL:/supersalamon/welcome.htm My Email:patamon333@netscape.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes please Your favorite pony: Fire Fly | Comments: Any body wanna be friends? |
Karen - 07/15/00 03:40:00 My URL:http://unicorn72.tripod.com/index.html My Email:Unicorn_72@yahoo.com Your favorite pony: All of them | Comments: Great page. I have a club if any pony collectors would like to join, I'm over 200 members now and I'm trying to make it to 300! Here is the address if anyone would like to join. http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/mylittlepony |
Baby Fizzy - 06/25/00 16:21:27 My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/heathersunicornwebpage My Email:pegasusunicorn_2000@yahoo.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Fizzy | Comments: awsome page! Please visit mine! |
Laura - 06/22/00 08:53:40 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Babybub_2000@yahoo.co.uk Your favorite pony: Firefly | Comments: I love them all |
Sarah Rayner, England - 05/28/00 14:07:31 My Email:i don't know Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Yeah, but wots the point in askin that? Your favorite pony: mmm... I'd say FIZZY! | Comments: Wow! You've done a great job with your site! One tip with pony care: If you've got a pony that used to have light pink hair but its faded to white - eg Wind Whistler or Lickety-Split, then get some baby sterilising tablets and dissolve them in a bit of w rm to hot water and soak your pony in it. It won't damage it unless you sqeeze the pony underwater(Then it'll get water sucked up inside it and you'll get all this green stuff growing inside it and it'll get smoozed). Soak it for a few hours and you pony' hair should be bleached back to its former glory! |
bo-jan baptiste - 05/19/00 04:03:07 My URL:http://dismalland.tripod.com My Email:dismalland@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: umm Your favorite pony: i have absolutely no idea... whatsoever... | Comments: hey y'all. i'm bored. so very bored. so i'm signing this thing. |
helen - 05/02/00 19:38:07 My Email:h_alarie@yahoo.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: heartrob | Comments: |
Lilly - 04/09/00 13:06:28 My URL:/hot_krista/littleponies.html My Email:lillychick@chickmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Sprinkles | Comments: I LOVE MLP |
Lilly - 04/09/00 13:05:18 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/hot_krista/littleponies.html My Email:lillychick@chickmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Sprinkles | Comments: I LOVE MLP |
samantha - 03/29/00 01:00:27 | Comments: |
Sugar Anne - 03/22/00 01:56:35 My Email:sugar_anne_@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes please Your favorite pony: 4-Speed | Comments: I've gotten ponies as Christmas presents ever since I was born in 1981. I love them all and currently own 35 of them. I also own the pink Dream Castle. :) I love your site by the way. |
holly - 03/19/00 20:42:36 My Email:kiserroll1@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no thanks Your favorite pony: baby lofty | Comments: |
Patti - 03/19/00 20:13:19 Your favorite pony: I can't remember | Comments: A friend sent me this website address with only "Check this out! It is cool!" I had NO IDEA it would be all about MLP. How awesome! I am so excited. I played with MLP as a child and my mom has kept them all for me. Seeing your web page makes me want to go home and dig them all out! |
Amanda - 03/18/00 21:21:30 My Email:amanda_quinn@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Night Glider | Comments: this page is great |
jamie lucas - 02/29/00 19:25:33 My Email:jamies7700@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: i love them all | Comments: i loved my little pony's i grew up with them and i still love them i wish they were still on tv. i am 17 and i still love them |
Baby Magic Star - 02/26/00 18:00:31 My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/other/princessharm/index.html My Email:PRINCESS800@webtv.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Magic Star or Medely | Comments: Great Site! I think it's creative and original! My Little Pony Forever! |
jolanda - 02/21/00 20:46:43 My URL:http://www.blacktown.homestead.com/index.html My Email:jburgmeijer@wxs.nl Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no, thank you ^_^ Your favorite pony: mimic | Comments: This is a real nice site! |
Ambrie - 02/14/00 01:29:42 My Email:Ambrie_2001@yahoo.com | Comments: This is such a cool page. |
Sara - 02/13/00 10:06:27 My URL:http://wwli.com/sara/pony.html My Email:sara@wwli.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: I don't mind Your favorite pony: Dainty Dove | Comments: I love this page! |
