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What's today!

My current SW:CCG tournament rating is: 1772

If you don't know what this game is about, check out Decipher to get all the info you need.

Links to other sites on the Web
Colonel Mustachio's Card Reviews-Terrific insight on a lot of the cards in the game
If the above link doesn't work, try this one
Decipher's SW:CCG Discussion BBS-I can be found here a lot of the time
ZippyDaJedi's SW:CCG World-Lots of links and other great stuff
Beakman's World-Lots of great articles, trades and card reviews.
Niel's Star Wars Universe and CCG Homepage-lots of good stuff about SW:CCG.
Momaw Nadon's SW:CCG Page-Card of the Day, dream cards and more.
Dragon's SW:CCG Page-Lots of dream cards that I submitted myself.
Warlord Zsinj's Dwelling-Lots of Cards Of The Day
Boba Fett's Star Wars Page-Lots of cool images.
Friday Knight's SW:CCG Page-Links, Dream cards, the whole shebang.
Star Wars CCG Newsletter-Articles, articles and more articles about SW:CCG.
Kaya Kenobi's Star Wars Page-Links and other great stuff.
Bib Fortuna-A cool Bib Fortuna page that I found while surfing the 'Net.
Wildman's Star Wars chat room-Not related to SW:CCG, but still a good chat room.
Yahoo's list of SW:CCG pages-My page will be on there eventually.
Card Table-A cool program that lets you play SW:CCG over the net.
Dark Knight's Ultra Star Wars Universe.-My friend's Star Wars page
DuneTrek-My other friend's Dune/Star Trek page
The Star Wars Pants Page-Check it out! It's hilarious.
JediMUD-A Star Wars-based MUD. I'm known as Palejo and Face there.

Stuff on my page
My have list
My want list
My decks page
Dream cards
Stupid Combos
SW:CCG Humor
About Me
My trading References
Jedi Boy-A Star Wars parody of the not-so-famous song "Barbie Girl"

If any of the above links seem dead, E-mail me and I'll see what I can do.
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This site was last updated 10/03/2002
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