This group consists of three being types from three distinct
colony zones, namely Sirius, Pleiades and Orion, the Zeta Reticuli Star
System. Genetically, they are nearly identical to Terran humans with
the following exceptions. Abductees refer to these beings as the
-talls.+ Males average up to approximately
seven feet in height; females, six and a half feet.
They are extremely fine featured, pale in complexion. Eyes are almond
shaped, slightly slanted with a natural black liner, much like Egyptians.
There are three hair colors apparently related to colony origin: blonde
(Pleiades), red (Orion), and black (Sirius). The insignia of these combined
human races is a triangular arrangement of three spheres. This symbol
has deep significance, and is found throughout Terran history. History
records these beings as goddesses, gods, devas, etc. A subgroup of
Group A females is in command of most Terran projects.
These are Homo Sapiens whose origin is the planet Earth.
They can be divided into two separate classes.
[Class A] (Ancient) These humans were the companions and house servants of a Group A military mining and occupation force. When this force left the Earth sometime between 1,000 B.C. and 3,500 B.C., it was decided to remove all humans that had been in close proximity with them. It was felt that leaving them would only further disrupt normal human development. Class A humans are on an equal level with Group A and cooperate fully in all Earth projects.
[Class M] (Modern) These
humans are working on the same cooperative level as Class A. They
were taken from the Earth in modern times. During some abduction
projects, twins (either identical or fraternal) are induced in a female
subject. During the first trimester, one of the fetuses is removed.
It is then grown to maturity by Group A. Abductees will meet their
twins during some abductions. Very limited contact has been made
by these humans.
These humans are comprised of two classes and should
not be confused with Group D Greys.
[Class W] (Workers)
This class is the smallest in physical stature. They are described
as approximately three and a half feet in height, large head and eyes,
pale white in complexion. These workers were created by Group A through
genetic modification of Terran human fetuses. Their function is to
perform menial tasks requiring limited reasoning abilities. In mental
capacity, they are equivalent to a five year old child.
They are incapable of violence and, in some cases, are
kept as companions by Group A individuals.
[Class T] (Technicians)
These humans are basically the same as Class W. They are slightly
larger, at approximately four and a half feet in height. Their complexion
is tan or yellowish. Their reasoning and deductive powers are higher. This
allows them to perform more complex operations. They are often seen
operating ship controls and in transport activities. Both Classes
W and T are telepathically camouflaged to appear as Greys to abductees.
This is done to conceal the true nature of Group C. It is felt that
perception of Group A maintaining a human slave population would hinder
future contact efforts. This point will undoubtedly be a source of
much heated debate in the near future.
Of the six groups discussed in this paper, the Greys
appear to represent the only non-human contingent. The following
data should be considered tentative at best. Height is approximately
five and a half feet. The head is large; eyes large, black and very
slanted. Skin color is dark grey and non-porous. All data
so far indicates that they may be a cetacean-based life
form. On Earth, this comprises the species of whales and dolphins.
Descriptions of Greys+ skin color and texture closely match that of dolphins.
The stare and stun effects approximate that performed by dolphins on potential
enemies, such as sharks and
Human and dolphin fetuses are nearly identical, up to
a certain development stage. Some say they share a common genetic
ancestor. If so, then this makes the hybridization of human and dolphins
theoretically feasible. There are two possibilities concerning the
origin of the Greys.
The first is that a cetacean life form evolved on another
planet. Unlike Terran cetaceans, they did not
return to the oceans.
The second possibility involves the genetic modification
of Terran cetaceans by Group A. When Group A created workers in ancient
times, they may have used the two most evolved species available.
These would have been pre-humans and dolphins. There is evidence
for this in ancient writing, sculptures and paintings. They show a close
relationship between the gods (Group A) and dolphins. In South America,
there are ruins which appear to have been massive water enclosures.
These were the breeding pens of
the Greys.
One of the main ET projects, now in the completion stage,
is the hybrid program. The goal of this project is to produce a being
combining the best physical and mental qualities of both races. The following
description is of a hybrid female, approximately fifteen years old.
Height is five feet, three inches; skin color is pale white/grey.
The head is slightly larger and rounder than normal. Hair is dark,
high above the forehead, and worn in a very long ponytail. The face
is very fine-featured, and attractive. Like all the beings discussed
in this paper, her main method of communication is telepathic. This
has allowed a
deeper understanding of her intellectual and emotional
make-up. They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all respects.
They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent, but find them agonizingly
boring. The desire for human contact is greater than all others.