Princess Moondreamer - 01/30/00 02:43:08 Your favorite pony: Moondreamer, Star Gazer, Baby Princess Sparkle, Pony Bride | Comments: I love it! You have a great site. I know the point is for us to ask you to customize ponies for us, but maybe you could have some tips on how to do-it-yourself...? But really. I love it all! |
kendyl - 01/29/00 18:53:11 My Email:hiddy@flash.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: ivy | Comments: that was a kool page |
Beth - 01/18/00 20:37:59 My Email:goldcreek@mailcity.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure Your favorite pony: Applejack | Comments: Hi, what a wonderful site you have here, if only i had seen it sooner i may have been able to save my poor applejack from the smooze!! I Love ponies, and i always will, I guess you could say it was a cheap way of owning a real horse...anyways keep up the reat work! |
Heather - 01/16/00 23:56:08 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: NO Your favorite pony: Moondancer | Comments: Love the site! |
Baby Princess Moondust - 01/11/00 06:56:03 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: No thanks :) Your favorite pony: Is Pretty Vision! | Comments: Hi everyone! I'm Baby Princess Moondust, and am pleased to meet you all :) I like this site it rules! *puts two hooves up to try and show two thumbs up and ends up fallling* Bye! |
Princess Misty (aka Lauren) - 01/04/00 01:09:45 My URL:http://members.aol.com/grandparedwood/bwe.html My Email:XMy Little PonyX@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yeah Your favorite pony: windwhistler | Comments: this is a really great site. keep up the good work! |
baby Stella - 01/02/00 17:01:27 My URL:http://www.expage.com/page/babystellasmlpsite My Email:brussee@euronet.nl Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Yes Your favorite pony: Baby Stella | Comments: Great site! |
Anise - 01/01/00 18:05:04 My Email:delagarz9@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: all | Comments: |
bow-tie - 12/27/99 02:10:32 My URL:http://www.linkline.com/personal/boobear/bowtieschifesshowstable.htm My Email:bow-tie-pony@home.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Yes Your favorite pony: bow-tie | Comments: Great web page......I love it |
Zodicia Gemini - 11/22/99 23:20:21 My Email:Rlynn16@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure Your favorite pony: Unicorns!!! | Comments: i would like to know if I'd be able to give you ideas on creating NEW ponies!!!! I have drawings and bunches and bunches of ideas. And if you have two recessive ponies form a family, like a flutter and unicorn, what will the baby be? |
Applejack - 10/19/99 19:29:03 My Email:AppleJack_@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure :) Your favorite pony: Applejack!!! | Comments: Hey! I love your page! The pony genetics page was really fun to look at. Keep up the good work! =^.^= |
Carmen - 09/22/99 22:37:51 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/FashionAvenue/5372 My Email:carmennichole@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Applejack and Yo-yo | Comments: I like your page. It is a great idea. The custom ponies are really cool. |
Baby Windwhistler - 09/20/99 06:18:18 My Email:Mdudko@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no thanks Your favorite pony: Windwhistler | Comments: Very nice page. Keep up the good work!!! |
Agnes - 08/24/99 20:18:47 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/on/onesparrow/ Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no | Comments: Hi, I love my little pony. I used to collect the dolls and watch the cartoons when I was younger. =0)
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Coral Schieve - 08/09/99 15:55:27 My Email:coralzebco@aol.com | Comments: |
Sarah - 08/06/99 04:36:24 My Email:PnkUnicorn@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Rosedust | Comments: Your page is how do i say it? So elegant looking and it has great service and advice. =) |
Tony - 07/25/99 18:43:37 My Email:maildoos@freemail.nl Your favorite pony: sjetlander pony's | Comments: I like good health pony's with great colorus I like to kiss my pony it smells so good! A have 3 pony's and I like them all very mutch I got 2 male and 1 female pony's it is very nice to see a nice big pony's penis they really know how to erect Boy I love my pony's bye I'm of to visit them right now !! Boy I love my pony's mmmh there good |
