Turn of Events
By: AW

(c) April 2009

Dislcaimer: I don’t own them we all know who does and it’s not me.

Chakotay turned his head to look at the spot where Kathryn was waving her arms at him. They were stuck inside the stasis tubes, but apparently the pods were off now. Chakotay, just as Janeway had minutes before lifted the lid.

Kathryn looked at him as if saying ‘I guess the doctor was unsuccessful.’ He saw the disappointment and the sorrow in her clear blue eyes. Hopefully this would only be an extended vacation, but for him, it was more joy then punishment.

Kathryn walked up to him, she still had that tiny glint of hope in her eyes...maybe this would work, maybe they would get back, maybe a lifelong assignment to a planet wasn’t going to be forever...


She stared at Chakotay, “I just want to make sure we're not overlooking a possible alternative.” He shook his head but knew she would still hope.
But hopefully it wasn’t forever....

She sighed - defeated in some ways – and looked at Chakotay as she tapped her commbadge as Captain for possibly the last time, “I'm turning over command of the ship to you on a permanent basis. Your orders are to resume a course for the Alpha Quadrant. And regardless of the Doctor's suggestion, you are not to make contact with the Vidiians.”


Chakotay and Kathryn had carefully looked over what they had transported from the ship to make sure they got everything.

Chakotay had  quickly hidden the padd that Tom Paris had included for him, he had also watched as Janeway had done the same.

Hmm...interesting. The thought ‘I’ll show you mine if you show me yours’ came to mind, but the structure they’d created emotionally was still too fragile for that. He hoped it wouldn’t last forever.

They’d settled into a routine and by three months in had developed a friendship that would last forever he hoped.

Kathryn’s dreams of being their saviour, their sacrificial lamb so to speak had quickly vanished when the storm came and most of her equipment had been unsalvageable.

Kathryn’s dreams had ended, Chakotay’s began to take shape.


Two days later, Chakotay had taken his medicine bundle and the padd. that Tom had packed for him on a hike. Kathryn knew that when he did this it was best to just leave him alone to talk to his spirit guide.

When he first found, what he had quickly decided was the perfect place for his vision quests

He seated himself and began to communicate with his father. “Father it has been too long.”

“I see you are in sorrow my son. It has to do with a female, ‘the female’, your soul mate does it not?”

Chakotay looked down at his hands, his father knew him too well. “I am stuck, possibly for the rest of my life on this planet, and she won’t let go of a life that was, and will forever it seems be a part of her being.”
His father chuckled and shook his head, “You must make her see son, you must make her realize or my granddaughter and her brother will never be born.”

Chakotay looked up at a girl with long dark auburn braids (definitely Kathryn’s child) and a tiny boy, no more than a few months old in his arms. “I have to make her see.”

His father turned to him. “You have to make her realize son, you have to let her find her own way but you also have to let her see that there are other ways to integrate her way of thinking into life.”

Chakotay nodded, took one more look at the perfection that was a dream, and a possible future and went back to world of ‘New Earth’.

When he came out of his vision quest, he picked up the note that Tom had written him.

      Hey big guy, if you’re reading this I guess the doc was unsuccessful. We’re gonna miss both of you. We’re going to miss her driving force, and your steadfastedness to help her make her decisions.

      Now...you have to make her see what you and all of us have been seeing since we saw the sparks fly that first time on the bridge.

      By the way, if you show her this and you ever get back I didn’t do it. Got it.

      Okay you know my stupid fixation with 20th century everything, well I’ve got lyrics for you. I know you may think that’s corny but read them and then tell me that’s not what you’re thinking or you were thinking every day on that bridge.

      I hope everything works out for you two and I hope that we do see you again.

      P.S. Without her who will beat me at pool?

      Good luck,


Chakotay stared at the note and got ready to go back to Kathryn. He knew now what he must do.

He gave himself three days.
Then life would begin.


Kathryn stared at the trees. Chakotay should be back any minute now. As much as she hated to admit it to herself, she hated when Chakotay went to take a vision quest: It left her alone with her own thoughts.

After mulling over everything for the better part of an hour in her bathtub, she decided it was time for a change of pace.

She’s been putting off reading the letter B’Elanna had sent her for months now, but ‘there’s no time like the present’ and procrastination wouldn’t do her any good any longer.

They were going to be here for a very long time, maybe a taste of home would make her feel a little less lonely.

*Since when did I start thinking of Voyager as home?* She thought about it, *Since you decided to let Mark go and another man began filling your dreams.*

She stared at the letter for a good ten minutes before deciding to just take the plunge and open it. She stared at the padd and at the writing on it before actually reading it.

      Captain, or should I call you Kathryn now? No Captain will have to do; I still can’t see myself doing that.

      I have to tell you how devastated Chakotay was at having to leave us all. I have to tell you this because it was not so much leaving everyone to their own mercies that hurt him as much as letting you down as ‘The Captain that would bring us home.’

      He loves you, you know. He worships the ground you walk on.
He tried to show it to you in any way you’d allow him to and I got the job of listening to his sorrows.

      I hate to be so presumptuous, but when you’re around him you glow.

      I have decided since I shared with Tom what I was going to send you a letter and he helped me with it, that I’m not going to miss the opportunity to be with him, and I want you not to miss the opportunity to be with Chakotay.

      You two are soul mates, much the same as Tom and I are soul mates.

      I love Tom, and you love Chakotay.

      When life throws you an opportunity like the one you’ve been given...don’t throw it away.

      Good luck to you, all the best.


Kathryn felt the tears well up in her eyes. B’Elanna was such a sweet child. That’s what she was to Kathryn, like a daughter, and Tom like a son.

Children, something she hadn’t thought of for a long time.
Something she couldn’t have even considered with Mark, he didn’t feel like a father should.

But Chakotay....


She couldn’t....


That night, she went to turn in assuming Chakotay was already out in the bed across the room.

Separated rooms, separate beds, separate lives.

* I can’t do this anymore.*

She walked to the table and something scribbled in handwriting she knew belonged to Chakotay.
Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Kathryn felt the tears begin to pour down her face again, she loved him: he loved her. She wanted to live her life with him, she wanted to be his everything.

And it was then that she realized that she already was.


Kathryn walked back into the house, she wanted him, she wanted him to tell her that he loved her and that they would never be apart.

Then she realized that with the rest of her life spent on this planet,
she probably would be.

Then she heard a beep: She stared at Chakotay, “Do you hear that?” she heard the noise, knew what it was and felt her heart breaking.


Chakotay stared at her, “Answer him, he needs to know we’re okay Kathryn.”

“Captain Janeway, do you read me? This is Tuvok calling Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay. Please respond.”

Kathryn sobbed, but refused to open the channel until she felt she was composed. “This is Janeway.”

Tuvok answered, he told her everything they had just experienced over the past months...was almost a dream. “Captain, it's good to hear your voice. We have news.”

And then they said they were coming back, and then they told them they had medication, and then she realized she had thirty hours.


Kathryn had spent six of the thirty hours simply packing, she had everything she needed.

She needed sleep.

“Chakotay are you ready to go?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” he stated, but he could feel the disappointment seeping out of his veins. He walked up to Kathryn and took her hand. “We’ve started a very important journey here.”

Kathryn nodded and smiled, happy tears in her eyes. “When we get to Voyager, we will have to be the Captain and the Commander though.”

Chakotay nodded, “I know, but we’ve also become so much more.”

“Yes, one step at a time.” Kathryn drew in a deep breath. “Chakotay, we have 24 hours left; we both need sleep before we become the ‘command team’ again.” She smiled at him. “Would you sleep with me? I don’t mean sex, I mean I just need the closeness, but if you’re not comfortable....”
He leaned over and kissed her, “Kathryn if all I can have is you ‘sleeping next to me’ for the rest of my life, it’ll have to be enough.”

Kathryn nodded, “It might have to be enough for now.”

They cuddled together and fell into a rested sleep.


Eight hours later Chakotay and Kathryn awoke rested and wondering what had happened? Why they had not been able to take that last step?

But back to Voyager they went. Tom scanned them over, everything was okay: there was no longer any sign of the virus.

Life would go back to normal for the command team.


Three days later, Chakotay was invited to Sandrines: it hadn’t been stated but he assumed there was going to be another pool tournament. He was going to see Kathryn and get his ass whooped by the pool shark herself.

He walked into the holodeck and was surpised to find no one but Tom Paris and holodeck characters.

“What’s going on Paris? Where’s Kathryn?”

Tom walked up to Chakotay and patted him on the shoulder, “Tonight is just for us, and by the way...just out of curiosity: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?”

Chakotay stared daggers at Tom. “You’re out of line Lieutenant!”

Tom rolled his eyes, “Oh please. I left you all the tools, you both love each other, want each other...blah...blah...blah... and you were stuck on a planet with this woman for supposedly the rest of your lives, and when I checked you.” He paused and looked at him, “You didn’t even lay her.”

Chakotay sighed, “It is way more complicated than that.”

Tom shook his head. “Do you still have that song I left for you?”

Chakotay nodded.

Tom sighed. “Okay big man, here’s what we’ll do.”

He looked at Tom’s plan. “Kathryn will never go for that.”

Tom smiled, “Then we’ll have to make her go for it.”


Kathryn sat in her ready room nursing yet another cup of coffee. That was her fifth tonight. She had to sleep, she knew she did, but her bed felt so empty.

She looked to her computer terminal it had beeped for the she didn’t know how many-eth time in the last hour. She stared at who it was from.
From: B’Elanna Torres
To: Kathryn Janeway

Stop drinking coffee and join me in my quarters for a real drink and possibly to talk. Your shift ended six hours ago – And don’t tell me you need to catch up for five months.

Kathryn sighed.

To: B’Elanna Torres
From: Kathryn Janeway

B’Elanna, thanks for the offer but I’m really not in the mood.
B’Elanna sat at her engineering station both she and Tom had talked about this, Chakotay was his responsibility...she had drawn the Captain.

To: Kathryn Janeway
From: B’Elanna Torres

I can make the doctor make it an order.

Kathryn sighed when she read the response, she was doomed.

To: B’Elanna Torres
From: Kathryn Janeway.


B’Elanna made a quick stop by the holodeck. “Tom, I’m turning in early tonight, so maybe you can sleep in your quarters, I have an early shift in the morning.” She turned to Chakotay, “Hey Chakotay, is he beating your ass at pool?”

Chakotay chuckled, “It’s about the only thing he can do better than me.”
Tom grinned, “That sounds like a challenge Chakotay, let’s ask B’Elanna.”
B’Elanna turned to exit the holodeck, “It’s okay boys, leave me out of this.”

Ten minutes later she was sitting in her quarters waiting for her Captain to show up. Good thing she knew where Tom kept the real liquer.

She pulled out a bottle of Romulan ale and sat and waited. Five minutes later, her door chime rang. “Come in.”

The Captain walked in still in her uniform, hair tied up in her Starfleet bun. B’Elanna turned to her, “Oh come on Kathryn, take a trip to your quarters. You’re not the Captain tonight.”

Kathryn left, fifteen minutes later she entered without even ringing the chime, dressed in over-sized sweats.

B’Elanna smiled, “Much better for girl talk.”

Kathryn gave her a death glare.

“Not going to work here, my dear, these are my quarters.” She paused and looked at Janeway. “So you want to tell me why you spent all day barking at the bridge crew?”

Kathryn rolled her eyes, “I was not barking or yelling or –”

B’Elanna laughed, “Oh right that’s why Tom called me mid-way through the shift to ask if he needed to make sure you’d had your rabies shots.”

Kathryn smiled, “I guess I was a little rough on Tom today. He is just so infuriating sometimes.”

B’Elanna sighed, “You’re telling me.”

The girls laughed, and B’Elanna grabbed them both another glass of the ale.

Kathryn was four drinks in before she turned to B’Elanna and stated in slurred English, “This is Tom’s private stash isn’t it?”

B’Elanna laughed, “Only the best for our Captain.” She grew more serious.

“Okay now let’s get down to the crux of the problem. You love him don’t you?”

Kathryn stared down at her head and B’Elanna saw the almost imperceptible nod of her head. “Then why don’t you do something about it?”

Janeway stared at B’Elanna, “Because I can’t.”

“Oh no no no no. Don’t tell me the crew wouldn’t agree, they would much rather you were snogging each other and easier to get along with than this.”

Kathryn didn’t know what to say. “So this is how friends talk to each is it?”

B’Elanna laughed, “When they need a good smack to get the information though their heads.”

Janeway nodded. “So what’s this I hear about you and Tom Paris and the jeffies tube –?”


Last night had been great. Kathryn finally realized that she needed friends and affection almost as much as anyone else. It was 0900 and so Kathryn finally made her way to her ready room.

On the screen was a note:

      Well Kathryn,

The ball’s in your court:
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

      More clues to come...

Kathryn was sure that Tom was playing with her. Him and his corny lyrics and words to songs and poetry. What exactly had B’Elanna told him.
Kathryn turned bright red thinking about the long conversations her and B’Elanna had had the night before. She had told her chief engineer everything.

