Most Unlikely of Friends

Most Unlikely of Friends

" MAXIMALS," Terrorsaur yelled.

" Shall we attack," Swindle asked an evil smile spreading across his face. The Predacons patrol consisted of six which was being lead by Terrorsaur. The group consisted of Inferno, Swindle, Waspinator, Thunderwing, and Ravage.

" What do you think," Terrorsaur spoke sarcasticly. " ATTACK!" The six Predacons descended from the rocky ledge to attack the group of Maximals below. Both groups were looking for a downed pod.

" Predacons," Airraid yelled as they all dove for cover as the Predacons fired at them. Positioned behind a rock Airraid pulled out her plasma cannon and fired a blast at Inferno. The blast missed by a couple of inches, but this got the red ant seeing red.

" You shall pay for that Maximal witch," Inferno snarled as he fired at Airraid. " BUUUUUUURRRRRNNNN!!" Seeing the blast coming start for her Airraid leapt out of the way at the last minute. She picking herself up off of the ground, breaking into a run she dove behind large rock that Rattrap was behind.

" How'd we get so lucky," Rattrap spoke saracasticly as he fired at the approaching Swindle who dodged behind a rock.

Airraid looked around and saw Terrorsaur sneaking up on Cheetor and Shadow from the air. Taking off into the air, transforming she prepared to meet the Predacon one on one. Terrorsaur saw the Maximal coming at him and opened fire, which she dodged. Airraid transformed to robot mode and returned fire with her own weapon. The two continued their aerial duel to see which was better.

" You're good Maximal," Terrorsaur spoke as he fired again," but not as good as me." Airraid managed to dodge the blast.

Aiming her cannon at the Predacon," And you talk too much," firing repeatedly the several of the blasts found their mark, and Terrorsaur was knocked from the sky. Airraid watched as he hit the groound the hard way, but she failed to notcie both Waspinator and Inferno approaching behind her until it was too late. She took several hits, and the last one knocked out her thrusters sending her spiraling to the ground.

" Hey, no one does that to Airraid," Rattrap yelled as he and the other Maximals fired on the two airborne Predacons. The two dodged the blasts, but took some hits. In the distance there was a low rumbling sound coming from the northeast. Both sides ceased fire and turned their attention to the appraoching strom.

"Another time Maximals," Thunderwing yelled out as he and the Predacons retreated back to their base, minus one.

" Rattrap what are we going to do," Cheetor asked as he limped over to Rattrap. " We can't just leave Airraid out here, not with an energon storm coming. Plus, we didn't even find the pod." Rattrap remained silent.

" I can't help that," Rattrap answered, he was also worried about their teammate. Looking at the group he saw that they were in no condition to go out and search for either Airraid or the downed pod.

" Listen, guys," the totally black form of Shadow spoke," 'Raid can take care of herself." He knew what he was talking about since he and Airraid were twins. " Right now we have to get back to base before our circuits become even more damaged." Holding his injured right arm, which had exposed wires that were sparking.

" Cheetor, Shadow's right," Dinobot spoke," Airraid is a warrior and is capable of taking care of herself." Since the decision was unanimous they injured group of Maximals returned to Axalon. Airraid I hope you are alright, Rattrap said to himself as he was being repaired in the CR chamber.

Back near the site of the battle, the wounded Maximal known as Airraid slowly rose to her feet, swaying alittle as she did so. Pressing a button on her left arm a holographic computer readout appeared giving her an over all systems check:




CIRCUITS: 75% and falling


FUEL: 75% and falling




Great, thought Airraid as she shut down the read-out. I have to find shelter before the storm hits. Scanning the area she saw a cave enterance nearby. Slowly, she made her way favoring her right leg, which had been damaged when she fell. Reaching the cave just as the energy storm hit with its full intensity. Standing near the enterance Airraid watched the storm raging outside unaware that she was not alone in the cave. A shadow moved forward slowly as if it was severly injured.

" As if this day couldn't get any worse," the shadow snarled. Airraid spun around ignoring the pain and came face to face with the shadow.

After the five Maximals gave their report to Primal once they were repaired Optimus sent out a transmission to Iacon II. As he was talking to Callista the transmission was starting to break up a sign that the storm was getting near. Callista reassured Primal that Airraid can take care of herself in any situation, then the transmission broke as the storm hit Axalon.

Back inside the cave with her weapon drawn Airraid faced the shadow. The shadow moved into the flashing light from the strom which revealed the form of Terrorsaur.

" Of all the caves on this planet I have to be stuck in here with a Maximal," he sneered as he clutched his midsection which had a gaping hole in it.

" Well its no picnic being stuck here with a Pred," Airraid spat as a painful spasm tore through her circuits causing her to drop her weapon. Terrorsaur smirked as he tried to dive for the weapon, but he too was overcome with pain. The Predacon slumped down to the floor, before going into stasis lock the last thing he remebered was Airraid leaning over him, then everything went black.

Approximately, two hours later Terrorsaur regained consciouness to find that most of his wounds had been repaired. Slowly he leaned up against the wall of the cave opposite Airraid who was sitting with her weapon laying across her legs.

" You repaired me, why," Terrorsaur spoke, Airraid turned her head slowly to Terrorsaur. She looked at him with a strange look on her face.

" Because I am not like you," she answered soflty, " that's the difference between us." Terrorsaur her shake alittle as if she was cold, then he noticed that she had not fully repaired herself. They sat for awhile in silence in the darkness of the cave with only the light from the storm flashing.