Signs and Symbols
 The symbols from the I-Beam recovered from the Roswell Wreckage.
The symbols pictured here, are recreations of the symbols that some witnesses saw, on the I-Beams found in the wreckage, of the alleged flying saucer crash at Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1949.  The accuracy of these symbols could be questioned since they were drawn from memory by witnesses over 40 years after the event.

If you look closely, there is one beam which has been photographed in various positions, upside down and in mirror image.  There was only beam seen, but the artist here is showing all the possible positions these symbols could take.

With no cultural references, it is difficult to interpret these symbols.  It is interesting to note that the symbols are pictograms and do not appear to be an alphabet, similar to Chinese and Japanese writing.  They also could be something like the symbols we have in public places, where ours denote wheelchair access, rest rooms, restaurants etc..  What do we stamp on manufactured products but serial numbers, manufacturing information or warnings.  These Roswell symbols could be numbers or chemical symbols.  In my opinion the symbols seem to be spaced apart well, not in the way we space serial numbers, but they could also be designed to be seen by something with bad eyesight.

One symbol seems to be identical to another, but on closer inspection the fourth symbol (from the left)  is not as symmetrical as the sixth symbol.  A number of the symbols also have secondary small points attached to them which might indicate a resemblance to roman numerals where V becomes VI and denotes an increase.

The Trident, on the coast of Peru, pointing to the fields of Nazca.

There are many instances of ancient pictograms beginning found all over the world.  One of the most famous location of ancient symbols is the Plain of Nazca.   In this dry, Peruvian desert, exist lines and drawings of animals, so large they can only be seen from the air.  The Trident above, is inscribed on the mountainside, near the seacoast of Peru, perhaps as a directional mark or signpost, which points in the direction of Nazca.  No one knows who drew these symbols nor do they know what their meaning.  Speculation about the figures has included an ancient airport or landing strip for the "gods", messages to the gods from the ancient Peruvians or some kind of astrological guide.  Are these symbols from ancient astronauts, we may never know.

Symbols reported by Subject of Case 0005
These symbols are the ones that Case 0005 described as being in his field of vision. He feels they were placed there by his abductors, as a sign to him.  He does not understand the meaning of the symbols, but feels they are important in defining his mission here.

I have studied these figures and I have seen many resemblance's to objects in chemistry, the human body, primitive tools, buildings, electronics, maps or perhaps language pictograms.  Perhaps they are symbols of a past life experience.  Any feed back would be welcomed.

Crop circles:  Modern Pictograms?
The circle is an ancient image that evokes continuity and the cycle of life.  Many ancient constructions were build in a circular fashion.  Stonehenge, the circular monoliths in the picture to the left, is an excellent example of a circle monument.  It was ancient when the Roman's conquered Britain 2000 years ago.  It was believed to have been built by the Druids, but there is now evidence that it is much older.  Is it a celestial observatory, a temple, or an alien landing marker.  There are hundreds of these circular constructions all over Britain, but none as famous as Stonehenge.
Copyright Stuart Dike 1998
 Image courtesy of The Crop Circle Connector 
Crop circles are another circle phenomenon which has stimulated the minds of ufologists.  They appear all over the world now, but first appeared in England.  Often the English crop circles appear near spiritual or sites of previous paranormal happenings.  The crop circle at Stonehenge, Nr Amesbury, Wiltshire ,  reported on Friday, 18th July, 1997 is a good example of this paranormal linking.  What are these circles, messages from beyond, natural phenomenon, hoaxes, or warnings.  They fascinate us, they seem familiar, yet we just cannot seem to identify their reason for existence.  Why circles in grain fields, did our ancestors see them too and destroyed them in fear or did they build the stone circles on ground that crop circles had formed.  This mystery seems to haunt our imaginations.
Are you interested in deciphering a message from an alien race?  "The Contact Project" is an exercise in attempting to uncode a hypothetical message from another planet.  It is presented for your interest and understanding in the difficulties of  trying to understand the language of a culture that you have no reference points.  An interesting experience.  Click on the link please.
 The Contact Project

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