Movies (Framed)
Sorry, there is no...(opinion)
My Girlfriend
Animated GIFs
A few photos..just for the heck of it.
OK. Here it is. Copy it. Edit it. Print it out. Pin it to the bullseye on your dart board. Attatch it to the next Voyager mission to Pluto. Paint a mustach, cigar, and funny black eyeglasses (don't need the fake nose...) on it. Tell me I look like Igon from Ghostbusters. Point out that my glasses are crooked. Laugh, cry, run screaming, beg for my hand in marriage... Just don't complain about the lack of a picture any more. Deal?
Let's see if I can remember how to do this. It's probably been a year since I've done anything to this site (though Yahoo did a pretty good job a screwing it up...
Pet Peeves