She loved Chakotay but this was why it couldn’t work. This was exactly why she couldn’t have friendships with the crew.

This was why she was destined to live her life on Voyager alone....


The doctor looked at the records. He had been trying to get Captain Janeway to sickbay for her yearly check-up.

This was getting ridiculous. He had to speak to her about so many things.
He had gone over many of the crew’s final physical’s this year...and he had found a couple of things. Lieutenant Torres was pregnant, as was crewman Tal Celes. There was going to be a ‘baby boom’ of sorts aboard the ship.

He wasn’t overly worried about it, but the Captain needed to be informed that there were going to be babies aboard the ship, that life was going to go on.

“Doctor to Captain Janeway.”

Janeway sat in her ready room rubbing the bridge of her nose. “Yes, Doctor.”

“Could you please make it down to sickbay sometime today? I need to discuss many things with you and for the last time, it is time for your check- up.”

The Captain sighed, “Yes doctor, I will be there to get this done soon so I’m not being hounded by you all day.”

The doctor got a smug look on his face, “Yes, Captain. Thank you for your diligence.”

He heard the Captain make a disparaging sound, and cut the comm.. link.


[Four hours later]

“Captain good to see you almost keep your word,’ he laughed sarcastically, “This is what you call right away?”

The Captain shook her head, “Doctor, I really don’t have time for this. Can you please tell me the dilemma with the crew as well as getting my physical over with: I’m needed on the bridge.”

He sighed, “Okay well Captain, it’s not really a dilemma, but there is going to be a ‘baby boom’ of sorts on this ship.”

Kathryn stared at him, “What the hell does, ‘of sorts’ mean?”

The doctor chuckled, “Well two crewmembers came to me and are ‘expecting’ and no doubt once its viewed as ‘okay’ to have children there will be more. I have to say it’s good to see that the crew is accepting our situation and viewing the necessity for children.”

Kathryn rubbed her hands over her face in a tired gesture. She remembered the conversation she’d had with Chakotay about this matter not three months before their sojourn on New Earth. “Thank you for the information doctor, and I know you can’t tell me who they are, but it’s not a secret that the crew can keep for too long.”

Kathryn turned to the doctor as he put a hand on her shoulder. “There is something else Captain. I finished your yearly physical, and I was unable to update your booster.”

Kathryn looked at him sarcastically, “As you can see I haven’t had many sexual partners recently and I don’t expect that to change any time soon.” She paused, “Why were you unable to update my booster?”

The doctor smiled, “It seems the treatment that effectively rid you of the virus from New Earth also re-coded your DNA so that the boosters are ineffective. So,” he paused “As long as your partner is effectively covered by a booster, I don’t see there being much chance of a pregnancy.”

She stared at him, “Was Commander Chakotay’s booster neutralized as well?”

“You see, he had the vaccine as well and his DNA was therefore coded against it as well.”

Janeway nodded and left sickbay sure that now she could definitely not persue a sexual relationship with Chakotay.

*But would that be so bad Kathryn?*

She thought, of course it would be bad: she couldn’t ‘waddle’ around the bridge it just wouldn’t do to have a pregnant Captain.

And so many of her dreams were shattered along with the knowledge that she could no longer pursue what she wanted most.


[Later that day]

Kathryn had marched into her quarters completely exhausted. She had walked over to her personal computer terminal and the words:

You can’t hide from me:
I took for granted all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh can't you see it baby
You've got me goin’ crazy

Kathryn smashed the computer terminal down. She was going to make Tom pay for this, and no doubt, after last night’s conversation B’Elanna had a hand in it too.

From: Kathryn Janeway
To: B’Elanna Torres


B’Elanna stared at the inter-ship communication. *I’m going to kill Tom.* she thought.

B’Elanna went over to her terminal and typed a message in:

To: Kathryn Janeway
From: B’Elanna Torres

I’ll be right there ma’am.

Kathryn read the message and was fuming.

To: B’Elanna Torres
From: Kathryn Janeway

It’s not ‘crunch time’ yet Ms. Torres.

B’Elanna scurried out of engineering and went to the Captain’s quarters. She rang the chime and heard a ‘come’ from the other side. “Yes Captain, you wanted to see me?”

Kathryn shook her head. “Whatever it is that you and Tom are trying, please stop. Chakotay and I, we can never be together in that way.”

She looked at Kathryn and knew there was something that she wasn’t telling her. “What happened at the doctor’s appointment today?”

Kathryn felt it odd that she hadn’t even spoken to Chakotay about this, and here she was divulging it to her chief engineer. “The doctor can no longer give me or Chakotay effective contraceptive boosters. The ‘cure’ you guys administered to us: made them ineffective.”

B’Elanna knew she was stepping out on a very big limb here. “So what? Then our daughter or son will have someone to play with.”

Janeway’s jaw dropped open. Well there was one question answered. “So you’re one of the ones the doctor said was expecting...

B’Elanna placed her hands on her tummy, “Yep, in about six months.”

B’Elanna smiled warmly at Kathryn, “It’s not too late you know.”

Kathryn all of sudden remembered the reason she had brought B’Elanna down to her cabin. “B’Elanna, while I appreciate everything you’ve done, and that you’ve done, and that you’ve been someone to listen to my issues...I would appreciate it if you wouldn’t share it with anyone and please tell Tom to cease his matchmaking attempts.”

B’Elanna looked confused, “I don’t think its Tom captain. We,” she said meaning Tom and herself, “haven’t been doing anything even akin to matchmaking lately.”

Kathryn raised an eyebrow, “Lately?”

B’Elanna blushed, “Well not since way before the two of you were stuck on the planet. We figured if you hadn’t figured it out by then, well there was no point in keeping going.”

Kathryn sighed, “Figured it out? Let me assure you, we figured it out: we just can’t.”

B`Elanna looked at the broken woman before her. “I understand why ‘you think you can’t’, but I think you can. No one, and I mean no one will blame you for going on with your life. You take good care of the crew and already put them first, another child if that’s what you choose will not make a difference.”

Kathryn looked at B’Elanna unsure, “But something like a child is not really something I can hide or ignore, or even pretend never happened....”

She didn’t even give B’Elanna a chance to respond before she continued, “And would Voyager even accept a ‘pregnant Captain’? And what about Chakotay, would he accept a baby from me? I mean I realized as I got older and my life seemed to be passing me by, that maybe I did want those things and maybe I could have them...until I met Chakotay I never thought those things were possible and then he showed me that I have to be so much more than just the Captain and– ”

B’Elanna cut her off by embracing her in a hug. “Have you talked to Chakotay about all of this?”

Her Captain, her strong and invincible Captain, shook her head almost imperceptibly looking like a small child afraid because she had just stolen a candy bar.

“B’Elanna? I remember now why I called you here. You said you’re sure that Tom’s not responsible for trying to set myself and Chakotay up?” At B’Elanna’s nod she continued, “I’ve been getting these secret love letters, and I’m not sure if its Chakotay screwing with my head and making fun of me or if it’s real?”

She looked to B’Elanna, “I figured it was Tom messing with me because they’re like phrases from a 20th century song and that’s not really Chakotay’s style. I can however see Tom doing something like that.”

B’Elanna smirked. “Well...when you put it that way it does sound like Tom had something to do with it.”

“What exactly did he send you?”

Kathryn pulled a couple of pieces of paper out from under her shirt. “The first one is definitely Chakotay’s handwriting, but after that, the clever person did it all electronically, and I can’t trace them.” She paused, “Whoever did this is good, which is why I thought it was yours and Tom’s doing.”

B’Elanna laughed, “I’m sure there was a compliment in there somewhere, but I assure you it wasn’t me.”

Kathryn decided that was enough, “B’Elanna can I show you what I’ve collected so far? Between the two of us maybe we can try to figure this out?”

B’Elanna laughed, “Then can I skin Tom?”

Janeway looked at her sympathetically, “Only after I’ve had my way with Chakotay.”

She stopped, “Okay here it is:”

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

“This was left on my bedside table with a red rose, I know that’s Chakotay’s handwriting.”

She looked at the beautifully written note and her heart did another ‘thump, thump’ then she brought out the perfectly preserved rose, and handed it to B’Elanna.

B’Elanna gave a low whistle, “This is serious.” B’Elanna stated. “This is deep and very personal, let’s read the rest.”

“Then I found this then next morning in my ready room:”

Well Kathryn,

      The ball’s in your court:

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

      More clues to come...

Janeway looked at her friend, “What does it mean? The ball’s in my court?”

B’Elanna let a smile grace her features. “He loves you Kathryn, and he’s telling you that no matter what, he’ll be there.”

“And then there was the last one I have received.”

       You can’t hide from me:
I took for granted all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh can't you see it baby
You've got me goin’ crazy

“I can see what this means, but...but...”

B’Elanna drew in a deep breath. “He’s giving you a way out Kathryn, he’s telling you he’ll always be there for you. He loves you more than life itself.”

She looked at her Captain one more time, “Kathryn, if I may be so presumptuous, we all see it. Let go.”

Kathryn looked at the clock. “Oh shit, talent night is tonight and it starts in twenty minutes. We gotta get to holodeck two before this starts.” She paused, “It wouldn’t be right for the Captain to be late.”

B’Elanna opened her mouth to speak, “Yes Tuvok’s on the bridge tonight. We won’t have to listen to Vulcan poetry.” B’Elanna let the breath escape and looked at Janeway. “I guess we should make our way to the holodeck then.” Janeway stopped her. “I have to change first, I can’t show myself in my uniform, these are off-duty hours.”

B’Elanna nodded, and waited for Kathryn to get dressed. She came out with her hair flowing down her back, her make-up done specially and the dress she wore, it was black satin and clung to her in all the right places.

B’Elanna whistled, “I can see why he wants you so bad.”

Janeway glared at her chief engineer. “Not funny.”

B’Elanna shut up and Janeway added, “Is it too much?”

B’Elanna’s jaw just about hung open, “Are you kidding? When he sees this I’m not sure you’ll make it through talent night fully clothed.”

Kathryn backed away, “Okay that’s enough, I’m putting my uniform back on.”

B’Elanna snickered, “Are you nuts, you look hot, and Chakotay will want you all the same. I think at this point Chakotay would want you if you were wearing a burlap sack.”

“Oh thanks for the encouragement B’Elanna. Let’s go before I change my mind.”

[10 minutes later holodeck]

Janeway and Torres walked into the holodeck. The lights were dim, and Janeway’s seat at the front was empty. In the darkness with only the stage lights on, Kathryn’s pale skin glowed and her hair shone like fire. She looked very much like one of the movie stars from the 1930’s.
Tom saw her come in and whistled, making Kathryn blush, although in the dark it was hard to distinguish.

Kathryn watched Tom lean over and whisper something to Harry who’s ears turned and interesting shade of pink.

Kathryn sat down in the front row and crossed her legs, appearing very lady-like and elegant, not at all the tough as nails Captain that everyone expected.

Tom realized that everyone was there, and that Kathryn was sitting front and center. “Alright, now that you’re all here, let’s start the first annual talent night. It has been exactly a year to the day since we ran the first one, and I’d like to thank everyone who could make it for coming to this celebration tonight.” He winked at Kathryn and Kathryn rolled her eyes.

“I would also like to thank Commander Chakotay for making sure that Tuvok was scheduled on the bridge tonight. We all love you, you big Vulcan, but the poetry last year almost killed us.”

Kathryn chuckled. “Now the first person on tonight is our very own Commander Chakotay. This is his first trip into the realm of ‘talent night’ and I would like to thank him for making an appearance. But before we start the night off, I would like to ask Captain Janeway if she could please make her way to the front of the stage.”

Kathryn looked at B’Elanna who shrugged apparently not knowing what it was about. Kathryn walked up the stairs to the front of the stage and she heard low whispering and whistles at her appearance.

Kathryn walked up to the front of the stage and whispered to Tom: “This better not be embarrassing Tom or you’ll be on deuterium maintenance for the next six months.”

Tom just smiled, and motioned for her to have a seat on the main area of the stage. There was a music that began to play and she recognized it, the light’s came on and the stage looked like an old Earth park and she was sitting on the bench. Chakotay walked out dressed in a black tux and he looked stunning. He began singing.

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

He walked up to her and got down on one knee so he was looking her right in the eye. As the background music went on he mouthed I love you Kathryn.

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted all the times
That I thought would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh can't you see it baby
You've got me goin crazy

He pulled her up to a standing position and motioned to Tom and the music including the 20th century singer continued.

He danced with her and whispered in her ear. “Will you marry me?”

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive this romance
But in the end if I'm with you I'll take the chance
Oh can't you see it baby
You've got me goin’ crazy

Kathryn had tears rolling down her cheeks as she realized that this was no joke, that the man before her loved her enough that he wanted to make her his wife. “You’re serious?”

“I couldn’t live another day without you Kathryn, and no matter where we are or what we do we’ll be together a part of each other’s lives.”

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

It ended and Kathryn and Chakotay stepped away from each other long enough to fall back into each other’s arms and show the crew the kiss they had been waiting forever for.

