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Us orks are large, brutal, and cruel in almost every way.   The successful ones then take it a step further.   Orkan culture is very warlike, with the orks themselves dividing up into tribes. We are also very strong and healthy as a result of the harsh and life that we lead.   Most erroneously believe that we lack the mental discipline and intelligence of other races, and that we are therefore unable to master some of the more demanding guilds and their skills.  As mentioned, those beliefs be wrong, and those with dem beliefs get pounded dead.  Generally we are over 6' in height, with olive drab, gray, or brownish skin, bulging muscles, tusks, and blood-shot red eyes. 

Allowed guilds: 

Dark Knights, Fighters, Occultists, War Wizards, Shadowthieves, Druids, Pyromancers, Shamans, Budokas,, Rangers, Wizards, Alchemists, Pirates, .
{Note: these are the guilds we have verified; others such as psionisists, and sorcerers may be possible.}

Trolls are the head-smashing, dung-tossing, killing machines of the Realms. Trolls live for two reasons: to cause pain and kill. Tearing living creatures limb from limb, then playing in the bloody remains is a favorite Troll pastime. The main fascination of the Troll is their own dung. It is not uncommon for both young and old to engage in wild fits of tossing and smearing their dung at each other. Trolls are one of the least intelligent and wise races in the Realms. Those few intellectual pursuits of Trolls mainly deal in those arts which focus on killing. Troll anatomy differs from any creature that walks the Realms. Their blood, although poisonous to nearly everything else, has properties that cause the Troll to recover from injury at an astounding rate. It is believed that somehow their skin absorbs some mystical element from the air to trigger this regeneration. Consequently, Trolls refuse to wear clothing or armor of any kind. To do so would be sacrilege. Trolls only survive by their extremely tough skin. It is said that as a Troll matures, their skin becomes increasingly resistant to various types of injury. Trolls look like taller skinny versions of Orks, without the tusks. It is not uncommon to for a Troll to grow over seven feet in height. Do not let their lanky figure deceive you, all have discovered them to be one of the most powerful races they have crossed paths with. 

Allowed guilds: 

See orks above.

Do you have the brains and the braun to be an Ork of  Tribe Akzar'gorak?

Cl'turk Guide

The Grey Ogre Smithy

Hef's Hole of Hell

Statue of Grummsh

Statue of Gerderg

Ork Newbie Guild and Arena Guard



Enter our home, the caves of Cl'Turk

Click here to join Tribe Urk'krak!

We have recently rediscovered the whereabouts of our Troll cousins.