My PictureHi, I'm Steve Whitford. I'm originally from Waltham MA, and have lived there since my birth December 2, 1978. My immediate family includes: my parents, Bonnie and Wayne, as well as a sister, Tracy is two years younger then me. I also have relatives in California, and Florida.

I am currently a Junior at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. I came to college for marine biology, I am the Computer Coordinator for the outing club, as well as the Biology association. I also have an on campus job at the school newspaper, the Umass Dartmouth Torch.

Here are some other Web pages I have worked on: UMass Dartmouth Outing Club, Waltham LEPC home page. I have another page, which is not limited by geocities loading time, and restrictions created by the watermark, Please take a look: Steve Whitford's Home Page (the REAL ONE).

As a College Student, I am always looking for a job. Here is my resume.
I have updated my site dramaticly. Click here to see changes.

I have many interests outside of school, including Babylon 5 and role playing games. Take a trip to my links page to see some of them...

I have many files from shows, and sources other then my own design. Please view my disclaimer/credits


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Please Email me at SWHITFORD AT and tell me how you found out about this site. Or if you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to follow the above link (the one on my name), or go to my survey and tell me what you think.

If the links don't work, my server at school, where all the files are is down. Click here to see a list of files on Geocities and other sites.

Bitchin Quote of the day:
*they are 'you have to be there' kind of quotes