No one was even remembered anything after the two commanding officer’s show.

Kathryn and Chakotay walked out of the doors to the holodeck hand in hand and there were no doubts about the feelings of the commanding officers.
Chakotay and Kathryn made their way to her quarters. Quarters that would no doubt soon become their quarters. Chakotay went to the replicator and ordered a bottle of champagne. “Kathryn you look so beautiful tonight, and every day and night since the moment I have met you: I love you.”

Kathryn smiled, “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that, outside of the tenants of the ‘Angry Warrior’ Speech. I wanted you then: I wanted to be yours forever. That planet, forced us into a situation that we had both felt since the day we’d met.”

Chakotay began worshipping her skin. He kissed her up the prominent line of her jaw. Kissed all the freckles on her pale skin and finally made his way to her lips. He dove his tongue into her mouth, and she reciprocated with a passion she thought she’d left in the Alpha Quadrant with her fiancé.

“Oh god Chakotay, I have never felt more loved or worshipped or appreciated in my life. I love you Chakotay.”

He slowly drew the spaghetti straps of her dress down and saw the mounds of flesh begin to appear. She bent down and drew his lips up to hers.
Slowly his hands pulled the dress down to completely show her breasts and his breath caught in his throat. He had never imagined that his would one day be reality.

She smiled at him encouraging him on, and reciprocated the kiss. He slowly moved his lips down and licked around the areola’s of her nipples taunting her until she gasped as he engulfed the nipple in his hot wet mouth.

His hand wandered down and entangled itself in the auburn curls that covered her nub. She gasped and screamed in pleasure as the flesh that had been too long ignored was all of a sudden hyper—stimulated.
She looked down at him and saw his engorged member restricted by the stiff fabric of his tuxedo pants, She drew down the zipper and popped open the button tearing the pants down his legs.

Her nails trailed them downwards until his skin felt the hot trail of her tongue on his legs. She went upwards until she stopped just below his balls. She engulfed one in her mouth as her tongue wound around it making him feel it, and prepping him for what it would feel like to be inside her sheath.

She pulled back and looked him in the eye before taking the whole of him in her mouth, her hand trailing up his legs sensitizing him in much the same way he had her.

She sucked until he pulled her head back and stared her in eyes, never taking his eyes off of hers as his mouth joined hers.

He stared down at the picture they made. Tan skin against pale almost translucent white skin, blue eyes meeting brown, petite form entwined in his large stature.

His stiff member approached her, and he looked down at her. “We’re not protected by boosters Kathryn.”

She smiled, “I know, I want you to make me a baby tonight, I want to feel your child growing inside of me. I want you to make love to me, I need you inside me now.”

Gods he loved this woman. He pulled back looking in her eyes once more making sure that she was sure of what she was saying and not merely the by-product of feelings long left hidden.

She kissed him and as their lips joined so did their lower bodies.
He slowly pumped in and our forcing her to match his rhythm. She felt her orgasm beginning to build and she closed her eyes wanting to do nothing but concentrate on the feeling of their joining.

When her climax approach and she felt herself clenching around his throbbing penis she screamed out and he couldn’t hold himself back anymore he let himself go, his seed flooding her fertile womb trying to make their way to the egg that would grow into their child.

Tired and sated after hours of love-making he pulled back and stared at the beautiful woman before him, the woman who was for all intents and purposes his wife and if all went well mother of his child.
He stared at her and once again basked in the glow of the first time.
For them life began now.


[Three weeks later]

Kathryn sat in the washroom in their quarters. They had gotten married on a planet 2 light years before.

She had gotten her period this morning and for all the praying she had done in her younger years that sex was not going to lead to a pregnancy, she now found herself dismayed at the fact that her womb was barren and empty.

She had not told Chakotay yet that there wasn’t going to be a baby for them this time, but she knew he’d be disappointed.

They both knew that the stress she was under on a constant basis as well as their ages made pregnancy not necessarily something that would happen right away.

But she still knew he’d be disappointed.

It was now supper time and she felt bloated, she felt sick to her stomach, and she had a headache that would not leave her.

He knew these symptoms well and she was sure he’d guess the moment he came through the door.

No morning sickness this month, no hopes of baby footsteps on the horizon.

Dreams shattered...

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, she looked exhausted and she didn’t feel much better.

Chakotay sauntered through the door, and saw Kathryn with a dismayed look on her face, eyes clouded; face drawn.

“So I was thinking that we could have a nice supper tonight, I’d cook.”
Kathryn nodded but still sat in stony silence. He lifted her chin up to look into his eyes. “It’ll happen Kathryn, it doesn’t always happen right away.”

Kathryn nodded, “I just feel like such a failure.”

“Spirit’s Kathryn, we’ve been married for two weeks and trying for not even a month, give yourself a break!”

Kathryn bowed her head. “I know, it’s just for all the years that I prayed it wouldn’t happen, I can’t believe how hard it is to believe it didn’t.”

Chakotay rubbed his hand over her hair. “It will happen and before you know it the little tyke will be here and you won’t remember why you were so upset it didn’t happen sooner.”

Kathryn nodded. “I’m sorry Chakotay.”

“For goodness sake Kathryn, it’s not like it will never happen.” He placed a hand on her belly. “Before you know it, you’ll be whining about not being able to see your feet, and morning sickness and weight gain, and this hand will be feeling our baby moving inside your belly.”
Kathryn nodded, “Thank you Chakotay.”

“So what do you say to dinner and a bottle of wine?”

“You know Chakotay, I’m exhausted: I think I’m going to turn in early tonight...like right now. I can barely stay standing I’m so tired.”

Chakotay nodded, he knew the disappointment of the day weighed heavily on Kathryn. “Have a good sleep, I think I’m going to go to ‘Sandrines’ and play some pool, it’s early yet, and then I’ll join you in a couple of hours.”

“See you later honey.”


[20 minutes later – Sandrines]

Chakotay walked up to the bar and ordered a beer. He watched Tom shoot pool and sink the eight, the game was over. “Up for a game Tom?”

Tom nodded and motioned for him to come his way. “I’ll beat you any day.”
Chakotay wasn’t really in the mood. “Just a game, not too much talk. I’m not in the mood Tom.”

“You want to break Chakotay?”

Chakotay nodded and broke, he sunk the 11 and the 13 off the break, Tom raised an eyebrow. “You been taking lessons off your wife?”

Chakotay still refused to smile. “I’m not in the mood Tom; not tonight.”
He sunk two more balls before he missed the 9. “Your turn.”

Tom looked at him, trying to figure out what the matter was. “What’s wrong big guy?” He laughed, “Did she turn you down for sex tonight or something?”

“You don’t want to start something with me Tom. Not tonight and not here.”
Tom backed off, ignoring the pissed off Indian for the moment. “I’m sorry Chakotay, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

Chakotay sighed, “I know, I’m sorry for jumping down your throat.”

Chakotay sunk the eight ball and the game was over, Tom still had three balls up. He took his beer over to the table and sat offering Tom the seat across from him. “Tom can I ask you a question?”

Tom nodded his approval. “Tom how long did you and B’Elanna try before she got pregnant?”

“Try?” Tom laughed, “It just kind of happened, we weren’t trying to get pregnant.”

Chakotay shook his head. The light went on in Tom’s eyes. “Are you and Kathryn having trouble getting pregnant?”

Chakotay stared at him, “It’s only been a month, but Kathryn is taking it like she’s a failure because she couldn’t get it right the first time.” He paused, “Tell me, as a doctor’s assistant, how long does it happen on the first time, I mean when you first start trying?”

Tom shook his head, “Like almost never.”

Tom patted the big man on the shoulder. “I’m sure it’ll happen just give it time Chakotay.”

Chakotay sighed, “You know I can look the Captain over and see if there is anything wrong.”

Chakotay thought about it, “You know Tom that’s nice of you but, let’s just let Nature take its course for a while...I’m sure it’ll happen.”
Tom chuckled, “God knows you guys do it enough to make a baby, well so says everyone living on deck two. They say the Captain is very vocal.”
Chakotay laughed, “Yes...she can be.” He paused, “What do you say to another game of pool?”

[6 weeks later]

Chakotay looked at his wife. “Kathryn, just take the day off!”

Kathryn shook her head, “I feel okay, really Chakotay.”

Chakotay shook his head. “You’d say you were fine if you just had your legs torn off by a Trachon beast.”

“Really Chakotay. I’m okay.”

“Kathryn, you’ve been sick as a dog for the past week. Is there any possibility that you’re pregnant?”

Kathryn sighed, “I had my period two weeks ago Chakotay, I’m not pregnant.”

He stared at his wife, “I’ll let you go to the bridge if, you let Tom give you a quick scan when you get there.”

“Compromise? I’m the Captain; you do realize I can do what I want right?”
He sighed, “Of course,Captain; but you’re also my wife and I’d like to make sure you’re okay.”

Kathryn glared at him. “Fine, Tom can give me a quick once over...but I’m not going to sickbay.”

Chakotay agreed to the compromise. “Fine. But if there is anything wrong, I want to know and I want the doctor to look you over.”

Kathryn nodded her consent and off they went to the bridge.

[3 hours later]

Kathryn did feel awful, it was almost a relief when Tom had finally walked in to the ready room to give her the once over.

He had looked at the scanner. “What? What is it?”

Tom chuckled, “You know, for someone who wants to get pregnant, you’re sure ignorant of the signs.” He paused, “You’re not ill, that’s morning sickness Captain.”

Kathryn looked shocked at Tom, “I had my period two weeks ago, how far along am I?”

“Well, this says about six weeks.” He collected his thoughts, “It’s rare but some women do have their period all throughout their pregnancy you know.”

Kathryn blushed, “I knew that, but...”

Tom smiled, “Yep, you’re definitely pregnant and she looks healthy.”


“Well or he, I haven’t done a complete genotype screening yet, the doctor would be better at that than  me if you want to know the baby’s sex I can –“

Kathryn smiled, “No its okay Tom. There really aren’t too many true surprises in the world and this is one of them. We’ll the information just as it is.”

Kathryn smiled, her hands going to her belly. “Well little one you’ve been with us for six weeks and we hadn’t even realized.” She rubbed her hands over her belly, “Are you going to be a little boy who looks just like his daddy? Or are you going to be a little girl, who makes her mother proud?”

Suddenly the enormity of the situation hit her. “Oh god, I’m not ready for this.”

She tapped her commbadge, “Janeway to Chakotay.”

“Yes Captain.”

She sighed, this was big. “Can you please report to my ready room?”

Chakotay heard a weird silence and hesitation on the other end of the line. “Yes Captain, I’ll be right there.”

Chakotay looked to B’Elanna, “I hope she’s okay, she hasn’t been feeling well lately.”

“Oh, really?”

“Come on B’E, she’s not pregnant. She had her period two weeks ago and again a month before that.” He looked at her, “We have to not try to get your suspicions to her, she’s a little touchy about not being able to get pregnant yet and I don’t think that your assumptions will help matter with her emotional well-being.”

B’Elanna nodded as he hand went to her own child. “I’m sorry Chakotay, I’m sure it will happen. Tom told me about your pool night. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Chakotay nodded, “I know, I”m sorry too. I’ve just been kind of off since this started with her, and on top of that for her not to be feeling well...I don’t know B’Elanna.” He gave her one last look, “I’m going to see her now, so if you could keep the rumours to a minimum?”

B’Elanna nodded, “No problem Chakotay, and tell her I hope she’s feeling better.”

Chakotay nodded and left engineering.

[Turbo-life one – travelling to the bridge]

Chakotay leaned against the door to the tubo-lift. She sounded so upset, he hoped she was okay. He entered the bridge and nodded to Harry and Tuvok before heading to the ready-room.

He rang twice before she didn’t answer and he let himself in. He saw Kathryn sitting on the ready-room couch staring out the window. “I never thought...”

He shook his head confused, “Are you okay Kathryn?”

She turned around her blue eyes filled with unshed tears. She let a smile curve onto her lips and state, “I’m pregnant.”

Chakotay was shocked into silence and approached her, “Are you sure?”

Kathryn actually laughed at this, “Of course I’m sure silly; would I lie about something like that?”

Chakotay turned a deep umber, “No, of course not, its just...I thought you had your period?”

“I did, but Tom said some women have their periods even when they are pregnant.”
“So you’ve been pregnant all along and worried about nothing? How far along are you anyway?”

She grinned her hand unconsciously going to her belly. “Six weeks.”

Chakotay walked over to her and placed a hand on her abdomen, to join hers. “This is incredible: We’re going to have a baby!”

“Well that’s what happens when you have unprotected sex.”

Kathryn rolled her eyes at her husband, “You make it sound like we’re a couple of mis-behaving, irresponsible teenagers not a couple married and *trying to get pregnant*.”

He laughed at that. “So we agree that this is planned then and you’re happy.”


He kissed her and his hand went up to her breast that he realized had more weight to it than it did. “You know...now that I *know* you’re pregnant, I’m starting to feel the changes.”

