
Screaming bridge

Six Flags Over Texas

Abrams St.
Hangman's Tree

Screaming Bridge

          According to legend, there were these Arlington High School girls  that were out after a movie and "partying" as it were, when they decided to drive down to the Trinity River bottoms. The river bottoms are infamous because it is isolated, dark, hidden, often the place murder victims are found, and so on.  I may be a little fuzzy on some of this, so if I need correcting, please tell me. Anyway, the girls decided to be scary, and drive in the dark down a dirt road. Well, it was hard to see that the bridge was out, as in no longer there. The bridge was not that high, however when the girls went off the bridge it killed 3 of the 6 girls that were in the car

      As a kid I remember going down to the bridge, which was permanently blocked to any kind of traffic. I never stayed that long due to the "Devil Worshipers", or motorcycle gangs hanging out down there. At least that's what everybody said those strange people at the bridge were.  Anyway, at times people went out there to make-out, due to its infamous history and all, and they would report hearing chilling screams coming from the opposite side of the bridge.  The story goes that if you go out to the bridge at night, that you will hear the girls screaming right at midnight, especially on the anniversary of their death.  I never managed to be around at midnight, but there are people who swear to this.

    I read an article a while ago that stated that the place most people thought was screaming bridge, was not the bridge that the girls went off. I never got any conformation on this, but I have marked it on the map anyway, just for reference.  No. 1 is where I always heard it happened, no. 2 is where this article in the paper said it happened

DMN artical about the incident


Six Flags Over Texas

    About 15 years ago when I first started at Six Flags, I would catch occasional stories about the ghost that roamed six flags, well I never paid to much attention because 15-17 year olds tend to exaggerate on there story telling ( No offense to my young buds ). There were several consistencies to the stories though, the ghost was a little girl that had lived there on the farm that was the land Six Flags is now on, and she drowned.  I have heard she was murdered and thrown down a well that used to be there, I have also heard that she fell down the well and drowned, but I established a little girl died in the early 1900s, around the family well, other than that the stories were varied.

   I shuffled around the work force for a while and during a layoff period I applied back out at Six Flags, and got a job as a full time security officer, this is about 3 years ago. I worked there until recently, but during the time I spent there, I heard some really wild stories from reputable adults about this spirit, as well as some wild experiences myself.
      When I first started as an officer, I was inquisitive and asked a lot of questions, after about a month I remembered the old stories of the ghost that used to be here, so I asked my favorite superior if he knew of any such stories ( this was my sergeant who had been there 18 years ), he stopped what he was doing, looked at me as serious as he could, and said "Don't fu** with Amy, and don't bad mouth her".  Obviously I was intrigued.   I asked for his version of the story, and it was as close to what I remembered all those years ago, except there were a few things I was unaware of.  The farm house that the little girl lived in with her parents, was one of only two buildings still remaining from the farm that was bought by Six Flags in the 50's.  It is now the Candy Kitchen in Texas section, just to the right of "The Giant" entrance.  This is an old building made of wood, that is relatively small, with a little 2nd story room on the left. The little second story room was Amy's. It is used only as storage now, and the only way to get to it is a flight of stairs on the outside of the building.
     As far as we could tell Amy was afraid of the dark, because when we would make our rounds at night locking up, and turning off lights, we would notice that all the lights in the area are out except 1, the little 2nd story room.  Well, we would walk in there and turn the light off, and continue on our rounds. As we would make our way around the park we would notice that we forgot a light, as we got closer, we realized it was Amy's light in her room that was back on. I did not go back to turn it off again.

     One night a maintenance man was working shortly after the park closed about 12:00am, he noticed out of the corner of his eye this little girl standing in the middle of the bridge. Assuming this was a lost little girl from the days operation, he walked up to her and asked if she was lost. She said no, and ducked out of sight. Thinking that she was being just a rambunctious little kid, he called security to find her and get her to her parents, needless to say no one ever saw or heard anything of the little girl that night. The maintenance man swears it was a little girl as real as you and me, but she was never found, or reported missing by anyone.

     This was told to me second hand, but all the veteran officers said that it did happen.  One night while the officers were locking up the park, they were making their second round through Loony Land. It was dark, and still, just like we like it!  As the officers were leaving the area, the little boat ride "came on" lights, movement and all. If you have ever worked out at Six Flags or visited, you probably know that rides cannot be started or moved without keys to turn on the switchboard. There were no keys in the control panel.  Maintenance was called the next morning to check out a possible short, or something, and found nothing at all, the ride continued fine from then on.

Myths about Six Flags

   I have  always heard that a visitor was bit by a water moccasin in the cave ride, and subsequently died from it.  This is not true. No visitor has ever died at Six Flags since it has been open.  Let me say though, that a man had a heart attack out there and died later, but he was not at the park at the time of death. Also a maintenance man was working on El Sombrero one morning, the ride started up and he was decapitated That is why they say that the Mexico section is haunted as well.

        A girl fell out of the Shockwave and lost both her arms, but she is still alive.
