So anyway, I have several characters on various Moo's and have made a lot of friends.
All my character on Harpers Tale Moo, since there are so many, have they're own pages at *hee* I would have all of my characters on one page, but it's a long story about stupidity on why I have pages on two different hosts... *wink* so don't ask...
Well, I don't just play on Harper's Tale, I also play on Dragon'sFire MOO as a 8 Turn old Mishi, on StarStones MOO as an 18 Turn old Smith Appy, on VirtuaPern MOO as a Smith Senior Apprentice.
I also have several, non-pern related characters. On Enchanted Forest Moo, I play Lady Lythande. This Moo is based on the Patricia C. Wrede books. I also have two Teralie's.. one on CrystalMush as a Tuner, and one on CrystalDreams Mush as a Singer. Another character I have on CrystalDreams is Honey, a tuner. I don't have pages for all of them, and maybe never will.. you'll just have to RP with them to find out what they are like ;)
So anyway, look around... most of these pages are in the preliminary stages as rl doesn't give me a whole lot of time to update this... but enjoy *smile* and thanks for coming!
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