
This site was originally started as a class assignment. It has grown to become much more. The subject for my project was very easy to decide. I have always been fascinated by Frank Herbert's masterpiece and the internet is the perfect way to share Dune with everyone around the world. Concepts like those portrayed in Dune are so meaningful that they bring us, the virtual community, together. I hope that this website will be beneficial to those who seek it out. Dune came to fascinate me in a different fashion than many other fans. When the movie was release in 1984, I was nine or ten years old and my parents bought me the "Dune Storybook". Ever since, I have enjoyed the film, but it wasn't until I was about seventeen years old that I read the six books, all in a row, and I was blown away. Since than I have sought out all things that dealt with Dune and its creator Frank Herbert. It is comforting to know that although the genius behind the work is gone, his creation lives on.

This page is currently under major construction, in the year since it was made, many links have been broken and there are some things that I've never been happy with in the first place. I expect that the clean-up will take quite a while, and I'm sorry for the mess. You may have noticed already some of the changes including the addition of sound, new backgrounds and logos. Most importantly, I hope to really improve the content of this page. If you find any errors or broken links, I would appreciate an e-mail telling me of the problem.
Site Administrator: Michael Weinman
Member of the Dune Web Ring, see details in the Links section!
You are fighter # to join the Jihad since my move to Geocities.
Last updated on February 17, 2004.
NEWSFLASH!for the latest.

herbert cover poster
ccg chain thumb
globe story toy

Comments? E-mail me

Pround to be Canadian!