Want'a Chat?
I love to meet new people! I am very friendly with everyone I
meet! I can be found in numerous chat sights. I have them listed by those I visit most
often! Feel free to try them all and good luck finding me!
The Realm is one of the mold-breaking games out that is actually a On-Line RPG/Chat
server! Here at their Net sight they included a small Demo your can download to talk, play
and learn the Realm before buying it! It's in 4 or 5 parts, each part is between 3 - 5MB
each. You can also Register for a 30-day Trial Membership or order the CD and a year
Membership for $49.95. Check it all out! You'll find me here under the handle PhoenixFyre
and on Gossip Channel 233, with my Guild friends of EAoL! (/join 233)
The Palace is one of the neatest virtual chat sights I've seen. You start out with a
Smiley-face Avatar you can add props to for character. You can download the program for
free and visted endlessly as a Guest or you can spend $25 to register and give yourself a
handle and open up alot more options on the program, including making your own orginal
Avatar. I spend my time at the Main Palace Mansion or at Firebird's Forest. (This link connects Netscape
user with palace installed directly to Firebird's, IE user will have to manually enter the
addy: fire-bird.com port:9998). Keep your eyes and ears open for a Mt. Valcana Palace in
the future.
Chron X is another Net Game. This one is a Card game. If you've played Magic,
NetRunner or any other Collectable Card game, you'll have an idea how to place this one.
Check it all out! You'll find me here under the handle PhoenixFyre!
The Web
Broadcasting System is a sight I like to visit. They have
many rooms and people. You do require an email address to get in and a handle can only be
used by one person so you may have to become very creative. I can be found in RPG Chat,
College Chat, or any place that seems interesting. MY local handles are Lord_Phoenix,
Phoenix-alpha, or Krys_Wolf! This sight is also set with the
"Frames" format, so be sure to use Netscape 2.0 or higher!
The Chat House is a pretty Cool sight to hang out at! Four floors and lots of places!
You will most likely find me on the East Wing in the Garden or on the Balcony!
Bianca's Smutt
Shack is one of my first hangouts! My good friend MacLoed
and I are most noted to be in the Guest Parlor, but I can be seen jumping all over
the Shack.
Dark Angel has an extention to it known as the Sanctuary. In there you will
find a Shrine (for Lovers), a Convent (Ladies only), a Monestary (for
Men only), a Garden (for gathering and "entertainment"), a Dungeon
(for Hurting the ones you Love), and a Pub (for general conversations). I most
prefer the Garden! This sight is watched over by Sir Magic and his
Important Notice: All residence of Mt. Valcana
honor all the rules and regulation set forth by Webmasters at their sights. Please be sure
to do the same!