WELCOME TO SPACEDOG's GUESTBOOK VIEWING STATION! I am really glad that you took the time to either sign in, or view the contents. I hope you weren't too bored. GODDESSES BE WITH YOU!

Aaron - 06/11/99 19:45:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/zombieslave
My Email:zombieslave@disinfo.net
Do you have a favorite TORI or OINGO BOINGO album or song?: "god" or "blood roses" I think
What are your all-time favorite movies?: Night of the Living Dead, Evil Dead 2
If I may ask, what is your age and gender?: 18, Male
Where in the galaxy are you from?: The Dark side of the Moon
What is your astrological sign?: Sagittarius
Do you have any suggestions for my page?: Maybe a Flaming Nun eating a small dog while pushing a shopping cart full maggot infested Jack-O'-lanterns ....Hehehe Just kidding!

Hi there ! Hows it goin' ? Hey I finely got to sign your Guest book Hehehe! I really like whole pop culture theme to your page ! You seem very intelligent and I think your very articulate in the way you talk.. Thats very cool !

I also like Tori Amos and I just watched The Rocky Horror picture show again just the other night on Tv =)
Hey and you like Night of the living Dead ! That rocks, A friend of mine was in that movie !

Maybe I'll talk to you soon.

Aaron - 06/11/99 19:11:25


Blah - 05/08/99 00:57:28


Laureen Silver - 05/05/99 21:45:38
My Email:raspberrytori@hotmail.com
Do you have a favorite TORI or OINGO BOINGO album or song?: RaspberrySwirl!!!
What are your all-time favorite movies?: Rocky Horror Picture Show ....Breakfast at Tiffany's...The Craft
If I may ask, what is your age and gender?: I'm a 19 year old Female
Where in the galaxy are you from?: Orgasmatron
What is your astrological sign?: Virgo
Do you have any suggestions for my page?: get some 3D graphics stuff but it already kewl like you Spacegod!!!

SPACEDOG you page is rad i love it keep up the good work i'll have to write some stuff & send it to you!!! But you rock!!!! Blessed Be!!!! Goddess be with you!!!

nEmAtOaD - 05/03/99 06:17:04
My Email:FLYINGFISH@darwin.com
Do you have a favorite TORI or OINGO BOINGO album or song?: LET'S DO THE EVOLUTION-C.Darwin
What are your all-time favorite movies?: PLANET OF THE APES, LORD OF THE FLIES
If I may ask, what is your age and gender?: 60,009/n/a
Where in the galaxy are you from?: OMEGA QUANTRANT
What is your astrological sign?: THE MONKEY...
Do you have any suggestions for my page?: A FEW FLYING AND WALKING FISH WOULD BE EXTRAORDINARY!!!!!!!!!!


dance king - 04/30/99 10:26:37
Do you have a favorite TORI or OINGO BOINGO album or song?: no
What are your all-time favorite movies?: its a wonderful life
If I may ask, what is your age and gender?: 48,,male
What is your astrological sign?: geminii


SAPPY NOODLE DUDE - 04/29/99 22:24:00
My Email:sappynoodledude@hotmail.com
Do you have a favorite TORI or OINGO BOINGO album or song?: Tori-YES,ANASTASIA OINGO-WILD SEX (in the working class)
What are your all-time favorite movies?: ROCKY HORROR...GARBAGE PAIL KIDS
If I may ask, what is your age and gender?: 20/malelien
Where in the galaxy are you from?: Chicago, ILL
What is your astrological sign?: PISCES
Do you have any suggestions for my page?: Add some TABLATURE...or midi

I like your page...very interesting. You are quite the interesting person. I will be visiting here soon again to see if you have changed anything. Maybe you can put up a link to my page when I finish with it. Maybe. Well, I am gone...*POOF*

Justin - 04/25/99 03:06:01
My URL:/Area51/Labyrinth/4666/charmander85.html
My Email:shaggadoo2@yahoo.com
Do you have a favorite TORI or OINGO BOINGO album or song?: OINGO BOINGO: On the outside
What are your all-time favorite movies?: Night of the Living Dead 1-3, StarShipTroopers
If I may ask, what is your age and gender?: 13/male
Where in the galaxy are you from?: Southern Kalifornia
What is your astrological sign?: Aries
Do you have any suggestions for my page?: This page should have some more links inside

Hey sis, your site is pretty good but it can be better so work on it. C-ya. Love, Shaggadoo2

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