Citizens Against UFO Secrecy


with Peter Gersten
 Director of CAUS
(Update February 1998)

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     A few years ago we received some information from Peter Gersten (then living in the Phoenix area) about his organization called Timeless Journey. The brochures that were enclosed included some information about journeys to Peru, of which we offer ourselves via Spirits of the Earth. But also I seemed to remember there was an attorney with this name, who had been successful to release some UFO documents from the government. So in contacting Peter, I asked if he "Was the Guy" and he responded yes.

     The next contact we had with Peter was last year via email correspondences on the Internet. Peter began to send to us a serial UFO story he was writing ... and we expressed some interest to share the story via our web site ...

     Then we received an email from Peter that he had started a weekly chat room on MSN (microsoft's on-line network service) and on Monday, December 29th (1997), I participated as a guest in his room. This was the first time I had a chance to speak directly with Peter and get to know him a little better. I could see Peter is one of those people who is very dedicated to what he believes in and is willing to give his time for its successful conclusion. In attending some of these chat sessions, Peter talked about CAUS (Citizens Against UFO Secrecy), the name of his organization before, when he was able to liberate some of the Government Documents related to UFOs.

     At the beginning of February (1998), Peter was invited to speak in Laughlin, Nevada at the annual International UFO Congress put on by Bob Brown and there he talked about reviving this initiative.

     For those of you not familiar with Peter, he is a criminal defense attorney who in 1977 brought suit in a U.S. District Court on behalf of Ground Saucer Watch against the Central Intelligence Agency. Pursuant to the FOIA lawsuit, the CIA in 1979 released over 900 pages of documents relating to the UFO phenomenon. They refused to release 57 documents, claiming national security considerations. On June 24th, 1980 Gersten brought suit against the National Security Agency on behalf of his own recently formed organization, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, for 135 UFO related documents. On November 18, 1980, based upon a NSA top secret affidavit, the Court dismissed the lawsuit stating that "the continued need for secrecy far out weighed the public's right to know."

     At this time there are two approaches being pursued to challenge the U.S. Government to share what it knows about UFOs. One approach is to pursue establishing some congressional hearings that will grant amnesty to various professionals who have been involved in the cover-up so they can freely testify what they know. I know that Robert Dean is pursuing such an avenue (a former military officer). However, Peter believes a better approach is to continue to take the Government and various of its agencies to court to legally order these agencies to share its information.

     I asked Peter to send to me more information about this Initiative. If anyone who reads this page would be interested to help out, Peter's email address is listed at the bottom. V J Enterprises who has been involved in sharing various information about UFOs via our lectures, books and our web sites, is interested to support the CAUS Initiative.

     So lets see what 1998 holds ... many feel it is just a matter of time before a door opens and the truth will come out.....

     Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro


by Peter Gersten
Director of CAUS

Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS) is a nonprofit corporation which stands for two principles:

CAUS believes that the people on this planet are: Other projects will involve:


In the spirit of promoting and encouraging an end to any and all secrecy relating to extraterrestrial contact with this planet; and in support of the public's right to know this information, CITIZENS AGAINST UFO SECRECY

     (CAUS) hereby formally offers pro bono legal assistance and representation, under the following terms and condition:


The CAUS INITIATIVE affords every witness the utmost confidentiality while resolving an obstacle to important disclosures.


Peter A. Gersten
Director of Citizens Against UFO Secrecy (CAUS)

 from UFOs in the 90's


Dear Supporters of the CAUS,

A non-profit Arizona corporation
The undersigned has this day associated himself for the purpose of forming a non-profit corporation under the laws of Arizona and adopts the following Articles of Incorporation.

CAUS is presently involved in a video titled 'Join the CAUS:Evidence of Extraterrestrial Contact. It will be a 30 minute video used for promotional and fund raising purposes. Future projects involve:

CAUS welcomes all suggestions and comments. CAUS also welcomes any support and assistance. Please distribute this update to all your friends and enemies...because we are all one. We must join together to expose the truth.  We have an absolute and unconditional right to know the truth about contact with another form of intelligence. CAUS believes we have the resources and technology to learn the truth ourselves. All we ask is that no one and nothing interfere with our search for the truth. We are being contacted...and this contact will increase as we approach the galactic alignment. Please listen to the messages carefully. We are not alone.


''Where there is secrecy, there is no truth.

Where there is no truth, there is no justice.

Where there is no justice, there is no freedom.''

Peter A. Gersten, Esq.
Director, Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Inc.

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