Hey! You made it to my PAGE OF OINGO BOINGO and DANNY ELFMAN WORSHIPPING!! glad you are here! I will have plenty of pictures for you to look at and adore...I DO! Now you see, I happened to get into OINGO BOINGO through my ex-girlfriend...K.P. I will protect her real identity...see how considerate I am? I will keep this updated as much as possible. Even though OINGO is not alive in the sense that they are playing and touring, doesn't mean that they are dead and noone thinks of them. So there is always something that DANNY (the GOD) is doing. I also plan on making some links to some rad sites and MIDI FILES. I will, however, include some GUITAR CHORDS and TABLATURE on here. I hope you enjoy this. I will enjoy every second of DANNY, OINGO BOINGO and BOINGO. Please feel free to e-mail me and let me know anything I don't already know. Or if you just have comments... |