Name: Cantada Age: Adult Gender: Female Sire: Trihantha Dam: Jessica's very own Akea!=^.^= Siblings: Nexus Mate: Talix! Offspring: Azotus You wander into a cave,and stumble about blindly in it's many shadows til you find a lit torch on the wall.Standing next to it, an orange creature bursts out of the shadows and pins you to the wall."Who are you to dare enter my realm?",she says angrily, apparently completely ticked off."",you manage.Seeing that you are friend,not foe,she backs off slightly and introduces herself proper."I am Cantada,the first drigus to be mutated ever. I'm sorry I was so crude a second ago."She shows you her stat sheet,proclaiming her new marriage to Talix,and then she shows you another sheet."These are my genetics." Body: H*, d Tail: H, t Ears: d, d Head: D*, D* Feet: D*, T Spines: n, n Color: O, O Whiskers: N, y Mutation: y, y "Want to adopt a drigus like me?Well,not exactly like me,the chances of getting a mutated drigus are very slim,but you know what I mean.To go where I am adopted from,please click here."
"My dear,dear Talix gave me this.He promised me the moon,and made good on that promise!"
"This is a gift from Morgan.It's a beanie of me!Isn't it cool?"
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