Jedi BoyJedi Boy
To the tune of Barbie Girl by Aqua
YODA: Hiya Luke!
LUKE: Hi Yoda!
YODA: You wanna be a Jedi?
LUKE: Sure Yoda!
YODA: Hmm hmm
LUKE: I'm a Jedi boy
In a Jedi world
Yoda's a muppet
Artoo's my droid
YODA: You can learn the Force
In this Jedi course
The limitations
Are only in your mind.
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: I'm a Jedi boy
In a Jedi world
Yoda's a muppet
Artoo's my droid
YODA: You can learn the Force
In this Jedi course
The limitations
Are only in your mind.
LUKE: I landed my X-wing
In a slimy mud hole
YODA: Size matters not
Use the Force
It is easy
LUKE: It's impossible
It's too big
I just can't do it
Lifting stones
Lifting droids
This is different
YODA: Be at peace
Please be calm
And beware the darker side
LUKE: I'm a Jedi boy
In a Jedi world
Yoda's a muppet
Artoo's my droid
YODA: You can learn the Force
In this Jedi course
The limitations
Are only in your mind
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ah-ah-ah-yeah!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ooh-oo-oo, Ooh-oo-oo!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ah-ah-ah-yeah!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ooh-oo-oo, Ooh-oo-oo!
LUKE: Artoo flew
Through the air
He doesn't taste very good
YODA: Found someone
You must have
Help you I can, ye-es?
Away put
Your weapon
And come to my house
Feed you stew
Talk backwards
The Jedi must eat
BEN: He can learn
The patience
YODA: He is way, way too old
BEN: He can learn
The patience
YODA: He is way, way too old
LUKE: I'm a Jedi boy
In a Jedi world
Yoda's a muppet
Artoo's my droid
YODA: You can learn the Force
In this Jedi course
The limitations
Are only in your mind.
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ah-ah-ah-yeah!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ooh-oo-oo, Ooh-oo-oo!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ah-ah-ah-yeah!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ooh-oo-oo, Ooh-oo-oo!
LUKE: I'm a Jedi boy
In a Jedi world
Yoda's a muppet
Artoo's my droid
YODA: You can learn the Force
In this Jedi course
The limitations
Are only in your mind.
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ah-ah-ah-yeah!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ooh-oo-oo, Ooh-oo-oo!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ah-ah-ah-yeah!
YODA: Come on Jedi, use the Force
LUKE: Ooh-oo-oo, Ooh-oo-oo!
LUKE: Han isn't having very much fun!
YODA: But Luke, we're just getting started
LUKE: I'll return, Yoda
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