The hieroglyphics above are taken from an Egyptian tomb. Note the modern jet like glyph, the helicopter on the left, surprising since this artwork is more than 5,000 years old.
A 3,400 year old papyrus scrolls
belonging to Egyptian Pharoah Thutmose III describe a group of fiery circles
that were seen flying through the sky over his army.
In AD 400, Panodorus, an Egyptian
monk wrote:
"From the creation of Adam, indeed down to Enoch and to the general Cosmic Year 1,282, the number of days was known in neither month nor year but the Egregori ('watchers' or 'angels') descended to Earth in the general Cosmicm Year 1,000, held converse with men and taught them that the orbits of the two luminaries being marked by the 12 signs of the Zodiac are composed of 360 parts."
In AD 1027, August, Cairo:
Numerous noisy objects were reported.
The following passage was translated
from Egyptian hieroglyphics dating back to the 15th
BC ...
"A circle
of fire coming in the sky, noiceless, one rod long with its body and one
rod wide. After
some days
these things became more numerous, shining more than the brightness of
the sun."
2500 BC at the very least, from the library of Ashurbanipal, a H. Schmoekel translation of Mesopotamian texts:
The text narrates how King Etan,
who lived about 5,000 years ago, called the "Good king", was taken as a
guest on a flyingship. The ship was in the form of a 'flying shield',
which landed in a square behind the royal palace, rotating and surrounded
by a vortex of flames. From the ship came tall, blond men with dark
complexions, dressed in white, handsome as gods, they invited King Etana
into the ship for a trip. In the middle od a whirlwind of fire and
smoke he went so high that the Earth to him looked like 'a loaf in a
basket', then the Earth disappeared
from sight. King
Etan in the flying ship reached the Moon, Mars, and Venus. After 2 weeks
of abscence, a successor to the throne was being
prepared. Then, the flying ship glided over the city and touched
down in a ring of fire. The fire abated and King Etan appeared
with some of the blond men, who remained as guests for a few days after.
Here we have a description of a possible flying wing or triangular ship, such as the one sighted over Phoneix, Arizona, in 1997. We often hear stories of a blond alien race, who are considered handsome. The King describes the Earth as "a loaf", of course loaves were usually round in those days. It is remarkable that the ship was able to travel to planets in the solar system and return in 2 weeks. It also appears as these visitors were quite freindly and became guests of the king.
By: Dr. Srikumar V. Gopalakrishna
In the Vedic literature of
India, there are many descriptions of flying machines that are generally
called vimanas. These fall into two
cate- gories: (l) manmade craft that resemble airplanes and fly with the
aid of birdlike wings, and (2) unstreamlined structures
that fly in a mysterious manner and are generally not made by human beings.
The machines in category (l) are described mainly in medieval, secular
Sanskrit works dealing with architecture, automata, military siege engines,
and other mechanical
contrivances. Those in category (2) are described in ancient works such
as the Rg Veda, the Maha-bha-rata, the Rama-yana, and the Pura-nas, and
they have many features reminis- cent of UFOs. In addition, there is one
book entitled Vaima-nika-sa-stra
that was dictated in trance during this century and purports to be a transcription
of an ancient work preserved in the akashic record. This book gives an
elaborate description of vimanas of both categories.
Ancient Indian Sanskrit texts describe gods who fought in the sky on flying machines equiped with deadly weapons.
AD 650 approx. as told by
Hariswami, translated from Hindu by J. Platts:
One night in the hot season, they
(Hariswami and his new wife) were laying on the roof of the summer house.
The veil on the womans face slipped off in the night while a demi-god was
seated in his car over head. His gaze suddenly fell upon her. The
demi-god lowered the car and placed
her asleep within. She was never seen again.
Here are two examples...
This Renaissance painting of the Virgin
Mary clearly shows a dark object in the
sky directly above her shoulder.
In this Medieval tapestry
depicting the life of
the Virgin Mary, a saucer-shaped craft can be seen overhead.
UFOs can clearly be seen in many
of the renderings of Mary created in the Middle Ages. These are
not angelic representations, but
dome-shaped craft hovering in the sky. Why?
