Welcome to my web page about the world of an alien abductee or Experiencer.  The term Experiencer is perhaps a more  accurate term to use for people that feel they have had interactions with Extraterrestrial Biolobiological Entities (EBEs).  There is a great deal of  controversy as to what these EBEs actually represent.  Are they aliens, demons, inter dimensional travelers,  angels, a covert government group, fairies or  just figments of the imagination of the Experiencer.  

My web page is a place where I will examine this issue, of Experiencers and what they believe is happening to them.  Of course when exploring this issue, I must investigate the study of UFOlogy, conspiracies, military development and religious phenomenon and other anomalies that could account for this belief by some that they have had EBE visitations. 

In my study, I have included the Case Studies of reliable Experiencers.  I have protected their identities and invite any and all, who have had Experiences to Email me and allow me to use your experiences in my case histories.  Of course your anonymity will be protected.  I am interested in learning what different manifestations these experiences take.  Please feel free to complete my survey and I will post the results and analyze the results, after a sufficient sample size has been achieved.   


Table of Contents
The History of Abductions and UFOs:  Ancient  Case Studies: Original and First Hand accounts of Experiences   Signs and Symbols the Aliens? have left behind  
 The History of Abductions: Modern   Are You an Abductee? An Inventory and SURVEY 
 Abduction Experience Classifications   Are you STAR BORN?   Dr. Sagan, You Don't Say? 
 Alternative explanations to some Experiences  Webrings
CAUS: Citizens Against UFO Secrecy Alien Classifications and Types What the President Knew
 Interesting Links 

Visit my Message Board:
Experiencers Bulletin Board
 Congress Passes ET Laws 

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