Kathryn let a moan escape her, “Those are getting much more sensitive now. But we’re in the ready room, we have to stop.”

The chime at the door stopped them in their tracks. Kathryn fixed her hair and went to sit behind her desk hoping that whoever was at the door couldn’t figure out what they were doing.

She called, “Come.”

And Tom Paris came in. “Oh, was I interrupting something?”

Kathryn glared at him, “Nothing important, what did you need Lieutenant?”

Tom looked at the couple. “I just wanted to make sure you were feeling
okay now Captain. I got a remedy for nausea from the doctor if you’re interested.”

“Oh please.” Kathryn answered. Tom went up to her and injected a hypy-spray.

Kathryn sighed, “Thanks Tom. Oh this isn’t dangerous to the baby is it?”

Tom looked at Kathryn, she’d obviously had a chance to tell Chakotay. No, it’s perfectly fine for the baby; I swear Captain I would do anything to hurt the little darling.”

Kathryn smiled, “Well thank you Tom, I do believe you’re needed on the bridge.”

Tom knew when it was his cue to leave and took off. Chakotay turned back to Kathryn: “Where were we?”

“About to decided it’s either time to go back to our quarters to finish off what we were doing or talk about finishing this later.”

Chakotay grinned, “Well we do still have half an hour left, but I don’t think anyone would mind if we left early: Tom could after all give you a doctor’s note.”

“He’s not a doctor!”

“Okay well he could at least give you a nurse’s note.”

Kathryn rolled her eyes, “Come on Chakotay, I said I wouldn’t let this get in between me and my duty to the ship.”

Chakotay patted her on the back, “I know the Captain wouldn’t, but could Kathryn take it easy for once?”

Kathryn bowed her head ashamed that she would do that to him, make him worry for nothing. “What about the division that is still between the crew? Wouldn’t there be some resentment and dissension from some of the former Maquis? Is this crew really stable enough to deal with a pregnant captain?”

Chakotay sighed, “Kathryn, the crew is fine and they will be happy for you.”


“Us, just don’t worry about it. The last thing we need right now is you,” he placed his hand on her belly, “Or the baby getting stressed and sick because of you’re worries.”

Kathryn sighed, “I guess you’re right. Let’s take off back to our quarters, but we can’t do this all the time.”

Chakotay nodded and took her hand and off they went. “Tuvok you have the bridge, the Commander and I are taking off a little early, we have work to do in our quarters.”

Kathryn heard Tom let a laugh escape him. Tuvok answered from the back of the bridge, “Was there something funny lieutenant?”

“No Sir, nothing, nevermind.”

Tuvok raised and eyebrow and sent a tactical scenario to Tom to work on for the last half hour of his shift.

[1630 Janeway Quarters]

The doors behind them barely closed before Kathryn’s lips enveloped Chakotay’s. “I am so horny Chakotay.”

He laughed, “I never thought I’d hear the word ‘horny’ come out of the Captain’s mouth.”

She growled, “I’m not Captain here dear, this is Kathryn that needs release.”

She pushed him into the bedroom and onto the bed. Chakotay looked shocked, “Is this what I have to look forward to for the next seven months?”

“Yes as long as I can bend over and push you.” Kathryn stripped off her uniform with lightening speed and mounted his body, rubbing herself against him until he was standing at attention.

She mounted him in one swift move and set the pace at a brutal speed. Ten minutes later it was over.

Chakotay looked at Kathryn, “When you said you were horny and wanted a ‘quickie’ you meant it.”

She raised an eyebrow, “I always say what I mean, and I always get results.”

“Yes I know,” his hand went as reverent silence encompassed the room both of them lost in their own thoughts.

His hand grazed along the swell of her abdomen not yet showing the tell-tale signs of pregnancy, but not being as flat as it had been either. “I guess I should have noticed these changes before I was told you were carrying our daughter.”

“Don’t feel bad I didn’t put two and two together either, until Tom told me.”

He looked at her and placed his lips on hers. A slow motion, not at all like the romp they had just had. His hand moved slowly to her breasts, swollen and ripe, beginning to ready themselves for the coming baby. She gasped when he touched the nipple, “Don’t stop...just be careful.”

He bent down and kissed her one last time before licking his way down her body. He got to the endpoint and looked up into her eyes before diving in. He licked and sucked, until she was thrashing uncontrollably on the bed.

She pushed on his head attempting to get him to stop his ministrations when she stopped her movements, and he looked up at her lying motionless on the bed. “Kathryn?”

When she didn’t answer he moved up to the top of the bed and realized she had passed out. “Well I guess I was good,” he said before lying down next to her his hand cupping the almost imperceptible swell of her belly.

[Six weeks later]

Kathryn lay on the couch, Chakotay near. Feeling the bump of the baby. “Kathryn, I think it’s time we ‘officially’ told the crew.”

Kathryn glared at him, “What do you mean officially?”

Chakotay stroked her belly, “Come on Kathryn: before you got pregnant you were so skinny –“

“Are you saying now I’m fat?”

“No, I think you look beautiful, but your body had changed quite a bit and people who see you every day probably notice.”

She sat up straight, as if noticing for the first time that her belly had gotten rounder and her breasts had become engorged.”

“I guess it is silly hiding it anymore.”

Chakotay nodded his agreement. “You can’t hide this anymore.”

Kathryn nodded, “I know, it just doesn’t seem real yet.” Kathryn gasped as she felt the butterfly movements in her belly. “Oh, my god.”

She grabbed Chakotay’s hand and placed it on the baby. “I think our son just moved.”

He raised an eyebrow, “Son? I think it’s a girl.”

Kathryn laughed, “And how would you know? I’m the one carrying him.”

Chakotay couldn’t deny that. “I know, but I think it’s a baby girl you’re carrying. You can give me son next time.”

Kathryn’s eyes grew wide, “Next time?”

Chakotay smirked, “Oh come on Taya can’t be an only child.”

“Oh now you’ve name her huh?”

Chakotay nodded, “Yeah well I don’t think ‘Kole’ would appreciate you calling him ‘Taya’.”

Chakotay chewed on his lip, “I don’t think so Kathryn, this one’s a girl.”

Kathryn looked at him oddly, “You know we could just have the doctor confirm the baby’s sex.”

Chakotay stared back at her, “If you want.”

“Chakotay I’ll tell you the same thing I told Tom, there aren’t many ‘true surprises’ left in life. Having a baby is one of them. Let’s just see what happens.”

He stared at her, “Whatever you say...’mommy’.”

Kathryn all of a sudden looks worriedly at Chakotay, “Not until I’m holding a happy baby in my arms Chakotay, until then...I’m not a mom yet.”

Chakotay brought her close to him, “Nothing will happen to our baby Kathryn. She’ll be fine.”

“You mean he, and I still don’t want to think about it until he’s here.”
He shook his head, “I’m telling you Chakotay, this one’s a boy.”

She put her hands on her belly, “And a feisty one too.”

Chakotay put his hand on her tummy to join hers. “Yes she is.”

“He it’s a boy remember?”

Chakotay laughed, “Whatever you have to say to make yourself believe Kathryn.” He paused, “How about we go to Sandrines tonight and shoot some pool, meet some friends, make an unofficial announcement?”

Kathryn smiled at him serenely, “Just let me get changed first, then we’ll make our way to the holodeck.”

Kathryn went into the room alone and looked into her closet, she found the pink dress she had left over from the sojourn on ‘New Earth’. It still fit her, but anyone looking at her would know her secret. *Oh the hell with it, you’re over three months along, it was bound to  happen sooner or later.*

She left the dress on and pulled her hair out of the ‘bun of steel’ as Tom had nicknamed her hairstyle, and walked into the living room. “Well Chakotay let’s go.”

He looked at her. “Well aren’t you looking great. Yeah there’s definitely no hiding this anymore. I never realized how much those heavy Starfleet uniforms hid everything.”

She nodded, “I know but I say it’s time to go: we have an announcement to make.”

He took her hand and off they went. As usual Sandrines was already running in holodeck 2. They waltzed into the holodeck and they heard a collective gasp from many of the people who frequented the program. Tom was there and walked up to Kathryn, “You look great Captain.”

She smiled at him, “It’s Kathryn tonight, as you can see I have an announcement to make.”

She stood at the front of the room and there was a quiet that descended upon the group. “I have an announcement to make: As you can see, In about five and a half months, Chakotay and I are expecting a baby.”

There was clapping and Kathryn, despite her trepidation in the beginning, saw the happiness on the faces of the many crewmembers assembled. “Now that that’s over, who’s up for a game of pool?”

Chakotay laughed at the deer in the headlights look Tom got when Kathryn showed him a cue and motioned him over to the pool table.

Kathryn made short work of Tom and Chakotay walked up taking his cue. “My turn. You’d better enjoy the winning while you can still bend over the pool table.”

“Was that a ‘challenge’ Commander?”

He laughed, “I’d never be so presumptuous.”

Kathryn grinned. “I’ll get to that later Chakotay.”

They both walked over towards the pool table. “You’re break Commander.”

Chakotay broke and sunk the four ball. “Solids.”
Kathryn walked up to the table and watched Chakotay sink three more before he missed the two. “Been practicing have you Commander?”

He laughed, “I couldn’t let my Captain down.”

“How about your wife?”

Chakotay winked at her and grinned showing his dimples. Kathryn felt weak in the knees and placed her hand on her abdomen as she felt a ripple.

Chakotay stared at her concerned. “Kathryn, are you okay?”

Kathryn nodded, “Yeah, I think I’m just hungry.”

“You haven’t eaten since breakfast have you?”

She shook her head, “And most of that didn’t stay down.”

Chakotay shook his head, “I can’t believe you’re still having morning sickness.”

“Well the doctor did say that some women have it for the whole pregnancy.”

Chakotay went up to Kathryn and wrapped his arms around her waist, feeling the baby moving for him. “I think she knows it’s me.”

“I hope so, you are her father.”

He smiled, “As you said not until I have a baby in my arms.”

He raised a delicate eyebrow, “And it’s a boy.”

They both laughed, “Your turn Captain.”

“Yes sir.”

She took her shot, cleared the table, “Wow looks as though I need more practice.”

“Only with some stuff.”

He nodded, “Yes and now that we’re done that silliness, how about we get the baby something to eat.”

Kathryn nodded, but before she had a chance to answer: she fainted.

[2 hours later – sickbay]

Chakotay stared at his wife. The doctor had said she was fine, but from this moment on, he was more scared than ever.

Her eyes began to flutter open and Chakotay stared at her. “I won.”

Chakotay stared at her, “You’re mad woman.”

“Well I did win.”

Chakotay nodded, “And then you passed out.”

Kathryn smiled, “The doctor warned us that this might happen.” She looked at him and raised her hand to run her fingers along his cheek, “I’m fine, the baby’s fine, and nothing is going to happen to either one of us.”

Chakotay had tears running down his cheeks, “You scared the hell out of me Kat.”

“I know Chakotay, but you have to understand...I’m not used to being under such strict rules.”

He smiled, “I know but now that you have more than just yourself to worry about, you have to be more careful. You have to eat more, drink less coffee...sleep when you’re supposed to and you definitely have to stop staying extra hours on the bridge.”

Kathryn glared at him, “You can’t tell me what to do or order me around Commander.”

Chakotay sighed, “No but I can ask my wife to take it easy for the sake of my child.”

Kathryn softened her gaze and looked at him carefully, “Chakotay I won’t do anything to hurt our baby, but you have to understand that I am the Captain.”

He brushed his fingers over her cheeks and down to her lips. “I understand Kat, but I have to take care of not just you but our daughter as well now.”

She smiled, “Son.”

“We’ll argue about this later; I need to get some more sleep, the doctor wants me to stay here for another six hours. Once I’m past the eight hour mark I’m allowed to go back to our quarters, but he has me off duty for another two weeks. He said he had to make sure.”

Chakotay nodded, “I understand.”

“You’ll be in charge until then.”

“Of course,” He bent down and brushed his lips against hers. “I love you,” his hand went to touch her belly, “Both of you.”

[Two weeks later]

“I know you’re going stir-crazy Kathryn, but you have to let the doctor check you out before you go back on duty.”

The last two weeks had passed rather quickly for Chakotay, he had been busy taking care of all the business, the reports, the staff meetings that Kathryn normally took care of.

He walked into the sickbay to see Kathryn and the doctor fighting. “I haven’t had any contractions, I haven’t passed out since that time two weeks ago: I’m fine.”

She looked at Chakotay who was walking into the middle of the confrontation. “Kat: calm down. He’s just trying to take care of you both.”

After Chakotay’s calming words, Kathryn calmed down and waited for the doctor to be finished. “Can I take her now? Is she cleared for duty then?”

The doctor nodded, “And good luck Commander, you’re going to need it.”


Kathryn refused to look at him, she didn’t want to see him. To a certain extent had had betrayed her, or that’s the way she felt anyway.