The figures in this tapestry have been "modernized" by the artist of the time and represented as ladies of the court in fine adornment. What type of craft would be common in medeavial times?
picture is a woodcut made by Hans Glaser, 'a very frightful spectacle',
seen in the morning sky over Nuremberg, Germany, on April 4,
This picture details the events
of August 7, 1566, in Basel, Switzerland. The spheres appeared at sunrise,
'Many became red and fiery, ending by being consumed and vanishing', wrote
Samuel Coccius in the local newspaper on this date. A 16th century woodcutting
depicts a scene in which dark spheres
were witnessed hovering over the town of Basel, Switzerland
in 1566.
842, France:
Multicolored armies were seen marching
in the sky...These sightings of infernal armies were nocturnal. They several
times accompanied the
siege of Jerusalem.
919, Hungary:
Spherical objects shinning like
stars, bright and polished, were reported going to and fro in the sky.
927, the town of Verdum, France:
The whole Eastern part of France
saw fiery armies in the sky. During these times of Charlemagne there were
'penalties against creatures
that travel in aerial ships. 3 people who came down from one of these ships
were 'crazy enough to call themselves wizards', the mob of people who witnessed
their descenct killed these people and the bodies were nailed to boards
and were placed in the river.
AD 1254, January 1, at St. Alban's
At midnight, in a serene sky and
clear atmosphere, stars shinning and the moon 8 days old, there suddenly
appeared a large ship,
elegantly shaped, well equipped and of marvelous color.
1461, November 1:
A strange object shaped like a
ship, from which fire was seen flowing, passed over the town Arras, France.
1752, Augermanland Sweden:
Luminous shperes were seen coming
out of a bright cylinder.
Historical record states that several "wonderfully constructed aerial ships" appeared over Lyons, France between 830 and 833 AD. These ships were witnessed by hundreds of people, a few of which were taken aboard the crafts. Archbishop Agobard rescued and later interviewed a small group of abductees who were attacked by frightened mobs upon their return.
UFOs were frequently seen over England and France in the 8th and 9th centuries. Charlemagne, Emperior of France, called them the "evil spirits of the air."
According to legends told throughout Europe for thousands of years, the Incubus and the Sucubus (small male and female "demons") visit people in the night for sexual encounters. How similar is this to modern-day cases involving aliens taking egg and sperm samples from unwilling participants in the middle of the night?
Alexander the Great reported witnessing UFOs observing one of his battles from the air.
Two thousand years ago, ancient Peruvians drew lines and vast animal figures in the flat desert floor, figures which they would never see themselves, as they are only fully comprehensible from the air. Huge triangles, trapezoids, zig-zags, and animals. How did the ancient people of the Nazca desert achieve such geometrical precision, and what is the meaning of the drawings of giant spiders and birds? Swiss author Erich von Daniken argued in "Chariots of the Gods?" that they are the remains of a giant extraterrestrial airport. But, decades of exploration and study by German-born mathematician Maria Reiche led her to see the Nazca lines as a sophisticated astronomical observatory, created to mark risings and settings of the sun, moon and stars.
BC 2436, texts
from the Chou Dynasty:
(ancient Rome has the same story,
chronicled by Julius Obsequens) On
this date it was recorded that 10 suns appeared in the sky. Tzu-yu, who
could fly in the sky, shot down all but the real sun.
A bright object like a human figure
was seen over the Gamo river, Central Japan.
640; The Nihongi book two, Japan:
On the 7th day of the second month
of Spring, a star entered the moon.
642; The Nihongi book two, Japan:
In Autumn, 9th day, 7th month,
during the reign of the Empress Toyo-Tokaro-Ikashi-hi-Tarahishi-Hime a
guest star entered the
671, August 11, Japan:
Flaming object was seen flying
to north from many countries in Japan, one year before the war of the Jinshin.
679, October 1, Japan:
Cotton like matter (angel hair)
about 5 to 6 feet long fell all over Naniwa, former name of Osaka, and
was drifted by the wind here
and there.
966, somewhere at sea:
A luminous vertical cylinder was
1015, August 23 Japan:
Two objects were seen giving birth
to smaller luminous spheres.
Chinese legend states that an alien
base was located in the Kun
Lun mountains, and was used by the "immortals who
flew from their secret sanctuary to the stars."