Personal Information
Full Name:  Nathaniel Aaron Miller
Maritial Status:  Married for 4 years
Children: One girl 3 years old
Occupation:  Professional Student
School Major:  Fine art in Sculpture
School Minor: Anthropology
Likes: History, Art, Heavy Metle, Beautiful Women, Food, Sex, Cool People, Armour, Armour, Armour, oh sorry, Star Wars, Cool Stuff, and Pepermint
Dislikes:  Goobs, Country Music, Math, Meen People, Soap Operas, Pro Wrestling, Republicans, Democrats, Americana,  Pepsi Co.,  Old people who can't drive insisting they can,  Lack of public transit, Polution, Organized Religion, Cults, Drugs, Drug laws, Guns, Gun laws, Personal information list, and lint.
Religion:  What do I look stupid to you? um don't answer that.
Outlook on life: Medium Rare