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These are some unofficial scenarios made by various players. They may not be tournament legal, but they do add more fun to rather monotonous games. Soon, I will expand this section to include the official tournament legal scenarios.

If you have a favorite scenario that you or your gaming group made up and would like to see it featured here, email me.

Independence Day-The Alien and Predator species have formed a loose alliance to rid the world of human infestation.

Death-The space station's power is down. The stench of death fills the air. The aliens are beginning to take over. The marines are struggling to regain control, while the predator, who has aided the marines so far, may turn on them at any moment.

Stronghold-The marines attempt to retake a base that has been infested by aliens for years.

What's Insida Me?!!-The marines have a mission to rescue the lone surviving mechanic in an alien infestation.

Battle Royale-A mini-scenario (played in about 2-5 minutes) in which all three species just duke it out all at once.

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