Finally, My Little Ponies have their own photo show! This is the time for beautiful ponies to strut their stuff for the judges. All you need to do is take pictures of your favorite ponies and send them in under the appropriate classes! We also support other enthusiasts who want to host their own shows. For more information on shows, go to our Host a Show Help Page Your ponies will be judged for the following criteria:
Ponies that are harder to find (i.e. flutter ponies with wings, UK ponies, etc.) will stand a better chance against more common ponies.
The condition of your pony is very important. The minter the better. A common pony in mint condition will do better than a rarer pony in poor condition.
Photo Quality:
It is important for your photo to be neat and clear. You can be as creative as you want with the background, as long as the pony is highly visible.
This only applies to performance classes. Please try to make sure any props used are the same scale as the pony.
You may enter as many ponies in as many of the following classes as you wish. You may also re-enter the same pony in a different class. However, the judge must receive at least 5 entries per class, or that class will be canceled or combined.
Class List
Type Division:
#1 Unicorns
#2 Earth
#3 Pegasus
#4 Flutter/ Windy & Summer Wing
#5 Sea Ponies
#6 Babies
Breed Division:
#5 So-Soft
#6 Twice as Fancy
#7 Rainbow
#8 Twinkle- eyed
#9 Princess
#10 All others
#11 Customs
Color Division:
#12 Pink/ Purple/ Blue
#13 Red/ Orange/ Yellow
#13 Green/ White/ Other
Performance Division:
#14 Costume/ Parade
#15 Pony and Rider
#16 Circus
#17 Other Performance not listed
#18 Most Realistic Photo
Entry Fee:
1 cent per photo or $5.00 unlimited
An on-line certificate or paper certificate- 1st through 3rd
$5 Gift Certificate to The Pony's Salon- Champions/ Reserve
A Complete Makeover Custom pony- Grand/ Reserve Champion
Mail entries to- Salon Photo Show, c/o Eliza Frye, 1420 Turk #1002, San Francisco, CA, 94115 or scan and email photos. Please be sure to send entry fee even if you emailed your photos. All entries must include a Large Self Addressed Stamped Envelope for return of photos and any awards.
The back of your photo must include the following information:
Your name and address
The name of the pony, type, and breed
The class number(s) and title(s) in which the photo entered
Performance photos- please state what the pony is doing if it is not obvious.
Basic Rules:
1. Entries must be recieved by Sept. 30, 1998 or they will not be judged
2. Classes with 4 entries or less will be canceled or combined.
3. One photo per horse per class
4. Please send postal money orders only
5. Judge's decisions are final!
Winners will be notified via email and will be posted here on or before October 5th, 1998. Good Luck!
