Here are some combos submitted by individual players
like yourself. Some of these are most likely outdated or may be illegal with new rulings.
If you see one that is no longer legal, please inform me of it, as I don't have time to go
through all of them right now.
I will soon be taking submissions for new combos, so have them ready!
Malfunction+It was a Bad Call - It's not that hard. Make a character unlucky, then make
his item damaged.
Sharpeye+Laser Sight+Plasma Caster - Pop those aliens a site away with +2 to hit. Odds are
against the bad guys.
Adapt and Overcome+Face Hugger Attack - Kill marines fast. (submitted by:
Fast Claw+Body Slam+Acid Resistant Claws - Bad news for aliens. (submitted
by: Steven Vaughn)
Access Space+Sweep the Area or Found 'em - Gain an early advantage against your opponent
by getting to them on the first or second turn.
Ransack or Demolition Charge+Hull Breach - Create a barrier or just plain trouble for your
opponent. (Try it on a Docking Bay for some fun)
Access Space+Ransack+Hull Breach - When against marines without a Bishop, play on the
first turn for an instant win.
Demolition charge+Ravaged chamber- the easiest way to stop those pesky aliens from
breeding.(submitted by: Jason Klipich)
Battlefield Chaos+Dire straights- If you don't want them rotating this will stop them.(submitted by: Jason Klipich)
Activate Self Destruct+March of Time x 2- Go KA-BOOM and kill them before they can run.(submitted by: Jason Klipich)
Eager Youth+Display of Skill- A different and peaceful way of winning with a Predator.(submitted by: Eddy Hijmensen)
Hand Welder+Dishonor- Seperate a predator from his ship, and drain his chances of winning.(submitted by: ChunkyJohn)
Eat Vacuum+On the Move- Play this during the combat round and suck the suckers out at the
end of the search round. Good for eliminating those unwanted enemies.(submitted
by: James "Fastclaw" Smith)
Standoff+Rapid Fire- This is a sweet combo for kicking alien butt with Marines. Cancel the
aliens attacks, and then smoke 'em with your marines.(submitted by: Hells
Sharpeye+Laser Sight+Scattergun- A nice +3 to hit, but not much damage. Use with extra
damage cards.(submitted by: Dickman)
Fast Claw+Camouflage Suit+Naginata- A nice and clean defense of +2 against those deadly
aliens. For a total of +8 to hit, and even without defense-improving cards!!!!!!(submitted by: Dickman)
On the Move/Disengaging Attack+Eat Vacuum+March of Time- First stand on a Entry location,
second: watch them as they fly by.(submitted by: Dickman)
Warrior Queen+Tail Spear+From Behind+Rip Asunder- Kick your enemies butts to high heaven!(submitted by: Chris Osberg)
Sentry Gun+Demolition Charge+Standoff- One ofthe most effective ways I've seen to keep the
Aliens stuck between a rock and a hard place. Either they stay in the breeding chamber,
helpless to stop the charge from going off, or they run to their dooms at the hands of a
sentry gun.(submitted by: Vexborg)
There's Something in Here+Face Hugger Attack- A possible 2 more alien tokens and 1 less
marine to deal with when they enter your hive.(submitted by: Vexborg)
Where There's One+any Hybrid- Make 2 Hybrids for the price of one.(submitted
by: Sam)
Sgt. Bass+Cpl. Brown/Pvt. Hudson+Shotgun/Flame Thrower- An almost sure shot against
aliens.(submitted by: Joey)
Cpl. Brown+M421A Scope Rifle+Masterful Shot- A nice +4 to hit combo.(submitted
by: Joey)
Sgt. Bass+Cpl. Hicks/Somebody Wake Up Hicks- Give all marines a +2 to hit.(submitted
by: Dave)
Sharpeye+Plasma Caster+The Hunt- Play as soon as you can when killing an Alien Queen for a
win. Great on the second turn with an Access Space.(submitted by: Rob)
Cpl Hicks+Sgt Bass+Shotgun+Heroic Stand- Have Sgt Bass and Cpl Hicks at the same
location.Give Hicks a Shotgun. rotate Bass to give Hicks a +1 to hit. Add this to the
Shotgun's + 2 and Hicks's +1 to hit with ranged weapons making it a +4 to hit.And last,
play Heroic Stand on Hicks giving him +2 to hit and +2 damage, Making it +6 to hit and 10
Damage!!!! (submitted by: F/A-18 Hornet)
Self Destruct+Activate Self Destruct+On The Move- Survive a self destruct-best used near
the breeding chamber. You can get to 0 movement in combat, or an opponents sentry gun
(With most predators). You might want to make this more concise if you decide to use it.
Also this isn't my combo its my mates. (submitted by: Gregory Carslaw)
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