Dana - 07/14/99 14:12:45 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/rishpy My Email:DaDaDaDaDaDaDa Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: Ringlets | Comments: Hi! nice page! I dont have so much ponies to clean and make 'em beauty but I will have...:) come and visit my place which uncludes ponies too. sign my guestbook-it's SO empty:( ![]() |
Annette Crotty - 07/11/99 07:16:07 My Email:rjcrotty@earthlink.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yep Your favorite pony: Buttons | Comments: I love your webpage! I never knew how the pony genetics worked until now! I just got three new ponies! All keychains, they sell them at Hot Topic stores! Hugz and Kisses! |
Dancing Butterflies - 07/09/99 14:50:04 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al/TheCosmicMuffin2/index.html My Email:d_butterflies@yahoo.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: Dancing Butterflies | Comments: Hi Grapevine! Teriffic site! Luv'n it! :) I have a new webpage, and it would be so cool if you could visit it! :) Thanks! Buhbye now! DB |
Nightbird - 06/19/99 16:18:53 My URL:http://buffy.acmecity.com/master/288 My Email:xanderspet@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: wha? | Comments: okay I'm freacked out,if this is catoninetails website then cool site but if it's someone elses I don't know what happing here but I'm sure your site is cool. |
Karen Sheehan - 06/19/99 14:23:59 My Email:tkca@iol.ie Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Apple jack | Comments: I have liked my little pony for years now and i will like them always |
Mittens - 06/15/99 14:28:15 My Email:cheechya@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: snookums | Comments: this is a nicley done page. hopefully i will be able to clean up my ponies with your tips, thankyou! |
Margie - 06/06/99 19:13:02 My Email:sorrellhorse@alloymail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Salty | Comments: I love the tips on cleaning, they should really come in handy with all my ponies! I would like to see tips on cleaning so softs. Thank you for all the lovely ideas on pony care! |
- 05/23/99 04:55:47 | Comments: Hi, I was just checking my daughter's MLP web site,ound the webring link and thought I would sample a few sites. This is great fun! Continue to enjoy your ponies and keep sharing them with others. Laura's MOM |
~*Jander Sunstar*~ - 05/09/99 09:57:48 My Email:forget_me_not260@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: no Your favorite pony: Wind whistler | Comments: HI! This is a really good site...good job! |
Sugarberry from the Berry Patch - 04/22/99 16:47:13 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Cottage/5721/index.html My Email:rsund73845@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Yes please. :o) Your favorite pony: Night Light | Comments: You have a wonderful salon! I got some much- needed information and really enjoyed visiting! Please come and visit my home sometime. :o) |
Felica Tabby - 03/28/99 05:32:49 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Studio/2069 My Email:f_tabby@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Not at the moment, but thanks for asking ;) Your favorite pony: Moondancer | Comments: Nice page. You deffinately put a lot of thought into it. Very creative. Good job! I likez! |
jacfu - 03/22/99 21:18:31 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Channel/1088 My Email:jacfu@yahoo.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure Your favorite pony: Gusty | Comments: Good page. I come here whenever I'm aimlessly surfing on the web. |
Flurry - 03/10/99 06:24:29 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Tower/3532/index.html My Email:babyoreo@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure Your favorite pony: babyLofty | Comments: Hey, great page. Please visit mine too! Flurry |
Pinkdreams - 03/03/99 18:40:52 My URL: ![]() ![]() My Email:dmlopez@uci.edu Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure! Your favorite pony: Pinkdreams, and Princess Serena | Comments: Cute page! I love the graphic and layout.... well done. Great original idea. =) |
Emjay - 01/04/99 03:42:03 My Email:Inconu@ibm.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: why not? Your favorite pony: babby Cotton-Candy & baby Moondancer, and b. Tic Tac Toe, and b. Hoppy, ohhh! All of them! | Comments: Groovey site. Wouldn't mind comin' back. |
Flicker - 12/18/98 05:51:55 My Email:knapp@mmc.marymt.edu Would you like to be on our mailing list?: YES!!! Your favorite pony: Baby Whirly Twirl | Comments: =o) |
Baby wind Whistler - 12/03/98 03:39:08 My Email:Mdudko@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Yes Your favorite pony: Wind Whistler | Comments: Your site is great.Keep up the good work! |