Their capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than, humans. Any
physical attribute more human than Grey is a great source of pride.
Their intellectual capacity is well above human standards. It is
very likely they will exceed the
capabilities of both races.
These have been seen both near, and on-board, UFOs.
Little is known about them. Some have speculated that they are the
original pre-human species from which Homo Sapiens were derived
The following is a brief summary of those beings who were identified. The main or lead group of alien beings are advanced humans of non-terrestrial origins. They are in all respects nearly identical to Earth born Homo Sapiens. They are from three distinct colony zones, Sirius, Orion, Pleiades. They came to the Earth sometime before 50,000 BC. for mining and colonization purposes. Note: an excellent source of information are the Earth Chronicles, by Sachariah Sitchin. These advanced humans modified an existing, Earth born, pre-human by merging their genes with it. The resultant hybrid is what we now call modern man, us.
The remaining subgroups of humans observed onboard UFO's are all Earth born humans who were taken from the Earth both in ancient and modern times. All of these human beings can be found in our historical literature, described in various ways. In very ancient times they were called Gods. Some of the later names are, angels, divas, fairies, elves, demons, incubus and succubus, etc.
It is interesting to note that as mankind developed these beings have continued to be involved in one way or the other in human affairs. In modern times we no longer refer to these beings in spiritual terms. We call them ET's or aliens and have become aware of both their physical nature, and high state of technological advancement. Whether our various social and religious organizations can survive the growing pains of finally leaving our state of intellectual pre puberty, has yet to be seen.
Now let us examine the only non-human UFO contingent, the Grays. Based on our eyewitness testimony the following physical profile can be deduced. Height is 5 ft. 5 in., overall shape is humanoid. Skin coloration is dark gray and non porous. The head is proportionally large and triangular shaped in the vertical plane. The back skull area is large and rounded. The eyes are large and slanted upwards toward the back. Grays are often mistaken for two human subgroups, known as workers and technicians. These are smaller and as stated are of human decent. Based on all the evidence that has thus far been seen, the following hypothesis is made. The Grays are descended from cetaceans.
What are cetaceans? On Earth they comprise the species we call whales and dolphins. We have already seen that human species can be found elsewhere. If the same genetic code for humans exists on other worlds, than it is not unreasonable to propose that other genetic codes previously thought to be only Earth indigenous exist out there as well. This raises a very interesting question. Why is the same basic genetic code found on all these different worlds? The answer can only be that an unknown intelligence deliberately seeded the various planets with the same basic genetic blueprints. The Earth then is merely one in a series of duplicate genetic environments. Who were these seeders and what was their purpose? Interesting questions indeed. Perhaps in a future report it can be discussed in greater detail.
Now let us get back to our central issue, the Grays. What are the reasons for supposing that they are a dolphin based life form? The answer to this is found in the similarities of both their physical and behavioral aspects. First let us examine the physical characteristics. The skin of a Gray is very similar to that of dolphins both in texture and in some cases coloration. If you have an abductee look at a dark gray porpoise, the response is in the affirmative. On Earth the dolphins evolved legs and arms to function on land but later returned to the oceans. X-rays clearly show the residual appendages in modern day dolphins. It is possible that the Grays evolved just as Earth dolphins but did not return to the oceans and continued to develop as a land based mammal. Next is the skull shape. The grays have a large rounded rear area to in the upper front and back of their skulls. An examination of the dolphin skull shows the same large, rounded front and rear areas. The eyes of Grays are described as large and black with what appears to be a protective shielding covering the eye. Many earth aquatic animals have developed protective outer eye shields for underwater use. It is possible that this is a left over attribute from the grays ocean origins. Another factor is the dark coloration of this eye shield. It suggest an eye structure suited for a reduced light environment. In the oceans this is natural for a creature living underwater were the suns light does not penetrate. On Earth the dolphins developed the sonar ability as their primary navigational ability and do not rely on sight while underwater.
Now we will look at the behavioral similarities.
Earth dolphins use sonar to navigate and stun both prey and enemies. The stun affect is of particular interest to us. Dolphins can emit very powerful and focused ultra sonic burst from the front portion of there skulls. This is used to stun prey and to stun enemies such as sharks and barracuda. I viewed a film of a group of dolphins utilizing this ability on a very large barracuda. The barracuda was swimming towards a group of baby dolphins. Four large adult dolphins turned so that there heads were directly inline with the barracuda and emitted a sustained ultrasonic burst. The effect on the barracuda was astounding. It literally froze, completely paralyzed in the water, even the gills had ceased to move. The dolphins stared at it for about thirty seconds, during which time the barracuda remained totally immobilized. As soon as they turned their heads away, the ultrasonic beam was no longer focused on the barracuda and it fled at a very high speed. Obviously this beam was tightly focused and required the dolphins head to be pointed directly at the target. The strength of the beam could be changed also. When hunting it could be directed at small fish and amplified to lethal levels, causing instant death. Some believe that this is also used when dolphins kill sharks, by ramming them. Autopsy's show the sharks internal organs have been literally shattered. The beam can also be controlled to produce a stun effect as in the case of the barracuda. The result was physical paralysis and disorientation.