When the doors to the quarters closed she turned around on him. “Just because I am pregnant, does not make me and invalid. I have had to sit and do nothing for two weeks, now I’m back and able to go on the bridge. I have been cleared by the doctor I am fine.”

She glared at Chakotay. “You have no idea what that was like, I’m not used to being cooped up and told what I am allowed to do.”

She was getting dressed in her uniform as she was berating Chakotay. “I’m going the mess hall to get some breakfast, I’ll see you on the bridge.”

She stormed out of their quarters and Chakotay stared after her, knowing that it was just her emotions flying and her hormones racing.

Chakotay sighed to himself and got his uniform on and breezed to the bridge.


At exactly 9am Kathryn made her appearance on the bridge. Chakotay had been there for more than 30 minutes waiting for his wife to show up. She came onto the bridge, handed it over to Chakotay without saying so much as a word to anyone and hurried into her ready room.

Kathryn sat behind her desk in her ready room thinking. What did Chakotay think he was doing? He had no right to come to sickbay and check up on her, she was the Captain for goodness sake.

An hour later, the door chime rang. She collected herself and called out “Come.”

Tuvok walked through the door. “I have the weekly security reports for the past two weeks for your viewing. I was told you wanted to go over them even though you have been away for a couple of weeks.”

“Thank you Tuvok, I guess if there’s one thing I can count on with you its precision.”

She looked at Tuvok who was still standing before her, “Dismissed.”

Tuvok went to leave when he turned and looked at the Captain who had been his friend and confidant for more than 20 years. “Captain, you seem troubled. Is there anything I can do for you?”

Kathryn let her head fall into her hands. “I’m not sure if it’s the pregnancy for the two weeks I’ve been out of commission but I feel on edge. I yelled at Chakotay this morning for no reason, and then I freaked on the doctor and all he wanted was to check me out before I went on duty.”

Tuvok took his hand and patted Kathryn’s shoulder, as close to an emotional gesture as he got.

Kathryn let tears run down her face as she felt her emotional walls and her life to a certain extent fall apart. “Tuvok, can you please send the commander in when you go back out on the bridge?”

Tuvok nodded, “Everything will work out for the two of you Captain, I have every confidence in that.”

Janeway nodded and leaned back in her chair hand on her belly. She let out a long breath and enjoyed feeling her son moving around. The door chimed and before she even had a chance to answer Chakotay walked in.

He saw Kathryn sitting in her chair, leaning against the back, looking like hell. “Kathryn?”

Kathryn looked up at him tears in her eyes. “Damn hormones, they’re going to kill me.”

Chakotay was at a loss. “I don’t know what to say to you Kathryn, and I didn’t know what to do this morning...that’s why I left before I said something I didn’t mean.”

He took her face in his hands and brought her lips up to his. “It’s okay Kathryn. I understand. This is hard for you, you’re not used to standing on the sidelines. I love you no matter what.”

He brought her over to the couch and forced her to sit on his knee. “I know you’re the Captain, and I understand that you have responsibilities...but you have to let go sometimes, let the other senior staff and me – if no one else – take on some of your responsibilities.”

Kathryn was crying now, she let the tears fall and snuggled her face into his uniform. “I love you Chakotay.”

He smiled, “I love you too Kathryn, and I will never let anything happen to you or our child.”

She nodded and forced herself to look up at him. “I just want to do right by our daughter and by you.”


Chakotay reached up and stroked his thumb across his wife’s lips. “God Chakotay I love you more than life itself, and so does our child.” Her hand glided down to touch her belly. The child gave her a hard kick, “I can’t believe I still have almost four months to go.”

Chakotay laughed, “And I’m sure you’ll face it with beauty and grace.”

Kathryn giggled, “If up until now has been any indicaction...probably not.”

Chakotay placed his large hand over hers as it rubbed hypnotic circles on her tummy. “She’s active today.”

“Indeed he is, but he could calm down when I’m trying to sleep.”

Chakotay smiled, “That’s it Kathryn, try and get them to follow orders from the womb.”

Kathryn smiled and rubbed her hand over the baby. She began to sing and Chakotay was transfixed with the sound of her voice. “I didn’t know you could sing.”

She laughed, “You call that singing?”

“Ah Kathryn, the master of self-decrementing comments.”

Kathryn glared at him. “Come on now, go easy on me: I’m pregnant!”

“Oh is that the reason you have this bump. I thought you were just putting on weight...”

“Not funny Chakotay. I can’t believe how much weight I’ve gained, and all the doctor has to say is that he wants me to gain more!”

He looked sympathetically at his wife. “I know this hard on you Kathryn, but in three more months it will all be over and we’ll have a little baby girl to make our lives complete.”

“For the last time it’s a boy.”

Chakotay laughed, “We won’t settle this until we have a healthy baby in our arms.”

She smiled, “I know, but its fun anyway. By the way, the baby has calmed down a little, so I think now’s a good time for sleep.”

Chakotay nodded and noticed that Kathryn was already falling into a time of sleep.


[2 weeks later]

“Fine, I’ll go to maternity uniforms.”

Chakotay sighed, “Kathryn come on. You’re what six months pregnant now? And you’re trying to hide it as much as possible when on duty, give it up.” He stopped as he looked at her face falling, “You’re going to have a baby, my baby and your baby. This child is going to complete our lives. This baby is the best gift that anyone has ever given me.” He pulled her to him in a hug of love and compassion. “You know I love you right, and want to be with you forever. I’ve married you, I love you, I’ve planted my seed within your womb...I want you to be as proud of the fact that you’re carrying my child as I am.”

Kathryn sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve (a very undignified, but real human motion). “I love you too, and I love our baby, but I have so much trouble trying to equate my current state with being the Captain.”

Chakotay moved her hair from her eyes and pulled her lips up to his in a kiss full of compassion and barely hidden sexual tension. “Kathryn, no one cares. They’re all waiting for you to accept this.” He turned around and pulled her back towards him. He placed his hands on his daughter – or he had to admit son – and rubbed circles over her tummy. “Don’t you ever get tired of fighting something that you can’t change? Don’t you ever just want to show your condition with confidence and prove to everyone that this is a good thing and that you can’t wait for this child to get here? I want to run around the ship stating how happy I am for you and me...for US.” He paused and turned her around again forcing her to look him in the eyes, “Kathryn...”

She nodded and looked lost. “I’ve never been anything but a Captain and a Starfleet officer, I’m not sure I know how to be a wife and mother-to-be. I feel so lost.”

“Oh, honey. There is nothing to be ashamed of, your condition makes you more beautiful, and it has shown a much softer side of you. It has proven that a woman can be both a Captain and a mother. It has shown that where there is a will there’s a way.”

She smiled at Chakotay. “I knew there was a reason I married you.”

He approached her and hugged her.


[Later that evening]

“Chakotay we’ve been asked to the Paris’ quarters for dinner.”

Chakotay chuckled, “I saw B’Elanna this morning: she looks like she’s ready to pop.”

“Well she told me this morning that she was two days overdue. That baby is as stubborn as her mother.”

“And as cocky as her father. She wants to make a big scene. Watch B’Elanna will go into labour at Megan and Harry’s wedding reception.”

“That’s not for another week, I’m not sure the doctor will let her go that long.”

Chakotay stared at her, “Yeah and I’m not sure Tom would last that long. She’s threatening to neuter him for placing her in this position.”

Kathryn laughed out loud, “You know I’d hate to see those two when she finally does go into labour.”

“Yeah you’re telling me.”

She looked at the chronometer on the wall, “So when did they say they were expecting us?”

“Well B’Elanna said around 1800 hours, but if you want to have something to eat quick before that...”

“What are you telling me, I’m eating too much? I am eating for two you know.”

“I’m not saying that Kathryn, I’m saying the doctor already wants you to gain more weight – for the baby – so maybe having a snack isn’t a bad idea.”

Kathryn glared at Chakotay, “I’m really not hungry.”

He smiled, “Okay fine, but I am and as far as I know I’m still only eating for one.”

“I’m going to change into something more comfortable and then we’ll stop by the mess hall before going ‘chez Paris’.”

[Paris Quarters – 1700 hours]

B’Elanna was pacing around her quarters. “Tom, do you realize our child is going to be a bastard child? Born out of wedlock?”

Tom walked up to B’Elanna and looked at her body now stretched to alarming proportions by the child she carried. He placed a hand on her abdomen. “I didn’t know it bothered you that much?”

“Well it didn’t until I really started thinking about it, and wondering what got us here. I mean look at Kathryn and Chakotay, they have the perfect relationship, they have a baby on the way, they’re married, they’re happy.” She sighed, looking at the father of her child. “I want that.”

Tom realized how much this was bothering her. “You know, Kathryn and Chakotay are coming over tonight, we could always ask them to do the deed then, as husband and wife our child would not be born out of wedlock.”

She stared at Tom tenderly, “You’d do that for me?”

He pulled her face up to his, “I’d do anything for you.” He looked at her, “We’ll see if Kathryn can do that for us tonight.”

B’Elanna nodded, maybe everything would be okay after all.


[1800 Hours – Outside Paris Quarters]

Kathryn took Chakotay’s hand. “You ready, let’s go. I wonder what was so important that they needed to see us right now?”

Chakotay shrugged, “I have no idea Kathryn. Tom contacted me about twenty minutes ago and said I have a huge favour to ask you when you get here, that’s it.”

Kathryn rang the chime and B’Elanna appeared. “Hey guys, thanks for coming.”

“No problem B’Elanna, so what was so important? Tom contacted me about twenty minutes ago and said that he had a favour to ask of me.”

“Let’s go inside and have some dinner, and we’ll talk while we’re eating.”

Kathryn nodded and walked through the doors. The quarters and had been re-decorated. There was now a place for a bassinet for the coming baby, and the place looked as if it had been baby-proofed.

There were different gadgets preventing little hands from getting into stuff.

Kathryn plopped down on the couch B’Elanna trailing.

B’Elanna took Kathryn’s hand. “So how are you doing?”

Janeway nodded, “Fine, you?”

B’Elanna let a sigh escape, “Good I guess; but I do wish this kid would remove herself from my body: This being pregnant thing is really starting to wear on me.”

Janeway nodded her understanding, “Yeah I can imagine, if I go two days over I think I’ll beat the doctor, and Chakotay and anyone else that gets in my way.”

B’Elanna smiled and looked at Kathryn, “Come on Kathryn you’re not really that big, and you still have, what three months to go? I was bigger than you are at six months, you must be one of those lucky women who are all baby when you’re pregnant.”

Kathryn let a soft smile grace her features, “You’re not that big either B’Elanna.”

“I’m big enough.” B’Elanna’s face scrunched up in discomfort.

“You okay?”

B’Elanna nodded, “Yes just a little uncomfortable. The doctor says this is a big baby, and every time she moves I swear she sticks her foot in my lung.”

Kathryn placed a hand on her abdomen and felt her own baby squirm around. The baby was really active, “Well...mine takes after me it appears, he won’t stay still.”


“I think it’s a boy, Chakotay thinks it’s a girl, but what does he know: he’s a man.”

The women laughed. “Is Tom as over-protective as Chakotay is? I swear B’Elanna I can’t move without him worrying about me.”

B’Elanna’s eyes grew wide, “Yeah you should have seen Tom’s reaction when he saw me crawling around in engineering under the consoles, trying to fix things: I thought he was going to kill Carey.”

“Poor Carey, having to deal with a pregnant Chief Engineer –“

“– And a pregnant Captain.”

Kathryn laughed, “But I think that most people on the crew are responsible for dealing with both of us.”

Kathryn turned to B’Elanna, “So let’s go see what the ‘boys’ are up to.”

[Same time – Chakotay and Paris]

“I am so glad that the Captain has B’Elanna to help her.”

“Tom, we’re having dinner with you tonight, her name is Kathryn.”

“B’Elanna has less trouble with this than me, the woman has been around forever.”

Chakotay raised an eyebrow, “Wow Tom, you’d better watch it or she’ll skin ya, you make her sound like she’s about 70 years old.”

“I never said that, and you know that’s not what I meant.”

“It’s okay Tom I’m just kidding.”

Tom let a breath he hadn’t know he’d been holding escape. “Chakotay there’s another reason that we asked you here tonight, B’Elanna is really getting antsy about this baby being born with us out of wedlock. Do you think that the Captain can marry us tonight?”

Chakotay grinned. “I think I can probably convince her, but I think you should be the one to ask her.”

Tom pulled an engagement ring and two wedding out of his pocket. “I’m going to go and ‘propose’ to her right now, to me I’m hers forever no matter what...but I want to make it official.”

Chakotay smacked Tom on the back, “Well congratulations Tom.”

“Have you looked at your girlfriend of my wife? I think we’re way past congratulations.”

Tom bowed his head, “That’s just it Commander, she’s your wife, she’s my girlfriend that it though. B’Elanna wants something more permanent before that child comes.”

Chakotay looked at him, “I hate to sound obnoxious Tom, but your woman is already two weeks overdue.”

“That’s why we want you to marry us tonight.”

Chakotay smiled, “Let’s go talk to ‘my wife’ and see what can be arranged.”

