
Check this out

This are some of my favorites chat rooms
Estos son mys cuartos de chateo favoritos

alysma is a really cool world in wich u can have fun
building your house or decorating it and at the same time
make friends and chat.
This is one of my favorites get away...

Vzones is the ultimate chat world
you can choose from 2 diferent worlds to join
dream scape and new horizone.
Join a fantasy world of your own.
you can rent an apartment and decorate
at the same time make friends and chat
or just play games and have fun and win prizes.
This is my other favorite get away...

This is my favorite recipe's page
Esta es mi pagina favorita para encontrar recetas mexicanas


This is my favorite place to find authentic mexican recipies


This is where i got all the graphics and bacgrounds for my pages
please note that this page is still
under construction the frog to go to my dragon racing page...
(hotlist) the frog to go back to main page...
...presiona la rana para volver a la primera pagina...

(hotlist) below to see my slots scores page...

...presiona la rana para ver mi pagina de scores ...

(hotlist) below to learn about my business ...

...presiona la foto para saber de mi negocio...