I believe that this is the very same technique used by the Grays in abductions. The similarities are overwhelming. Every abductee says that when they are abducted they are paralyzed and become mentally disorientated. This is usually in the presence of a gray. The most striking thing they recall is what is called the "Stare". This is when the gray looks directly at an abductee. The large dark eyes capture the abductees attention immediately. They then report being unable to move and a feeling of great mental disorientation. On some rare occasions abductees report a lessening of these effects when the gray looked away from them. This clearly indicates that the intensity of the effect was directly proportional to the direction or focus of the front portion of the gray's head. I believe that gray's possess the same sonar abilities as all dolphins and it is used to stun an abductee during the abduction. The 'Stare" as abductees call it, is merely the positioning of the grays frontal skull area, the projection area, to achieve maximum beam concentration on the abductee. When the gray looks away the beam would naturally become less focused and the effect would diminish, just as it does.
The description of the grays head is large, triangular and rounded in front and back. This suggest a large and rounded rear and frontal brain lobe structure. This is identical to the physical structure of cetaceans. It is the main difference between cetacean and human brains. This large rounding is thought to be an adaptation of the cetacean brain to handle the enormous data flow of they're echo-location and sound based communications faculties. It should also be noted that on the rare occasions that abductees hear verbal sounds from grays it is described as high-pitched, sometimes chattering or staccato clicks or beeps. These are all similar to the air vocalizations of dolphins.
The Grays are reportedly engaged in human/gray hybrid experiments. This is to combine the genetic material of both species into a hybrid species. Is this possible? The Japanese and several other countries are working even now on interspecies hybridizations. If I am correct that the Grays are of dolphin decent, then the possibility of successful hybridization becomes much greater. Some believe that on Earth, man shared a common genetic ancestor with the dolphin. Up to a certain point in development human and dolphin fetuses are nearly identical. In the not too distant future it will be possible to produce a hybrid human/dolphin species. It is my contention that the Grays have already beaten us to it.
Finally I would like to point out that dolphins have been associated with the "Gods" AKA the aliens, from earliest recorded times. Certain mythologies hold that some of the Gods came from a world of water. It is now thought by most that these beings genetically altered the existing prehumans on Earth. It is certain that the Grays would have had a hand in this. One of the greatest of ancient worship sites is the temple of Delphi. This was originally the temple of the sea Goddess. The word Delphos means both dolphin and womb. I believe it is time we stopped calling them Grays and used the proper name our ancestors called them. They knew of the Gods who came from the water world in the heavens long ago. They called them Delphim. I hope that you have found this enlightening and thought provoking.
For those out there who consider humans the only intelligent species on the planet, let me demonstrate the power of the cetacean brain. The bible contains a little over a million and a half bits of information. The song sung by humpbacked whales contains over fifteen million. Each year it changes just slightly and every whale on the planet knows what those changes are. Now ask yourself this. Could you remember the bible word for word? Could you remember fifteen of them? Think about it. If our bible contains our basic history, social and religious philosophies, what does something fifteen times larger contain.
It is my deepest hope that this report will allow you to open new perceptions on the events now taking place on this planet. To see both the Grays and yourselves in a new way. I think in time we will come to find that what's down here, is exactly what's out there. That there are humans and dolphins cooperating out there I am certain. Perhaps we should stop and ponder our roles as the caretakers of this planet. Our own cetacean population have been hunted by man to the very edge of extinction. It is something that we all must take shame in. Recently efforts have been made by the civilized nations to preserve the great whales and dolphins. Can we live peacefully on this planet with another intelligent species? I truly hope so. I would hate for another more advanced species to treat us as well as we've treated the whales. Many hope for contact with these beings. If we cannot get along with an indigenous intelligent species, how can we expect to get along with one of extraterrestrial origins. A people are judged by their actions. If we demonstrate our goodwill toward our fellow inhabitants of this world, Perhaps those not of this world will be sent a message, that we are civilized after all.