Welcome to my Guestbook! Please come back again and bring some friends along to visit as well. If you have any ideas about how I could improve my site, please feel free to e-mail me or leave a note in my guest book.

Lt. Robert Milton - 10/14/00 23:24:10
My URL:http://www.outpost10f.com
My Email:ltcmdr_milton@hotmail.com

Greetings Your site is very good, keep up the good work. I would also like to take this oppertunity to inform you of a Sci-Fi chat called Outpost10F. Outpost10F is the largest Sci-Fi online community with over 7700 members from all over the world. It features, four chats, one with a Star Wars based theme and three based on Star Trek, also ranking and promotion system is a part of our community. We also have Trivia nights, simms and departments to join. I hope to see you there. :)

Levin Imp - 08/05/00 14:03:29
My URL:http://escape.to/levins_neverscape
Favorite TV Shows or Movies: Porno flicks
Other Hobbies: making bad shit happen
Occupation: Evil Super Villain
How did you hear about my site?: typed "suck ass" into search engine
Where are you from?: City of Dis


Causing a lil' chaos here and there, and wreaking havok on the fabric of human destiny since 1997.

Krissy - 07/30/00 18:04:23
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/GyspyQueen/MyBostonCelticsPage
My Email:GyspyQueen@webtv.net
Favorite TV Shows or Movies: Halloween, X-Files
Favorite Sports Teams: RED SOX, Celtics, and Cowboys
Other Hobbies: collecting things
Occupation: Health aid
How did you hear about my site?: from you
Where are you from?: Massachusetts

GREAT SITE!!! Thanks for signing my guestbook!!!

Robert Milton - 07/26/00 21:05:12
My URL:http://www.outpost10f.com
My Email:ltcmdr_milton@hotmail.com
Favorite TV Shows or Movies: Star Trek :)
Favorite Sports Teams: FBK (hockey team in Sweden) And offcourse Toronto Maple Leafs :)
Other Hobbies: Cooking
Occupation: Cook
What did you think about my site?: Great :)

Greetings \V/ Your site is very good, keep up the good work. I would alos like to take this oppertunity to inform you of a Star Trek chat called Outpost10F. Outpost10F is the largest Star Trek online community with over 7300 members from all over the world. It features, four chats, one with a Star Wars based theme, ranking and promotion system. We also have Trivia nights, simms and departments to join. I hope to see you there.

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