Kelly - 12/02/98 19:05:04 My URL:http://people.goplay.com/BabyTwist/ My Email:BabyTwist@goplay.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: sure! Your favorite pony: can I only choose one? Hmm... Lofty | Comments: Great page! I linked it to my cartoon site. Hope you don't mind. Check it out sometime. Thanx. :) |
Karen du Plessis - 11/30/98 15:20:12 My Email:totpak@iafrica.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: oh,yes, please Your favorite pony: Grapevine | Comments: I LIKE THE MLP VERY MUCH!!!! PLEASE WOULD YOU E-MAIL BACK TO ME,`CAUSE I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU BYE FOR NOW KAREN |
Shay - 10/28/98 01:26:29 My Email:Shayna DH@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Baby Tic-Tac-Toe, Applejack (who doesn't love her?), Ember, and Windwhistler . | Comments: I love this site! The tips are really going to help me take care of my ponies. I'm working on an idea for a costom pony. Maybe someday she'll become a reality with your help. Keep up the good work! |
Featherflight - 10/16/98 01:43:27 My Email:castmetal@earthlink.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Applejack and Gusty | Comments: I love your site! I am saving my money to get a custom pony. I have a great idea, and I really want it to be done better than my limited customizing skills. |
Princess Esther - 10/16/98 01:43:04 My Email:castmetal@earthlink.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Applejack an Gusty | Comments: I love your site! I am saving my money to get a custom pony. I have a great idea, and I really want it to be done better than my limited customizing skills. |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
Macklin - 10/01/98 04:33:33 My URL:i'm making one My Email:PsychoFan8@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Yeah, ok. Your favorite pony: I don't do the whole ponny thang, they are all groovy i guess | Comments: Groovy site, Eliza!! Very groovy indeed. I was forced into playing ponies with my cousic when i was 4 and i wasn;t happy about it. Your site is very groovy :o) ! I think I already said that, oh yeah, I did. Groovy site!! ~Macklin~ |
Mocknbird - 09/18/98 01:40:28 My Email:mocknbird@netscape.net Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: Sunbeam | Comments: This is a very helpful page. I have a pony with rust spots on her neck and I do not think they will come off with polish remover. Are they ppermanent? |
Mire - 08/28/98 23:57:35 My URL:/Area51/Shire/5079/ My Email:mirebast@juno.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: why not Your favorite pony: Blossom (my first pony) | Comments: I never realized MLPs were still so popular! I just wish they hadn't changed them (The new ones look odd to me). I even still have almost all of my MLP (at the ripe old age of 24). I even snagged a couple of my little sist rs so they wouldn't disappear. When I finally have room to display them again, all of your tips for their care will really come in handy. THANKS!
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steph woodward - 08/25/98 05:19:00 My Email:barbiegirl68@hotmail.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: all of them | Comments: awesome site!!!!!!!!!!! |
Victoria - 07/27/98 03:13:28 My Email:SaturnCub@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Sure! Your favorite pony: All of them! | Comments: Great Page!! |
Moondancera - 07/20/98 01:11:21 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Moondancera/index.html My Email:ammieh@yahoo.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: all | Comments: I thought your page was very informational and I will add your page to my page links. I will also try to enter the contest. |
Speedy - 07/14/98 18:26:30 My Email:RoosieT@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: Um, maybe Your favorite pony: Speedy | Comments: I'm sorry but I REALLY do NOT like this site! What is the point of sending away your pony to someone and be charged as much as some ponies cost to get your Ponies cleaned up, when you can do just as much at home! this is RETARDED!!!!!!!!!! |
Baby Gusty - 07/08/98 23:59:52 My URL:http://expage.com/page/babyquackers My Email:Gusty416@aol.com Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes ma'am Your favorite pony: Gusty! | Comments: cool site i'll try to enter the contest! |
tabby - 07/08/98 02:43:36 My URL:http://expage.com/page/Fantasylake My Email:Antonietta_Gaudet@bc.sympatico.ca Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes Your favorite pony: tabby | Comments: cooooooooooooool! web page! |
mom - 07/02/98 14:40:20 Would you like to be on our mailing list?: yes | Comments: I love your site! |