Tom pulled the ring out of his pocket and showed it to Chakotay. “What do you think?”

Chakotay stared at the diamond, I think its beautiful Tom, and I think that B’Elanna will be pleased to see it.”

Chakotay and Paris walked out to the living room where the women were speaking in hushed tones. Tom walked out to the room and got on one knee.

B’Elanna looked at him, “Get up you moron.”

Tom refused to get up. “B’Elanna, I know we’ve already gone over this, but I’m going to do it now officially.” He pulled the ring out of his pocket, “B’Elanna Torres will you marry me?”

B’Elanna looked at him, “You’re serious aren’t you?”

Tom nodded so sure of himself.

Kathryn watched mesmerized as the scene unfolded. B’Elanna pulled the ring out of Tom’s hand and placed it on her finger. He forced her to look at him, “You know how much I love you right? And I love this baby,” his hand reached for her belly.

B’Elanna nodded tears in her eyes. “Captain, would you do the honours of marrying us tonight? Get it over with before the baby comes?”

Janeway nodded her head. “I have to go to the ready room and draw up the papers, if you don’t mind waiting an hour?”

Tom nodded, “We have to finish getting supper ready anyway.”

Janeway nodded at Chakotay, “Join me Commander?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Kathryn and Chakotay walked out of the Paris’ quarters and made their way to her ready room. “You know Chakotay, talking to B’Elanna...I realized how lucky I’ve been with you.”

“Oh come on now Kathryn, Tom isn’t abusive; he loves her to death...”

She stopped him and enveloped his lips with hers, “Have I ever told you how lucky I am to have you Chakotay? You deal with my mood-swings, you take the orders from the Captain without question and most importantly: you love me despite all these things.”

He smiled, “That’s where you’re wrong, I love you IN spite of all these things.”

He hugged her and they continued on their way to the ready room. “God B’Elanna’s big. Think that kid will ever come out?”

“That’s not funny commander, I’m gonna look like that in a couple of months.”

Chakotay placed his hand under her chin to raised her eyes up to look into his, “And I’ll love you just the same, maybe even more.”

They reached the ready room and Kathryn, in Captain’s mode went right to fixing up the paper work. She looked down at her clothing, “You know I’m not really dressed for a wedding.” Her emerald green dress, empire waist no to emphasize the growing baby but not to hide it either was not what you normally wore to officiate a wedding. “Do you think they’ll care? It is their special day...”

“Kathryn listen to me, I don’t think they care at this moment what you’re wearing. Tom is going to be staring at nothing but his bride, and me...I’ll be staring at nothing but the beauty that is Kathryn Janeway and my wife.”

Kathryn smiled at him, “Okay I’m done the paperwork, its official. Let’s go see our ‘newlyweds’.”

Kathryn placed her thumb print on the padd. making it official and took the paper work to the Paris’ quarters.

Kathryn and Chakotay walked into the Paris Quarters unannounced to see the two officers on the couch kissing and touching and -”

Kathryn looked at Chakotay and cleared her throat forcing the couple to move away at lightning speed. “We’re sorry Captain, we didn’t see you there, and we didn’t hear the chime.”

Kathryn rose a delicate eyebrow, “We didn’t ring the chime, and you’re supposed to wait to kiss the bride until after the wedding ceremony.”

Kathryn took the padd. and recited the same wedding vows that had been said by many a person before her and many would state after.

“You may now kiss the bride.” She paused and almost laughed at Tom’s hesitation, “Now Tom.”

The deed was done and Kathryn watched as B’Elanna’s hand rose to her back as if kneading the discomfort from her back. Janeway piped up, “Can we eat? The baby’s hungry.”

Tom was lost in his own little world where there was nothing but him his wife and his child to be. “Yeah Captain, it’s already programmed into the replicator. Lasagne, is that okay for everyone? And yes before you ask Chakotay we made a special batch of vegetarian lasagne for you.”

The command couple nodded and to the table they went. Dinner went off without a hitch, by 2000 hours they were sitting in front of Tom’s old school television set watching a hockey game plagued with players who had been dead and gone for many years.

B’Elanna was looking very uncomfortable, and Kathryn was watching her closely, she was past her due date, and no doubt feeling very uncomfortable.

She leaned over to B’Elanna and whispered, “How far apart are they?”

B’Elanna looked surprised at Kathryn. “How did you know?”

“Back labour.”

B’Elanna sighed, “Six minutes.”

Janeway raised her eyebrow, “Don’t you think it’s time you told him and made your way to sickbay?”

B’Elanna stood up, “I’m going to get something to drink, does anyone else want anything?”

The men who were engrossed in their hockey game, shook their heads. Kathryn got up, “I’ll go with you; I could use a glass of water.”

The two of them arrived in the kitchen and B’Elanna sat down at the table breathing through what Kathryn knew must be a contraction. “You’re not worried about not being in sickbay?”

B’Elanna finished going through the contraction and her breathing exercises. “Not really, first births normally take forever.”

Kathryn walked up to her and patted her on the shoulder, “I guess for once you’re in charge.”

B’Elanna laughed, “You’ll get your chance in a couple of months.”

“Well I guess we’d better get our drinks so the men don’t wonder what’s going on in here.”

B’Elanna nodded and got up when her waters broke all over the floor, and she cried out in pain. “Okay Kathryn, now I think I should make my way to sickbay.”

Chakotay heard the scream and got up to go to the kitchen. “Tom, that’s probably your wife making the noises, it won’t be mine for a couple of  months I hope; let’s go check on the girls.”

Tom stood up in a daze and followed Chakotay to the kitchen. He ran up to his wife who was doubled over in pain. He saw the puddle on the floor and went her side. “B’Elanna are you okay?”

Kathryn jumped in, “You guys are really observant, she’s been in labour for the past three hours!”

Chakotay looked shocked and got Tom’s commbadge. “Tom...you might want to phone the doctor.”

Tom dazed and confused just let his jaw drop opened. “I’m gonna be dad.”

B’Elanna hissed, “Not if I kill you first.”

She fell to her knees. “Gods this hurts. Kathryn since you seem to be the only one who’s got an ounce of sense left can you help me get to sickbay?”

She screamed again as yet another contraction ripped through her. “Oh god!”

Kathryn looked at her best friend, “B’Elanna, that wasn’t six minutes.”

B’Elanna shook her head as the pain refused to subside and another contraction started almost on top of the last.”

Janeway grabbed B’Elanna’s arm and pulled her up. “Oh god, I have to go to the bathroom, Kathryn, can you help me there first?”

Kathryn grinned, “I don’t think it’s the bathroom you want to go to.”

B’Elanna fell to her knees again. “I have to Kathryn.”

Kathryn looked under B’Elanna’s dress. “I think we either have to get the doctor here now, or you should push, that’s your baby’s head: You’re crowning dear.”

B’Elanna looked shocked at Janeway, “No, I’m not ready to be a mom.”

Kathryn looked at her in shock, “You should have thought about that, 30 weeks ago.”

B’Elanna sat on the edge of the couch, “Oh god, not again.”

Kathryn could tell B’Elanna was pushing she looked at the woman who had become her friend and confidant. “Okay hon, one more push and the head should be out.”

Tom finally awake from his dazed stupor rushed over to B’Elanna. “You’re doing great. We almost have her, Miral is going to be here soon.”

B’Elanna pushed again and out came the baby’s head, but not before ripping.

Kathryn walked over to Chakotay, “Should we call the doctor and tell him what’s going on?”

“Nah, they can tell when it’s all over.”

They heard B’Elanna squeal and then they heard the cry of a baby. “Oh my god, Captain, Commander, I have a daughter.” They heard Tom’s stupefied voice from across the room.

Kathryn walked up and put her hands out to hold the little tyke. “Hello baby, your parents have waited a long time for you to come along.”

The baby was rooting near Kathryn’s breast and she pulled the baby away. “That I can’t give to you; here B’Elanna...I think she’s hungry.”

The baby clasped on to B’Elanna’s breast and Chakotay and Kathryn made their way out of the Paris quarters, not wanting to intrude on the private moment.

That would be them in a couple of months, though she hoped to make it to sickbay.

She turned to husband, “Chakotay I love you.”

He slid his hand down to touch the baby bump, “I love you too, both of you.”


Kathryn and Chakotay walked down the hall hand in hand. They got to their quarters and Chakotay looked at the dark circles under Kathryn’s eyes. “Bed time dear?”

She turned to him, “No I think I just need a coffee.”

Chakotay sighed, “How about sleep not coffee in the morning, this evening was draining.”

She smiled, “True, but we got to see our goddaughter enter into this world.”

He walked up to her and rubbed her cheek, “And I can’t wait to see ‘my daughter’ enter this world.

“Whoa, whoa, okay it will be in sickbay though, but you can be there I suppose.”

He raised his eyebrow, “You suppose.”

She laughed at this, “Okay you’d better be there or Tom won’t be the only one who’s being threatened with neutering.”

He brought Kathryn to bed and laid her down, covered her up and watched her eyes close as she fell into a much needed sleep.”

He walked out to the living room and tapped his commbadge. “Chakotay to the doctor.”

“Yes Commander, is the Captain okay?”


“I think you should make your way to their quarters. Healthy baby girl, born at 2134 this evening.”

He heard the doctor sigh at the other end of the commline. “Why is it that no one ever tells me anything?”

Chakotay heard another grumble. “Thank you commander, and no they didn’t tell me, at least someone keeps me in the loop.”

And Chakotay heard the comm. line close.

He put his sleep pants on and snuggled close to Kathryn facing her. He slid down so his face was level with the baby. “We can’t wait to meet you. We love you very much.”

He paused contemplating his words, “I know that three months doesn’t seem like very long, but to us it feels like an eternity.”

The baby started moving around and Chakotay laid a hand over the place where an arm...or maybe a foot made contact with his hand. “Okay now darling, time to calm down its night time and we have to let your mommy sleep.”

Chakotay spooned Kathryn and drifted into a lazy slumber.

[5 weeks later – 1900 hours Janeway Quarters]

Kathryn leaned back against the couch totally exhausted from the day activites. “Chakotay Miral is so cute.”

He laughed, “Yeah good thing she takes after her mother.”

Kathryn stood up and stretched and stretched her back, pushing her belly out to alarming proportions. He stared at her; nothing had been more magical than watching her body grow and change with their child.

He could never love anyone more.

“Chakotay, I want this baby to look like you. A little boy with the same beautiful skin tone, those lovely dimples –“

He cut her off “- As long as ‘she’ has your beautiful blue eyes I can live with it.”

She grinned at her husband. “Ah, the chances of that are slim to none dear. Blue eyes are recessive; brown eyes are dominant.”

“Hey I can pray for a miracle, when I did that last time I ended up with a wife and baby on the way.”

Kathryn slapped him playfully. “He’s really moving something fierce tonight.”

Chakotay rubbed her stomach, Its almost 7:30 Kathryn, what do you say to a nice bubble bath, I’ll work some of the kinks out of your back, and we’ll have a great time.”

“Great time? I know what that means.”

“No Kathryn give me a little credit.”

Kathryn glared at him, “You’re a man, that’s what you think about all the time...sex.”

He took his thumb and rubbed it over her lips, silencing her. “You know I’d never make you do anything you didn’t want to do right?”

“Yeah but the problem is most of the time I want to do it too.”

They both laughed, and Chakotay went to fill the tub.”

After he was finished, he went out to the living room and found Kathryn out cold on the sofa. *So much for bath time fun.*

He picked her up and gently brought her to their room: she needed sleep more than she needed a bath.


[Three days later – Captain’s ready room]

Kathryn sat in her ready room. Torres was off on maternity leave so that left Harry to tinker with the doctor’s holographic emitters. She had watched him create a doctor in engineering: problem was he was only six inches tall. Kathryn rolled her eyes at this.

She needed to talk to Neelix, they were entering Botha space and she had to deal with Neelix. He supposedly knew more about these species than anyone else did.

She sighed and went to the holodeck: she had been ordered there by their mini-doc.

She walked into the setting which was ancient England. Lord Burleigh approached her, “Yes. Terribly wrong. I have fallen in love with you, Lucy.” Kathryn caught her breath as the hologram bent down to kiss her, “Computer end program.”

“Janeway to the doctor.”

“Yes, Captain.”

“May I go to my quarters and read instead of spending time in the holodeck?”

She heard the holodoc sigh, “I suppose, but you’re still off duty for the next two days.”

“Yes, doctor.”

Kathryn departed the holodeck and went to her quarters to wait for Chakotay to come home. As she sat there lost in thought of how ridiculous the holodeck fantasy was, she got a hail from the bridge.

When she got to the bridge she was greeted with people hallucinating, all sorts of people thinking they saw something they didn’t. Loved ones, lost girlfriends, father’s who were their worst enemies at times.

As much as Kathryn hated to admit it when she looked up at the viewscreen she saw Mark. A man from her past, a man she thought she had let go of.

In engineering B’Elanna who had finally returned to work saw Chakotay. There should have been jealousy there, there should have been resentment, but all they could think after Kathryn seeing her former lover was that they were nothing but memories from a past that had come and gone.

She hoped that’s what it was anyway.

She boarded the turbo-lift to go to engineering to try and help out: “Deck 11.”

She turned around and saw ‘Mark’. Oh god. He looked at her and saw the very pregnant belly. “Is it mine?”

“I let go of you a long time ago Mark, this is my husband’s child.”

“I was that easy to forget was I?”

She looked at him tears in her eyes. “No but there comes a time when you have to let go, and I was there, and so I did.”

In the back of her mind ‘Kathryn knew this wasn’t real’, but it felt so good in some ways to let old demons rest.

After everything was done, Kathryn went down to the mess hall for her usual cup of coffee. Inside she knew she shouldn’t be drinking the stuff  being eight months pregnant and all, but the doctor did tell her a moderate amount of caffeine was okay.

Kathryn saw B’Elanna sitting at a table and decided to join her.

The first thing that came out of her mouth surprised Kathryn to no end. “I'm surprised to see you here, Captain. Isn't this the day that you're usually in the holodeck with your novel?”

The holonovel, one she would never visit again if she could avoid it. She stared at her friend, “I thought, after our recent experience, that I'd take a break from fantasy for a while.”

“I don't blame you. I think it had quite an impact on all of us. Do you think it's true? That the alien was reading our minds, creating images from our own experiences?

“It seems that way. He had uncanny ability to bring buried thoughts out into the open. Why?”

“Oh, it's just, I experienced something I'd rather not admit.” Especially now she thought, I just had Tom’s baby and my best friend is carrying his. God have mercy on my soul.

“I know. Me too. But, in a way, maybe he did us all a favour. Maybe it's better to look those feelings in the eye than to keep them locked up inside. “

“I guess. I'll have to think about that. Well, I have an early watch tomorrow, so I'd better turn in. Good night, Captain. “ She had to leave she had too many thoughts of Chakotay’s arms around her, his smell, his taste, it was over: it never was.

Kathryn watched B’Elanna walk out of the mess hall. She had to ask her one day what had upset her so, but in all honesty she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
Kathryn went to her quarters that night with much to think about. Chakotay was on night shift so he wasn’t home. B’Elanna was home with the baby, maybe Tom would like to go and play some pool.

“Janeway to Paris.”

“Paris here, yes Captain?”

She smiled, always the gentleman, he certainly had turned his life around. “Tom, do you think that B’Elanna would let you out of the house for a couple of hours tonight? I really need to talk to someone and I know B’Elanna is breastfeeding little Miral so she can’t get out for too long.”

“Can I call you back Kathryn? I’ll see what she says about that.”

Kathryn closed the comm. line and went back to the messhall. It was usually empty at this time of night, she had spent more than a few nights sitting her past 3am.

Mind you since she had gotten pregnant, and was taking better care of herself, the mess hall with a cup of coffee was normally not where she was.

She sat down and waited for the hail from Tom. Hopefully he would have some time for her.

Finally her commbadge rang, “Paris to Janeway.”

Janeway answered almost immediately. “Yes, Tom. Has your wife let you out for a while?”

“Yeah, but she said my curfew is in an hour.”

“I’m in the mess hall and there’s no one else here, so there is privacy.”

Tom considered it, “Okay I’ll meet you there soon.”

Tom turned to his wife. “How’s Miral doing?”

B’Elanna sighed, “Oh don’t worry she’ll be up in an hour to torture both of us.”

“She really sounded like she needed to talk. I wouldn’t go otherwise, and Chakotay’s on duty.”

“It’s okay Tom, I understand. She’s our friend and our commanding officer.”

“I’m more worried about the friend than the commanding officer. She’s just like my father and always puts duty first.”

“Yeah but she’s pregnant; and that baby is going to force her into a few changes. She will understand when that baby is placed in her arms that there are some things more important in life than duty.”

She looked at her husband begging him to understand. “She trusts you, and she loves you like a mother loves a child. She has grown up with you always there, she sees your father almost as her pseudo-father. She’s unsure, she trying to get some information. She waited to have a baby until she was in her 40’s. She’s in a high pressure job, she’s worried if she’ll even see her child grow up.”

B’Elanna paused and took in a deep breath, “She needs to be reassured and she needs advice.”

Tom laughed, “Who would have thought that we’d be giving advice to the great Kathryn Janeway?”

B’Elanna stopped him and looked up at him to kiss his lips, “Right now she’s just a woman, and she trusts you to treat her as just a woman and a friend. I need you to do that.”

Tom nodded and off he went. He entered the mess hall and saw Kathryn sitting against the viewport looking out into the stars.

“Hi Tom.”

Kathryn turned around and stared at her helmsman. He looked at the woman who used to be all skin and bones but whose belly was now stretched to alarming proportions, he couldn’t picture her getting much larger. As she stretched he saw the baby moving and figured she probably couldn’t get much sleep with the baby moving so much.

He approached her. “Coffee?”

Kathryn glared at Tom, “You know that’s one thing I want to have but have been limited to having.”

“I’ll order it under my rations and no one will ever know.”

Kathryn gave her quirky half-smile. “Sounds good Tom.”

Five minutes later, Tom approached with two cups of black coffee. “So you want to tell me what you had to talk to me about?”

“You know the experience we just had with the Botha?”

Tom nodded and encouraged her to continue. “I had a lot of things going on with my dad during that time. I think I dealt with some stuff.”

“I believe I finally let my fiancé go today.” She pushed the coffee out towards Tom. “And I felt bad; here I was dealing with a representation of the man who I was ‘going to marry’, pregnant with the baby of a man I did marry.”

Tom reached out and touched her abdomen, asking if it was okay. Kathryn nodded and joined her hand to his. “You know I never thought I’d love anyone like Mark, but it’s over and now I have Chakotay and now I’m going to have his child.”

“Should I feel guilty about not loving Mark anymore?”

Tom smiled, “Well maybe it was just a healing process, I mean that man was a part of your life for a long time right?”

Kathryn nodded and felt the tears beginning to form in her eyes. “I just...it feels like letting go of him is letting go of ever getting home.”

Tom smiled and unconsciously rubbed her belly, “Maybe it’s not giving up just making the best of a bad situation.”

Kathryn took his hand from her stomach, and held it in hers. “Did I ever tell you how good a friend you are and how much I appreciate you and B’Elanna and the way you are? The way you treat me not only like a friend but a good friend?”

Tom felt tears beginning to well up in his eyes as well. He reached forward and hugged her. “Kathryn, everything will be okay, I promise.”

Kathryn nodded, and Tom got up. “I told B’Elanna I wouldn’t be any more than an hour, enjoy your coffee and see you tomorrow on the bridge.”

“Night Tom.”

“Night Kathryn.”


[2 Hours later – Janeway Quarters]

Kathryn lay in bed tossing and turning. Sleep just wouldn’t come tonight. And she was getting mad at it. The baby wouldn’t stop moving around (at least she knew he was having fun). She rubbed her hand over the baby movement and whispered to him, “Come on, let me get a little bit of sleep before I have to face your father, or the bridge crew.”

She didn’t get her wish and another sleepless night was topped by dayshift. The only thing she had to look forward to was that Chakotay was pulling a double and would be there with her.\

[0900 bridge]

Kathryn appeared on the bridge not before her shift started, not after, but right on time.

Chakotay looked at her, she looked worse and more tired than he did. He motioned for her to come over to him.

Kathryn slowly almost waddled over to Chakotay. “Yes Commander?”

“Are you okay Kathryn?”

“Just had a rough night, couldn’t sleep, the normal.”

He leaned over to talk to her quietly, “Why don’t you go to your ready room and see if you can catch a nap on the couch?”

Kathryn glared at him, “What kind of an example would I be setting for the crew then?”

Chakotay sighed, “You’re almost eight months pregnant. You’re the Captain of the ship. You need your sleep. Just try to lay down for a bit, I don’t want to have to get the doctor involved.”

Kathryn bowed to his ‘authority’ this time. “Commander I’ll be in my ready room.”

She had said it softly, she had still tried to stay in command. She knew that he was right. She was getting closer to her due date, and she did need more sleep and more rest.

She sat in her ready room on the couch and until that moment hasn’t realized how very tired she was.

[2 hours later – engineering]

Tom walked into engineering with Miral in his arms. “B’Elanna, do you have time for lunch with your family?”

B’Elanna walked up to her husband, and took her baby girl to her. “How’s my baby girl? How are you doing baby?”

Tom just about laughed at that. “Wow pregnancy and motherhood has certainly done something to my klingon warrior.”

B’Elanna looked at her, “Well now I have to talk about last night. Kathryn is confused, she doesn’t know that to do.”

He paused and took her hand. “I tried to talk to her and while I know she trusts me and ‘loves’ me and I do mean that platonically...I’m not her best friend. Feed the little one and then I’ll take her and you go and talk to the Captain.”

B’Elanna went into her office and clasped the baby to her breast feeding the little Miral until she fell into a slumber. Tom had watched the whole thing, and was totally entranced by the sight before him.

He took the baby from his wife, “Okay time to go and check on Captain?”

B’Elanna smiled, “No time to go and check on Kathryn.”


[30 minutes later – Bridge]

B’Elanna walked across the bridge and rang the chime to the Captain’s private domain. When there was no answer, she looked to Chakotay, who shrugged.

Chakotay hit his commbadge. “Chakotay to Janeway.”

When Kathryn didn’t answer Chakotay went to use his override code to the ready room, B’Elanna in tow. The ready room doors opened and neither were prepared for the sight of Kathryn fast asleep on the couch.

Chakotay walked up to her and woke her from her sleep.

Kathryn finally looked up and saw B’Elanna and Chakotay staring at her. “I told you those sleepless nights would catch up with you.”

She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. “What time is it?”

“Time for you to go for lunch, baby needs food.”

B’Elanna jumped in, “Actually I was going to have lunch with Kathryn in her ready room, rations on me.”

Chakotay smiled, “Well I’ll leave you under B’Elanna’s tender loving care.”

B’Elanna looked at him like he was crazy and had lost him mind. “Tom said that you were really fitting into this mothering role. So I figured that was an accurate description. Take good care of my wife and my baby B’Elanna.”

Chakotay nodded and left the ready room.

“Okay Kathryn, let’s talk.”

Kathryn blinked her eyes a few times trying to rid her eyes of the sleep. “Okay B’Elanna, I don’t know what Chakotay –“

“Chakotay didn’t say anything to me, Tom is worried about you.”

Janeway’s jaw dropped, “I asked him not to say anything to you or anyone else. I was trying to keep things ‘under the rug’ so to speak.”

B’Elanna grabbed Kathryn’s hand. “Okay this is not the Captain and the Chief Engineer speaking, this is Kathryn and B’Elanna; and Tom didn’t really tell me anything, he just told me that the incident with the Botha had really shaken you up.”

“It was just -”

B’Elanna cut her off, “I’m going to tell you about something that happened with me during the Botha incident. It was an old fantasy: the Botha could obviously read our thoughts.”

Kathryn opened her mouth to answer, but B’Elanna cut her off to continue her story.

“I used to have these real sexual dreams about Chakotay. I used to think I was in love with him. Over the years I realized that the attraction was more of a friendship and misplaced sexual desire.”

“B’Elanna, you really don’t need -”

“Kathryn, I’m explaining this to you so you know that I have no feelings like towards him. I want you to know that this is the happiest I have seen him in a very long time, in fact ever. I am totally committed to Tom and never was trying to ‘get your man’: he loves you, he married you, he gave you a child, and that will never change.

When Chakotay has committed himself to a cause, he always stays true to it.”

Kathryn looked at B’Elanna, “I dreamt of my former fiancé Mark. I have known him for most of my life, when he saw me with a wedding ring on my finger and a belly out to here,” she moved her hand about three feet from where her stomach ended, “I knew it was a dream. I knew it wasn’t real, but I couldn’t help but feel I had betrayed my past.”

B’Elanna smiled, “I think we all experienced things we’d rather not have experienced, but I also think we needed to experience those things to move forward.”

The ladies finished their lunches and B’Elanna went back to Engineering, Kathryn back to the bridge, to once again become the Captain, all thoughts of betrayal or un-assuredness gone.

With good friends and a good husband she was going to get through this time of unrest.


From that moment on Kathryn decided that she was going to take better care of herself. She had talked to Tom and B’Elanna and she had told Chakotay. To her this was her forever letting go of Mark and some of the emotional ties of the Alpha Quadrant.

Voyager was her home now: Hers and her husband’s and her baby. She placed her hand on her belly feeling the baby kick. She looked down and talked to her child, I’m sorry you’re going to grow up on a Starship, but this is our home now. I promise that we’ll get back to Alpha Quadrant as soon as we can.”

Just as she was finishing her one-sided conversation Chakotay walked into their quarters. “Are you having another one of those one-sided conversations with our baby?”

“Our son is responding just fine to mommy.”

Chakotay ran a hand over her beautiful auburn hair. “Are you planning on coming to the bridge today? You’re only two weeks away from the birth.”

“I don’t know Chakotay, I’m trying to figure out if the doc will let me or not. He wants me to come in today for ‘birthing classes’.”

“And you sound like you’re so excited about it too.”

She sighed, “How hard can it be? I mean women are made to have children.”

He laughed at this, “Kathryn, if he didn’t think it would be good for you he wouldn’t have suggested it; and I think it’s a good idea. My mother was our tribe’s midwife, I saw women in the worst of situations bringing children into the world. It is so much more intense than any woman expects.”

“Chakotay, I’ve seen the Borg, the Hirogen, I’ve been captured by the Cardassians: I think I can handle childbirth.”

“Just do this for me then. If you want to go today to see the doctor and take the class, I’ll go with you. I’m off today after all since I worked the night shift.”

She sighed, annoyed that even he didn’t think she could do this by herself. “Chakotay, I’m not an invalid: I’m pregnant!”

“Yes I know Kathryn, but we’re all trying to give you as much support as possible.” When she didn’t answer or talk to him he continued, “What do you want Kathryn?”

“I want everyone to just back off. This is my child, and I’m going to do it.”

Chakotay walked up and hugged her. “Shhh...It’s okay Kathryn.”

“My back is killing me, it has been all day.” She reached around and placed her hand on her back.

Chakotay came near her and felt the muscles in her back tighten and realease. “Kathryn, keep an eye on this for me would you?”

Kathryn looked at him, “Why?” Her breath caught as her back tightened again. “My back as been killing me since I hit five months.”

He looked at her oddly. “Kathryn, just tell me if gets worse okay? And maybe you should go see the doctor for those classes today Kathryn?”

“Okay, Chakotay; just for you I will.”

[3 hours later – sickbay]

“Okay doctor, let’s get these stupid classes over with. One day should be enough huh?”

“All you need is basic birthing classes Captain, give me two hours and then you can go back to your quarters.”

She sighed, “Thank you doctor, and can you please tell Chakotay I was here so that he’ll leave me alone about this?”

The doctor nodded, “Was there any specific reason he asked you to make sure you took the classes today?”

Kathryn drew in a deep breath, “Well my back has been killing me all day, and he felt the muscles tighten and freaked; I don’t know what the hell he was so worried about, I mean my back has been killing me for like four months.”

The doctor took out a tricorder and scanned the Captain. “Captain, I hate to ever say your husband is right, but those are contractions: You’re in labour.”
“Since I’m there anyway, I guess we can skip the classes then.”

“I still think you’re unprepared Captain. You’ve just begun, you could have hours in front of you.”

She glared at the doctor, “May I go back to the bridge today?”

“Well Captain, walking may help.” He watched as the Captain rubbed her stomach with one hand and her hand went to her back with the other.”

“Captain, maybe you should...”

“Doctor, your concern is noted, but I’m going to return to the bridge now. I’ll see you later.”

With that she walked out of the sickbay and made her way to the turbolift. When the doors to the lift closed, Kathryn leaned against the wall of the turbolift and let her breath escape slowly. “Janeway to Chakotay.”

“Yes Captain, what can I do for you?”

“The doctor gave me permission to be on the bridge for a bit, so I’m in the turbolift and I’ll be there soon.”

She straightened her stance and walked out of the lift as the doors opened. When she walked out Harry nodded to her and Paris rolled his eyes. “What is it with you women you’re ready to pop and here you are at work!”

She sarcastically stared him down, “I was given permission by the doctor today when I went to take the birthing classes.”

Tom knew that tone of voice and turned back to his station. “Yes ma’am.”

Chakotay walked up to Kathryn, “Can I see you in the ready room Captain?”

Kathryn stared at Chakotay. “Of course Commander.”

Kathryn breezed through the doors of the ready room, Chakotay in tow. “Okay so what’s the big deal. What is your problem?”

He took one last good look at her before stating, “The baby has dropped.”

She shook her head and walked up towards the mirror in the bathroom. “I guess...”


“Chakotay I’m still two weeks away from my due date, and the baby can drop weeks before birth.”

He looked at her, still a little concerned. “Fine but if anything happens keep me informed please.”

Kathryn nodded. Chakotay walked out of her ready room then and she was glad because she was experiencing a *contraction* she guessed she had to call it. She sighed, and knew she should have told Chakotay. She sat on the couch and sat through the contraction. They weren’t close together about ten minutes, but she still should have told him.

“Janeway to Torres?”

B’Elanna stared at Vorik. “Vorik, can you handle things down here for a while? The Captain says she needs to see me.”

Vorik nodded, “I believe that I can handle the workload at this moment.”

B’Elanna patted him on the back and off she went to the bridge.

[30 minutes later]

Kathryn saw suffering through another contraction. She was going to go to sickbay but was unable to move because of the excruciating pain she was enduring.

Kathryn felt like screaming but knew that someone on the bridge would hear her. Kathryn heard the door chime and went to answer when yet another contraction ran through her. The doctor had said when she had gone in this morning that she was 2cm dilated, but she had to get to ten, so she had figured ‘no big deal’.

When the contraction ended, she yelled, “Come.”

B’Elanna walked into the ready room and saw Kathryn sitting on the couch. “Kathryn, what did you need to see me about?”

Kathryn went to answer, and another contraction came almost on top of the last. She breathed through it and B’Elanna walked up knowing exactly what was happening. “Kathryn?” She paused, “Is this what I think it is?”

Kathryn nodded, unable to voice anything. B’Elanna nodded, “You helped me, now I’ll try to help you.”

Kathryn nodded, and looked as B’Elanna walked over towards her. “Kathryn, does Chakotay know?”

Kathryn shook her head at B’Elanna. B’Elanna threw her hand up towards her commbadge, when the ship shook.

Kathryn felt the torpedoes hit her ship and when she tried to get up to go to the bridge, when the waters suspending her baby broke and soaked the floor beneath her.

It all went in slow motion as she fell to her knees and screamed out as the waters that had been cushioning the contractions left her body leaving only pain.

The comm. channel opened and Chakotay’s voice came across the ready room. “Captain to the bridge.”

B’Elanna walked over to Kathryn sitting on the floor, in pain. “Chakotay I don’t think she’ll be able to do that right now.”


“Chakotay we have a –“

The comm. system went out as another shot hit the hull. Kathryn screamed out and B’Elanna ran over to her.

[bridge – during attack]

“Commander that last volley took out the power on deck’s 1-5”

Tom’s voice rang out in the dark. “Thanks Tuvok, tell us something we don’t know.”

Chakotay heard a scream come from the direction of the ready room. He hit his commbadge. Nothing.

“Come on Chakotay were you not listening to Tuvok, decks 1-5, this is deck that’s right people, deck 1.”

Chakotay walked up to the doors to the ready room and got an annoying static, not even the doors were working. Damnit woman he thought, why do you have to do this to me?

“Tuvok, can you get an emergency comm. Channel through to sickbay?”

Tom decided to pipe up again, “Unless he was wearing his mobile emitter commander, sickbay is on deck 5.”

Chakotay spun around and looked at Tom, “Enough Lieutenant.”

Harry came up from the back, “Commander, would this manual override help?”

He listened to B’Elanna telling Janeway to stay still while she checked her and Janeway scream as no doubt another contraction raged through her.

Here Harry give that to me. “I can’t do this B’Elanna, I know the doctor said he was a big baby, but this is ridiculous.”

“Come on Kat, Miral was almost nine pounds, this one can’t be that much bigger, you’re a tiny woman.”

Chakotay listened in stunned silence as he stood shocked by the door.

“Hey Chakotay are you going to use that override, or are you just going to stand there and listen to what’s going on?”

“Shut up Tom.”

There was silence as the bridge crew heard B’Elanna, “I don’t remember there being that much blood when I had Miral.”

“I need him B’Elanna.”

“I think it would be better if we just focus on what we’re doing.”

Kathryn was panting as she was forced to try and bring the child into the world. B’Elanna looked to see how far she was progressing. “Go B’Elanna, what’s happening?”

“Kathryn, that’s not the baby’s head.”

Kathryn was exhausted. “What do you mean, the doc said he was head down this morning.”

“Then he must have turned because that is definitely not the baby’s head.”

They felt another volley and Kathryn screamed out, “Take care of my ship Chakotay.”

Chakotay heard Kathryn’s pleas through through the door. “Kathryn...”

He heard her scream again and heard B’Elanna yell, “Oh my god, I have never seen so much blood. We have to get this baby out now Kathryn.”

There was another fire on the ship, “Energy out in decks 1-8. Commander, we have to do something.”

He looked to Harry, “Can we get enough power for a torpedo to be fired at their weapons system? Tuvok said he found a weak spot.”

“Harry can you get a message to Seven of Nine’s cortical implant.”

Harry looked up his expertise was needed and since this wasn’t a Harry based episode it would probably be his last, he’d better make good use of it. “Yes Commander, I think I can.”

“I don’t want to hear I think I can Harry, Yes or No?”

“Yes Commander.” He paused, “Give me a minute.”

Chakotay heard another groan coming from the ready room, “Harry, Kathryn doesn’t have a minute.”

Harry sent a message to Seven of Nine that she was needed in the torpedo tube to get the missile launched. “I sent her the message and she acknowledged the order.”

Chakotay finally got the guts to take control, “Tuvok, did you get the targeting scanners on at least?”

“Yes Commander, we can have a manual launch.”

“Did you hear that Harry, tell her to go on my order.”

“Yes, Sir.” Wow that was a winner of a line.

Another scream came from the ready room.

[Ready room]

“Okay Kathryn, that’s the baby’s bum which makes me think it’s a good thing because he’s not coming out feet first”

“God B’Elanna this hurts, did it hurt this much when...”

Another contraction came and she bore down. “Kathryn, I don’t know how to deliver a baby.”

The Captain panted through another contraction.

B’Elanna couldn’t let go she was holding the baby in her arms, the part that wasn’t yet out of the Captain. “Well Captain, it’s a boy.”

“Good now get him out.”

B’Elanna sighed, “On the next contraction you push and I’ll ease the head out and hopefully everything will be okay.”

Kathryn nodded.

Tom had been trying to steer the ship away from the Vadoire ship that had attacked Voyager. Chakotay piped up, “I knew we hadn’t seen the last of them.”

Chakotay looked to Harry, “Ensign, tell Seven to fire.”

“Yes, sir; she understands.”

The torpedo was launched and disabled the Vadoire ship, “Paris do we have impulse?”

“Yes sir, I can get you out of here at ½ impulse.”

Chakotay was walking towards the ready room as he answered the pilot, “Do it.”

Chakotay went towards the ready room, after the course was plotted Ensign Baytart took over for Tom and as the ship’s medic, came to help Kathryn and B’Elanna.

Chakotay opened the door with the manual override and saw quite a scene before him. The whole bridge crew heard the horrid scream as Kathryn pushed trying to get the baby’s head free.

B’Elanna heard the door open and turned to see her husband there. “Tom, help her.”

“Commander, Captain, I have to tell you I’ve never delivered a breach before.”

“Just get in there Tom and do it.” He looked at the blood and saw that Kathryn looked weak and tired. He approached his ‘wife’ “You’re doing so well baby, our son is almost here.”

She nodded and felt another contraction coming. “If we ever do this again Chakotay: we are having the baby in sickbay and I want lots of drugs she screamed as she pushed.

Tom pushed his hands up by the baby’s head and as he felt the muscles tighten around his hand he pulled the baby’s head out.

“Congratulations Kathryn, Chakotay you have a little boy.”

Kathryn was exhausted but got one last jab out, “I was right.”

Tom handed the baby to its mother. “Here you go Captain, congratulations: you did good.”

[three days later]

Kathryn stood with Kole in her arms. She never in all her days would have thought that she’d have a child, none-the-less a baby with her first officer.

But it had happened and now she felt her life was complete.

She stared at the tiny baby – well not so tiny, he was over eight pounds when he was born – but he was her tiny baby forever.

After the birth, she had been in bad shape. She had lost over a litre of blood. “Captain I told you that you were in labour.”

“Doctor, you also told me it could be a while and that the baby was turned the right way.”

The doctor looked at the Captain, “You never do anything the easy way do you?”

Kathryn gave her crooked half smile. “Never, and that’s part of my charm.”

“Well the baby looks okay, and you seem to be doing well considering you lost so much blood, tore from here to there and had a baby unexpectedly two weeks early without any intervention. Congratulations Captain.”

She picked up the baby. “Let’s go see daddy and tell him that everything is great with mommy and baby.”

She was walking down the halls when she ran into B’Elanna going home having just finished her shift in engineering. “So B’Elanna how’s my ship now that you’re back in charge?”

“Remind me Kathryn, never to leave Vorik in charge again.”

Kathryn looked at her best friend, “I’ve been meaning to ask you, did you ever find out why it took so long for them to get the manual override to work?”

B’Elanna smirked, “Let me just put it to you this way: Harry’s on deuterium maintenance for the next month.”

The girls laughed and went their separate ways, life was okay.


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